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Lesson 5:
Sporting superstitions &
Love at Exit 19
Table of contents

Reading Grammar
01 02
Read for details: Matching Past tenses
features, Summary

Writing Reading
03 04
Tell a story Read for details: Short-answer
Read for details:
Matching features, Summary completion, MCQs
Do you know any sports players
who are superstitious? What do
they do?
Skim the text to find
Quickly skim through the text in your
handout in 5 minutes.

You should read the glossary.

See your handout:
1D 2C 3A 4B 5B
See your handout:
1C 2A 3D 4B 5E
In Vietnam, is cheating considered a serious
problem in sport?
In what sports do you think cheating is most
Skim the text to find
Quickly skim through the text in your
book (p.47) in 2 minutes.
See your handout:
1C 2B 3B
Past tenses
Look at the
highlighted verbs in
the text
Which of them are used for...?
1. a completed action in the past
2. an action that happened before
the past time we are talking about
3. an action in progress (or not) at a
particular moment in the past
How do you use past tenses?
Ex.e (p.46-47)
Read and complete the text with
the verbs in the right tenses. were was


Tell a story
Writing questions

1 2
Write about a time you got lost Write a time you cheated (in an exam,
in a sport, in a game, etc.)
Writing a story: Requirements

Grammar Content Vocabulary

Diverse past tenses, A sequence of events, 150- Wide range of vocab, no to
connectors to show sequence 200 words (optional: a lesson few spelling mistakes,
learned from the experience) appropriate word choice
Sample story: A time you cheated
A few years ago, I was a student who really struggled with calculus. One day, I found an old copy of a
big calculus test online. I thought I had hit the jackpot. Subsequently, I spent the whole night
memorizing the solutions, convincing myself it was a unique way of studying.

The next day, when the test was handed out, my heart sank with fear. However, as I started reading
through, to my surprise, the questions were the exact same ones I had been studying! A wave of relief
washed over me, as I started writing down the memorized answers. Nevertheless, a nagging feeling of
guilt lingered on.

Finally, when my teacher returned our graded tests a week later, I shockingly found out I had failed.
Apparently, my method backfired, as I hadn't noticed the questions were slightly modified. I was too
focused on learning specific answers.

Thereafter, I never cheated again and preached only one thing to my students - understanding is more
vital than just memorizing. Cheating did have significant consequences, since then I always shun
shortcuts and promote sincere hard work.
Sample writing marking rubric
Organization Content Vocabulary Grammar
(2 points) (3 points) (2.5 points) (2.5 points)
- Clear structure (1 point) Answer all requirements (3 - Uses a variety of words and phrases Sentences are grammatically correct and
- Smooth transition points) appropriate to required writing question errors, if any, do not hinder understanding (2.5
between ideas (1 point) (1.5 points) : points) :
 All vocabulary is suitable and  All sentences are grammatically
varied (1.5 points) correct (2.5 points)
 Vocabulary is basic or  Most sentences are correct, minor
repetitive but still suitable (1 errors do not hinder understanding (2
point) points)
 Vocabulary is unsuitable  Some sentences contain errors that
and/or inappropriate (0 may sometimes hinder
points) comprehension (1.5 points)
- Correct spelling and minimal  Many sentences contain errors that
repetition of vocabulary (1 point): often hinder comprehension (1 point)
 Almost all words are spelled  Efforts to create sentences exist, but
correctly, with only minor or there are many grammar and
no errors (1 point) punctuation errors. The email
 Spelling errors are frequent includes mostly memorized phrases.
and sometimes hinder Meaning is hindered. Also, student’s
understanding (0.5 points) email may lack sufficient length,
 Many words are spelled therefore failing to show control of
incorrectly, making sentence forms. (0 point)
comprehension difficult (0

* For each 10 words shortfall

from the minimum word limit
(150 words), examiner deducts
0.5 points.
Total score: 10 points
Read for details: Short-answer questions
How do you think people often meet friends and partners?

Work School Internet Bar, club Friends

Number 1-5(1 = the most popular) in 1 minute.

Then compare with your partner. Do you agree with each other and why?
Skim and find topic

You have 4 minutes

Answer questions (handout)
1 2 3
He was cute Night (shifts) (For) six/ 6 months

4 5 6
(a) traffic cone (her) phone number (in) Kentucky

Students’ book: Workbook:

• p.45: c, d (Reading) • p.30-31: Grammar and Reading
• p.140: a, b exercises
• p.34-35: Reading exercises
Writing: Write about a time you got
lost/ cheated

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