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Motivational in Learning

“ Nursing is an art, and if it is to be made an

art, requires as exclusive as devotion, as hard
a preparation as any painter’s or sculptor’s
work for what is it having to do with dry
canvass or cold marble, compared with having
to do with the living body… the temple of God’s
spirit? It is one of the Fine Arts, the finest of the
Fine Arts.”
-Florence Nightingale
M.Q. Espiritu, RN,MAN
Process by which an individual creates an
inner drive to accomplish goals or objectives.
It is something within an individual such as
need, idea, physiologic state, or emotions
that incite him or her to action.
It influences an individual to act.
It is a stimulus that causes man to act
toward a particular objective where
previously there was little or no attraction to
that objective (Bastable, 2004)
M.Q. Espiritu, RN,MAN
Purposes of Motivation
1. To arouse the desire to achieve a goal
2. To stimulate action to accomplish a
particular objective
3. To cause a student to perform in a
desired way

M.Q. Espiritu, RN,MAN

Purposes of Motivation
4. To arouse interest thereby making a
student simply work willingly and to
complete task
5. To use various incentives such as the
offering of rewards or an appeal to the
desire to excel
6. To stimulate an individual to follow
certain direction desired for learning

M.Q. Espiritu, RN,MAN

Types of Motivation
1. Intrinsic Motivation- occurs when the
learner wants to learn for sake of learning.
- It creates a sense of responsibility or
feeling that learning is important and
having control over one’s own
resources autonomy or freedom to act,
methods to use and develop skill and
abilities, interest and challenges in work
and opportunities for advancement.
M.Q. Espiritu, RN,MAN
Types of Motivation
Intrinsic motivation: Factors;
Intellectual abilities
Instinctual drive
Personal philosophy, vision and mission in
Desire for recognition
Desire to serve others
M.Q. Espiritu, RN,MAN
Types of Motivation
2. Extrinsic Motivation- occurs when the
learner wants to learn for reason other
than his or her own personal interest.
- It is developed through the use of
incentives which is an external
influence that moves a learner to act.

M.Q. Espiritu, RN,MAN

Types of Motivation
Extrinsic Motivation- based on social
motives which may include:
A. Reward such as high grades, increased
pay, praise or promotion,
B. Punishments, such as disciplinary
low grades withholding pay and criticism

M.Q. Espiritu, RN,MAN

Types of Motivation
Both intrinsic and extrinsic forms of
motivation are within a learner. It is only the
learner who provides and activates these
motivators. Intrinsic motivators tend to have
a deeper and more long-term effect than
extrinsic motivators (Wiggens,2006)

M.Q. Espiritu, RN,MAN

Maslow’s Theory of Motivation
and Needs
In 1943, psychologist Abraham Maslow
proposed the theory of motivation and needs.
1. Physiological needs- biological basic
needs such as: food, clothing and shelter,
among others.
- Unless these needs are met, only then
can an individual proceed to the next
category of needs.
M.Q. Espiritu, RN,MAN
Maslow’s Theory of Motivation
and Needs
2. Safety needs-
 Teachers and students have inherent
need to survive to protect themselves
from any health hazards or injury such
as having a protection plan for
sickness through environmental
cleanliness, sanitation, waste
management, clean air, and protection
from fire hazards, among others.
M.Q. Espiritu, RN,MAN
Maslow’s Theory of Motivation
and Needs
3. Social needs;
 The individual’s needs for sense of
belongingness, love and acceptance from
significant people such as family members,
friends, and neighbors in the community.
 When Social needs are met, feelings of
loneliness and alienation from others are
easily overcome.
M.Q. Espiritu, RN,MAN
Maslow’s Theory of Motivation
and Needs
4. Esteem needs- Involve needs for self-
esteem and esteem on gets from others.
Learners have the need for stable, family-
based, high level of self-respect and respect
from others.
A teacher should be careful not to hurt her
student’s self-esteem by being more friendly,
tolerant and patient towards her students’
mistakes and misbehaviors.
M.Q. Espiritu, RN,MAN
Maslow’s Theory of Motivation
and Needs
5. Self-actualization needs
Refer to the realization of success.
Maslow describe self-actualization as an
individual’s needs to be and do that which
the individual was “born to do”.

M.Q. Espiritu, RN,MAN

Points that educators should address to help
students respond to their self-actualization
needs, are as follows (Simon, 1987):
1. Teach people to be authentic, aware of
their inner selves and to listen to their
inner-feeling voices;
2. Teach people to transcend their cultural
values and become world-class citizens

M.Q. Espiritu, RN,MAN

3. Help people discover their vocation in life,
their calling, fate or destiny, particularly in
finding the right career or mate
4. Teach people that life is precious, that
there is joy to be experienced, and if
people are open to seeing the good side
of life in all kinds of situations, it makes
life worth living

M.Q. Espiritu, RN,MAN

5. Accept the individual as she is and help
her learn her inner nature.
- From real knowledge of aptitudes and
limitations they will know what to build
upon and what potentials to develop
6. Make sure that the individuals basic
needs are satisfied, such as safety,
belongingness and esteem needs.

