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1.f = {(4, 5), (-1,4), (3,-2), (0,6)

2.f(x) = 4x-6
3.f(x) = +1

What is a Polynomial?
Polynomial is made up of two terms, namely Poly (meaning “many”) and Nominal
(meaning “terms.”). A polynomial is defined as an expression which is composed of
variables, constants and exponents, that are combined using mathematical operations
such as addition, subtraction, multiplication and division (No division operation by a

Based on the number of terms present in the expression, it is classified as monomial,

binomial, and trinomial. Examples of constants, variables and exponents are as follows:

•Constants. Example: 1, 2, 3, etc.

•Variables. Example: g, h, x, y, etc.
•Exponents: Example: 5 in x5 etc.
Standard Form of a Polynomial
P(x) = anxn + an-1xn-1 +an-2xn-2 + ………………. + a1x + a0
Where an, an-1, an-2, ……………………, a1, a0 are called coefficients of xn, xn-1, xn-2,
….., x and constant term respectively and it should belong to real number (⋲ R).

The polynomial function is denoted by P(x) where x represents the variable. For
P(x) = x2-5x+11
If the variable is denoted by a, then the function will be P(a)
Degree of a Polynomial
The degree of a polynomial is defined as the highest exponent of a monomial within a
polynomial. Thus, a polynomial equation having one variable which has the largest
exponent is called a degree of the polynomial.
Terms of a Polynomial
The terms of polynomials are the parts of the expression that are generally separated
by “+” or “-” signs. So, each part of a polynomial in an expression is a term. For
example, in a polynomial, say, 2x2 + 5 +4, the number of terms will be 3. The
classification of a polynomial is done based on the number of terms in it.
Types of Polynomials
Depending upon the number of terms, polynomials are divided into the following

•Polynomial containing 4 terms (Quadronomial)
•Polynomial containing 5 terms (pentanomial ) and so on …

These polynomials can be combined using addition, subtraction, multiplication, and

division but is never divided by a variable. A few examples of Non Polynomials are:
1/x+2, x-3
A monomial is an expression which contains only one term. For an expression to be a
monomial, the single term should be a non-zero term. A few examples of monomials

A binomial is a polynomial expression which contains exactly two terms. A binomial
can be considered as a sum or difference between two or more monomials. A few
examples of binomials are:
•– 5x+3,
•6a4 + 17x
A trinomial is an expression which is composed of exactly three terms. A few examples
of trinomial expressions are:
•– 8a4+2x+7
•4x2 + 9x + 7
Directions: Answer the problem involving real life representation of rational equation.

Activity 1: IncrediBULB Installation

An ISELCO I lineman takes 2 hours to plant 500 streetlight bulbs. An ISELCO II

lineman takes 3 hours to plant 450 streetlight bulbs.
a. Working together, how long should it take them to plant 1500 bulbs?
b. If a MERALCO lineman who can install 400 streetlight bulbs in two hour replaced the
ISELCO II lineman in the installation, how long does it take for them to install 1500
streetlight bulb?
c. Working together, how long does it take for the three linemen to install 2000 streetlight
Activity 2:Paint Paint De SaraPaint

Sarah, Ara and Shar can paint a room together. If Ara does the job alone she can paint
the room in 5 hours. If Shar works alone, he can paint the room in 6 hours. Sarah can
paint the room in 7 hours.

a. If Shar and Ara work together, how long does it take for them to finish painting the
b. If Sarah and Ara work together, how long does it take for them to finish painting the
c. If Shar and Sarah work together, how long does it take for them to finish painting the
d. If the three work together, how long does it take for them to paint the room?
Activity 3: PETER, PIPE and POOL

1. Peter’s house owns a pool. Later that day Peter decided to take a bath using that pool
but in order to swim he must fill the pool with water. The pool has two pipes. One pipe
can fill a pool 1.5 times faster than a second pipe. If both pipes are open, the pool can
be filled in 6 hours. If only the slower pipe is open, how long would it take to fill the
Answer: It takes 3 hours and 20 minutes for the two linemen to plant 1500 streetlight bulbs.
Answer: It takes 3 hours and 20 minutes for the two linemen to plant 1500 streetlight

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