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Production Part Approval Process
The purpose is to provide the evidence that all customer design and specification requirements are properly understood by the organisation and that the manufacturing process has the potential to produce product consistently meeting these requirements during an actual production run at the quoted production rate.

PPAP Applicability
PPAP shall apply to internal and external organisation sites supplying production parts, service parts, production materials or bulk materials.

Submission of PPAP
TDL shall obtain approval from the authorised customer for: 1) A new part or product ( e.g. , a specific part, material, or colour not
previously supplied to the customer). 2) Correction of a discrepancy on a previously submitted part. 3) Product modified by an engineering change to design records, spec, or materials. 4) Section 3 new tooling, process layout

PPAP Process Requirements


Significant Production Run

For production parts product for PPAP shall be from a significant production run. This would be from 1 hour to 8 hours of production with a minimum of 300 CONSECUTIVE parts. It needs to be produced at the production site to the agreed rate using production tooling, gauging, production processes, production materials and production operators

Note: If any part of the spec cannot be met, TDL must document their corrective action and contact the customer for approval.

PPAP Requirements
1) Design Record

This is normally an engineering drawing, or

CAD model, in the event of a CAD model a hard copy must be submitted within the pack.
2) Reporting of Part Material Composition TDL needs to provide evidence that the material composition reporting that is required by the customer has been completed for the part and that the reported data complies with all customer-specific requirements. 2a) A customer may ask have you entered information on IMDS ( International Materials Data System)

PPAP Requirements
2) Engineering Change Documents, if any any changes
made to the product that have not been updated on the design record must be recorded and submitted.

3) Customer Engineering Approval, if required where

specified the customer will require engineering approval.

4) Design FMEA If TDL have design responsibility (they designed

the product) a Design Failure Mode Effects Analysis document shall be completed.

PPAP Requirements
5) Process Flow Diagrams This is a document that clearly
identifies the process that produces the production product in its sequence meeting the customers needs, requirements and expectations. The customer may insist on using their documentation.

6) Process FMEA TDL must develop a process FMEA in

accordance with, and complaint to , customer specified requirements, the customer may state a RPN value (risk priority number), a generic FMEA maybe used when similar processes are used eg, foundry.

PPAP Requirements
7) Control Plan TDL must have a control plan that defines all
methods used for process control and any other customer specified requirements. Control plan approval maybe required by certain customers on the suppliers site.
7a) Prototype (when required) A list of tests, evaluations and their associated specs/ tolerances used to assess at development stage. 7b) Pre-launch Documentation of products/process control characteristics, process controls affecting special characteristics, associated tests, and measurement systems employed during production ramp up prior to start of production. 7c) Production as 7b but during normal production, additional checks maybe added

PPAP Requirements
8) Measurement System Analysis Studies TDL must
conduct MSA studies , e.g. gauge R&R, bias linearity, stability for all new or modified gauges, measurement and test equipment.

9) Dimensional Results TDL will provide evidence that

dimensional assessments required by the design record and control plan have been carried and indicate compliance with requirements. The assessments will be conducted on unique manufacturing process, e.g., cells or production lines and all cavities, moulds, patterns or dies, all dimensions must be recorded and all notes on the design record confirmed. The report must identify the date and level of the design record and any authorised engineering change document not yet incorporated into the design record.

PPAP Requirements
10) Material, Performance Test Results TDL must have
records of material and or performance test results for test specified on the design record or control plan.

11) Initial Process Studies The level of IPC or performance shall

be determined to be acceptable prior to submission for all special characteristics designated by the customer. The supplier should obtain customer acceptance on the index for estimating IPC prior to submission. 11a) Where no SCs have been identified, the customer reserves the right to require demonstration of IPC on other characteristics. I t focuses on variable not attribute data. 11b) They are short term studies and will not predict the effects of time and variation in people, materials, methods, equipment, the data needs to be collected in the order produced. 11c) Minimum subgroup of 25 containing at least 100 readings from consecutive parts of the production run.

PPAP Requirements
12) Qualified Laboratory Documentation Inspection and
testing must be performed by a qualified lab as defined by customer requirements. The qualified lab, internal or external to TDL must have a scope and documentation showing that the lab is qualified for the type of measurements or tests conducted.

13) Appearance Approval Report (AAR) A separate AAR

shall be completed for each part or series of parts if the product/part has appearance requirements on the design record. Note: AAR typically applies only for parts with colour, grain or surface appearance requirements.

PPAP Requirements
14) Sample Production Parts TDL shall provide sample product
as specified by customer.

15) Master Sample TDL must retain a master sample for the same
period of time as the production part approvals records or a) until a new master sample is produced for the same customer part number for customer approval or if control plan has reference to one. The sample must show customer approval date, samples should be included for each impression or tool, if sample is too large the requirement can be waived by customer.

PPAP Requirements
. 16) Checking Aids If requested by the customer, TDL shall submit
with the PPAP submission any part specific assembly or component checking aid. TDL must certify that all aspects of the aid agree with part dimensional requirements. TDL must document all released engineering changes that have been incorporated in the checking aid at time of submission. A preventive maintenance of the aid for the life of the aid shall be implemented.

17) Customer-Specific Requirements TDL shall have records

of compliance to all applicable customer-specific requirements, an example would be the Perkins specs

PPAP Requirements
18) Part Submission Warrant (PSW)
Upon completion of all PPAP requirements, TDL shall complete the PSW . A separate PSW shall be completed for each customer part number unless otherwise agreed to by the authorised customer representative.

18a) Part Weight TDL must record on the PSW the part weight of
the part as shipped, measured and expressed in kilograms to 4 decimal places (0.000) unless otherwise specified by the customer.

Customer Notification
TDL shall notify the customer rep of any planned changes to the design, process or site, examples below, 1) use of other construction or materials. 2) Modified tooling, moulds, patterns including replacement tooling. 3) production line modification. 4) Transfer of tooling to different site. 5) Change of supplier, non-equivalent material including services e.g., heat treating. 6) Production off tooling that has been inactive for twelve months or more. 7) Change to inspection/ test method.

Part Submission Status

Upon approval of the submission, the organisation shall assure that future production continues to meet all customer requirements.

Approved Approved indicates that the part , including all subcontractors, meets all customer requirements.

Interim Approval Interim approval permits shipment of production

requirements on a limited time qty basis.

Rejected Rejected means that the PPAP submission does not meet
customer requirements , based on production lot from which it was taken.

PPAP Requirements
At the first sales visit the information to be gathered is as follows,
1) Level of PPAP 2) Sample submission qtys 3) ISIR requirements 4) Use the 18 list checklist

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