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Monette Brezuela
• Identify the different subsets of real
numbers and how they are classified.

• illustrate the different subsets of real

• Natural numbers - numbers we use in counting/counting
• Whole numbers - counting numbers with zero.
• Integers - composed of any whole number and its negative
including zero.
• Rational numbers - - numbers that can be expressed as a
fraction 𝑎/ 𝑏 where b≠0.
• Irrational Numbers - numbers that cannot be written as a
fraction 𝑎 /𝑏 where a and b are integers.
• Real Numbers - union of rational and irrational numbers.
Read and understand each problem carefully and choose the
correct answer from the options provided. Write your
answer on your notebook.
1. Which of the following 4. Into which subset/s of real
numbers is irrational? numbers can the number “8” be
a. √25 b. 2 5 c. -7 d. √2 classified?
a. natural numbers
2. Which of the following sets b. integers
illustrates the set of whole c. whole numbers
numbers? d. all of these
a. {1, 2, 3, 4, …} 5. The following subsets belong to the
c. {…-2, -1, 0, 1,2, …} set of rational numbers, EXCEPT
b. {0, 1, 2, 3, …} a. counting numbers
d. {0.1,0.2,0.3 } b. whole numbers
c. integers
3. ALL of the following numbers d. irrational numbers
are integers, EXCEPT
a. -6 b. +9 c. − 1 3 d. 5 5
natural numbers, whole numbers, negative numbers, zero, decimals,
fractions,percents,integers,rational numbers, irrational numbers, real numbers

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