M.Q. Espiritu, RN,MAN

7. Refresh consciousness by teaching the
individual to appreciate beauty and other
good things in nature and in life
8. Teach students that self-regulation is
good, and complete abandonment is bad.
- It takes control to improve the quality of
life in all areas of living
9. Teach students to transcend and analyze
problems and attend to serious problems
in life.
- include the problems of injustice, pain,
suffering, and death
M.Q. Espiritu, RN,MAN
10. Teach students to make good decisions
by giving them opportunities to practice
and experience problem solving using
hypothetical situations in the clinical
laboratory or in any related learning

M.Q. Espiritu, RN,MAN

Motivational Factors of Learners
A. Psychological Needs
B. Incentives

M.Q. Espiritu, RN,MAN

Motivational Factors of Learners
1. Psychological Needs-arise from the
individual because she is part of social
Heidgerken (1971) the teacher should be
concerned with:
a. Security. Feeling of being safe and

M.Q. Espiritu, RN,MAN

Psychological Needs
b. Anxiety. Feeling of concern or worry
about some anticipated event which seem
to involve some danger to the individual
learning process such as assignments,
course requirements and related learning

M.Q. Espiritu, RN,MAN

Psychological Needs
c. Frustration. Feeling of blocking or
frustrating to achieve a goal because of
some barriers or constraints in the
learning process
d. Independence. Need to achieve a status
of self-sufficiency, which arise from
individuality of each learner.
e. Actualization. Fulfillment of one’s
personality potential

M.Q. Espiritu, RN,MAN

“What a man can be, he must be”
-Abraham Maslow

M.Q. Espiritu, RN,MAN

Psychological Needs
f. Assertion. Overt manifestation of one’s
personality to speak for oneself, her ideas,
opinions, and feelings in a respectful
manner without creating enemies.
g. Achievement. Need to attain some
worthwhile goals, the degree of which
varies from one person to another.
h. Recognition. Acknowledgement by others
of one’s achievement in some activity.

M.Q. Espiritu, RN,MAN

“Recognition is one of the most
powerful of all motivators”

M.Q. Espiritu, RN,MAN

Psychological Needs
i. Participation. Sharing experience and
activities with others.
j. Interest. Conscious awareness of an
inner desire for some object which has
concern or importance to an individual.
Interest are closely allied to attitudes, but
may be different in some aspects, such
They involve personal identification with
the object, while attitudes do not.
M.Q. Espiritu, RN,MAN
Psychological Needs
It is generally considered that interest
are directed toward some specific
Interest may be instinctual or acquired,
but attitudes are only acquired
k. Religious need. Individual’s inner
requirement for God

M.Q. Espiritu, RN,MAN

2. Incentives- refers to the use of praise,
reproof, competition, knowledge of
results, quizzes, grades, among other, to
initiate and sustain motivation (Quinn,
a. Praise and Reproof
b. Competition - urging oneself to take
action to achieve a certain objective in
order to prove one’s capability or

M.Q. Espiritu, RN,MAN

Following are three kinds of competition:
Competition wherein an individual is one
of the group that competes with another
Competition wherein an individual
competes with other individual in the same
Self-competition wherein an individual
compete against her own record

“Instead of competition, some psychologist

suggest the use of cooperation”
M.Q. Espiritu, RN,MAN Ryan
c. Knowledge of Process- Progress
through self evaluation, assignments,
tests and examinations and through
conference with teachers
d. School Marks- Stimulate school work to
a greater degree than other forms of
e. Exhibiting Good Works- It is often yields
positive results.

M.Q. Espiritu, RN,MAN

f. Game or Play- Desire to play, when
properly stimulated and directed, will
facilitate learning and maintain interest.

M.Q. Espiritu, RN,MAN

g. Examination- Creates drive among
students to prepare and review in order to
attain a passing mark which will spare her
embarrassment due to failure.
h. Dean’s List- It is a motivation. Sense of
recognition and pride.
i. Emulation- It is highly employed in the
M.Q. Espiritu, RN,MAN
j. Material Rewards –
 Drawbacks:
a. It is necessary to increase rewards
periodically to sustain and maintain
motivation to learn
b. Students may think that the attainment
of material reward incidental means to an
end which is quickly cast aside or ignored
when the reward is attained (Eggen, 1994).

M.Q. Espiritu, RN,MAN

k. Punishment -form of extrinsic motivation. -
assumed to accomplish the following:
Teach the learner respect for authority
Block undesirable responses
Force the learner to do something he was not
ready to do or did not want to do
Set an example for potential offender
Make the student pay attention to class work
Motivate students to learn assigned material

M.Q. Espiritu, RN,MAN

The fundamental aims of motivation are as
follows (De Young, 2007)
1. To stimulate and facilitate learning activity
2. Learning is an active process and
students need to be motivated and
guided toward desirable ends
3. Learning is self-initiated, but it must be
aided by motivates or incentives so that
the learner will persist in the learning
M.Q. Espiritu, RN,MAN
4. A definite motivate or incentive is
valuable in all prospective activities, as
motivates and incentives will prepare the
students to learn
5. The greater the readiness to learn, the
greater attention will be given to work on
hand and the sooner the desired result
will be achieved

M.Q. Espiritu, RN,MAN

4. It is important to get the learner into a
state of readiness to learn for it increases
alertness, vigor and wholeheartedness of
5. One sure way to operationalize the law of
effect is to assist the learner in achieving
ends and purposes which she desires to
M.Q. Espiritu, RN,MAN
Assessing Motivation among
1. Previous learning experiences, like
positive and negative outcomes and
2. Personal attitudes and beliefs about
learning like reasons for taking up nursing
or caring for the patient
3. Readiness to learn, such as interest in
the subject and impact of external factors
such as family life

M.Q. Espiritu, RN,MAN

4. Availability of resources to support
learning such as library, laboratories,
computer access, social support, financial
5. Level of anxiety, where moderate levels
of anxiety enhances motivation while high
levels of anxiety impede it

M.Q. Espiritu, RN,MAN

“The two major factors in school
achievement are intelligence and
motivation, and that the latter is more

M.Q. Espiritu, RN,MAN

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