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What is web development ?

Web development refers to the creating, building and mainting of websites

or web applications that run online on a browser.
How Many types of web developers there
are ?
🞂 Front-end Developer
🞂 Back end Developer
🞂 Full-stack developer
Our Main tools for building a websites
are ?
🞂 HTML (HyperText of mark of language)
🞂 CSS ( Cascading style Sheet)
🞂 Javascript
Different kind of languages ?
🞂 Markup languages 🞂 Programming languages

🞂 Markup languages prepare a structure 🞂 Programming language is a formal

for the data or prepare the look or language that contain a set of commands
design of a page. These are the and syntax to create software programs
presentatioal languages and they
don’t include any kind of logic or

HTML Javascript
CSS( Cascading style sheet)
🞂 CSS is not a Programming language, it is style sheet language that we use to tell
the browser what we want our HTML look like.
How to add Javascript to HTML ?
🞂 Internal code: Adding the JavaScript code between a pair of <script>...</script> tag
🞂 Inline code: Placing JavaScript code directly inside HTML tags using some special attributes.
🞂 External file: Making a separate JavaScript file having .js as an extension.

🞂 <script> alert(“ Welcome to Ambitiouslifz“); </script>

🞂 <button onclick="alert(‘ Welcome to Ambitiouslifz ‘ )">Welcome Message</button>

🞂 <script src=“main.js"></script>
Variables in Javacsrpt
🞂 Variable is a container for storing data values those are

🞂 var – ES5
🞂 let – ES6
🞂 const – ES6

🞂 var is a function scope

🞂 let, const are block scope
🞂 var can be updatable and redeclared
🞂 let can be updatable but not redeclared
🞂 const can not be updatable and can not be redeclared
🞂 var a = 4
console.log(“ value of a is “ a )

🞂 var a = 8
console.log(“ value of a is “ a )

🞂 let b = 4
// b=5
console.log(“ value of b is “ b )
🞂 const c = 4
🞂 // c=5

console.log(“ value of c is “ c )
Javascript Datatypes
🞂 In JavaScript there are two types of Data types
those are
1. Primitive Data types
2. Non – Primitive Data types

Primitive data types that can not be change they are immutable those are
3. String (“ Javascript”)
4. Number ( 1,2,3,4,5)
5. Boolean ( true or false)
6. Undefined
7. Null
Non-primitive data types are mutable the value can be change
8. Array
9. Object
🞂 Var name = “Ambitiouslifz” - string
🞂 Var a =10 – number

🞂 Var b =10 - Boolean

🞂 Var c = 5
🞂 Console.log(b<c)
🞂 Console.log(b>c)

🞂 Undefined - A variable which is not assigned a value is undefined

for E.g. – let y;
console.log(typeof y)
Null - when you have a variable or object which you want to make it empty then you assign null
to variable
Null meanse nothing
🞂 let x = null
🞂 console.log(x)
**. What will be the output of undefined==null and
let x ;
let x ; let y = null
let y = null console.log(x===y)
Strict equality

Undefined and null are primitive

data type
Valid and Invalid variable Names
🞂 We can use 🞂 We can’t use

🞂 var firstName 🞂 var first Name

🞂 var _firstName 🞂 var first-Name
🞂 var 2firstName
🞂 var firstName2

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