Lesson 4

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Lesson 4

Environmental Policy and

Learning Objectives
• Create an effective environmental policy
• Understand the significance of environmental planning
• Conduct environmental aspects and impacts assessments
Writing an Environmental Policy
Definition of Terms:
• Environmental Policy: A formal statement or document that outlines
an organization's commitment to environmental sustainability and its
goals and objectives regarding environmental protection.
• Policy Statement: A concise declaration of the organization's
commitment to environmental responsibility and principles.
Real-world examples of environmental policy statements from various
1.Apple Inc.:
Apple is committed to ensuring that working conditions in Apple's supply
chain are safe, that workers are treated with respect and dignity, and that
manufacturing processes are environmentally responsible.
IKEA aims to create a better everyday life for the many people. We do this by
offering a wide range of well-designed, functional home furnishing products
that are produced with care for the environment.
Walmart's goal is to achieve zero waste in our own operations and recycle,
reuse or repurpose 100% of our waste by 2025.
4. Google:
We are committed to renewable energy, efficient operations, and using data and
information to help our employees, partners, and users make the most of their
5. Ford Motor Company:
At Ford, we have a long history of developing and implementing vehicle
technologies that are both green and sustainable. Our goal is to continue building
a stronger, more sustainable future by investing in electric vehicles, advanced
manufacturing processes, and reducing our environmental footprint.
6. Starbucks:
Starbucks is committed to a role of environmental leadership in all facets of our
business. We fulfill this mission by a commitment to: Understanding of
environmental issues and sharing information with our partners, consistent with
our business needs; Developing innovative and flexible solutions to bring about
change; Striving to buy, sell and use environmentally friendly products;
Recognizing that fiscal responsibility is essential to our environmental future.
Key Elements of Policy Statements
• The essential components of a policy statement include:
• Title
• Purpose
• Scope
• Definitions
• Policy statement
• Responsibilities
• Procedures
• Compliance and enforcement
• Review and revision
• Effective date
For example, a policy statement on attendance might include:
• Title: “Attendance Policy”
• Purpose: “To ensure that employees are punctual and reliable”. All employees are
subject to this policy. Compliance is mandatory.
• Definitions: “Absence: any period of time when an employee is not present at
• Policy Statement: “Employees are expected to be punctual and reliable”
• Responsibilities: “Employees are responsible for arriving to work on time”
• Procedures: “Employees must notify their supervisor if they are going to be late”
• Compliance and Enforcement: “Employees who are late will be subject to
disciplinary action”
• Review and Revision: “This policy will be reviewed annually”
• Effective Date:
[Environmental Management Policy Statement]

1. Purpose:
The purpose of this Environmental Management Policy is to establish [Company
Name]'s commitment to environmental stewardship, outlining our principles, practices,
and responsibilities for minimizing our environmental impact.

2. Scope:
This policy applies to all [Company Name] facilities, employees, contractors, and
suppliers, and it covers all aspects of our operations, products, and services.

3. Definitions:
- **Environmental Impact:** The effect of [Company Name]'s activities, products, and
services on the environment.
- **Sustainability:** Practices that meet the needs of the present without
compromising the ability of future generations to meet their needs.
4. Policy Statement:
[Company Name] is committed to environmental sustainability. We will:
- Comply with all applicable environmental laws, regulations, and standards.
- Continuously improve our environmental performance by reducing waste,
conserving resources, and minimizing emissions.
- Promote sustainable sourcing, eco-friendly product design, and responsible waste
- Educate our employees and stakeholders on environmental responsibilities and
best practices.
- Periodically assess our environmental objectives and targets to ensure alignment
with our commitment to sustainability.
5. Responsibilities:
- **Environmental Department:** Responsible for developing and implementing
environmental management systems.
- **Employees:** Responsible for adhering to environmental guidelines, reporting
environmental incidents, and actively participating in sustainability initiatives.

6. Procedures:
Detailed procedures for specific environmental management tasks, such as waste
disposal, energy conservation, and emissions reduction, will be outlined in separate
documents and made available to relevant personnel.
7. Compliance and Enforcement:
Non-compliance with this policy may result in disciplinary action, up to and including
termination. [Company Name] will conduct regular audits to ensure compliance.

8. Review and Revision:

This policy will be reviewed annually by the Environmental Department and revised
as necessary to reflect changes in regulations, standards, or company practices.

9. Effective Date:
Effective Date: [Insert Date]


[End of Policy]
Environmental Planning and Goal Setting
Definition of Terms:
• Environmental Planning: The process of developing strategies,
programs, and actions to achieve environmental goals and objectives.
• Goal Setting: The establishment of specific, measurable, achievable,
relevant, and time-bound (SMART) objectives to guide environmental
• Environmental Goals
Examples of environmental goals, such as reducing carbon emissions,
conserving water resources, or minimizing waste.
• SMART Goals: Demonstrations of SMART criteria applied to
environmental goals.
1. Goal: Reduce Carbon Emissions
Specific: This goal is specific because it clearly targets carbon emissions
reduction, which is a well-defined environmental concern.
Measurable: Carbon emissions can be quantified in terms of metric tons of CO2
or equivalent gases, making it measurable.
Achievable: Achievability depends on the organization's current emissions levels
and the feasibility of implementing emission reduction strategies, such as
transitioning to renewable energy sources or improving energy efficiency.
Relevant: Reducing carbon emissions is relevant to combating climate change, a
pressing global issue.
Time-bound: A timeframe is set, such as "Reduce carbon emissions by 20% by
2030," which makes the goal time-bound.
Environmental Aspects and Impacts Assessment

• Environmental Aspects: Identifiable elements of an organization's

activities, products, or services that interact with the environment.
• Environmental Impacts: The consequences, both positive and
negative, of environmental aspects on the environment.
Real-world examples of how various organizations conduct
assessments and manage their environmental aspects and
1. Tech Company with Data Centers:
• Assessment: A technology company with data centers assesses its environmental
aspects by analyzing the energy usage, cooling systems, and electronic waste
generated by its data centers.
• Management: To mitigate impacts, the company implements advanced cooling
technologies, transitions to renewable energy sources, and recycles outdated
servers and equipment.
2.Hospitality Chain:
• Assessment: A global hotel chain conducts environmental assessments at its
properties worldwide, examining water and energy consumption, waste
generation, and local environmental regulations.
• Management: The chain adopts energy-efficient lighting, water-saving
fixtures, and waste reduction initiatives in its hotels. It also complies with
local environmental laws and supports community sustainability projects.
3.Agricultural Cooperative:
• Assessment: An agricultural cooperative assesses the environmental aspects
of its farming operations, including water use, pesticide application, and soil
• Management: The cooperative implements precision agriculture techniques,
reduces pesticide use through integrated pest management, and promotes
soil conservation practices among its members.

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