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Shiv credible


Presentation 2024

Visit our website for more
01 Overview

02 Our Team

03 Annual Report

04 Our Clients

05 Achievements

06 Future Goals

07 Contact
Elevate your tech experience with us! Explore our diverse range of laptops and desktops,
Welcome to Shivcredible Infotech, your go-to destination for all

backed by our extended warranty program. Plus, enjoy the added convenience of in-house
your laptop and computer needs! We are your one-stop shop for top- servicing with every purchase. Choose reliability and expertise for all your tech needs.
quality laptops, desktops, accessories, and expert services to keep
your devices running smoothly.

Elevate your business tech with our streamlined solutions. We offer AMC and contract
services tailored to your needs, ensuring reliable support and seamless integration. Let's
partner up to enhance your business today with proactive maintenance and a dedicated
support team.

Choose a reputable third-party provider for camera installation and servicing. Prioritize reliability,
expertise, and positive client feedback when making your selection.

Experience affordability without compromise on quality! We prioritize value over cost, offering

premium products at affordable prices. Say goodbye to cheap alternatives and embrace our
commitment to excellence without breaking the bank.
Clarify the project's overall
objectives and goals.

Obj ecti ve 01
At the core of our mission lies a dedication to excellence in AMCs and corporate
offices. With unwavering trust in our services, we redefine industry standards. Our
focus is on optimizing assets and streamlining operations, driven by a commitment to
reliability and innovation. Join us in shaping the future of asset management and
corporate excellence.

Obj ecti ve 02
Our upcoming objective is to expand distribution across all dealers. With a clear focus on
accessibility and reach, we're poised to revolutionize distribution networks. Stay tuned as
we embark on this journey to empower dealers and enhance customer access like never

Obj ecti ve 03
Our objective is simple: buy laptops and desktops in bulk, then offer them
at unbeatable prices. With our focus on affordability and quality, we're
committed to providing top-notch tech solutions to everyone. Join us in
unlocking incredible deals and upgrading your tech game today.

Obj ecti ve 04
Experience peace of mind with lifetime free software service and initial
hardware support. Extend your worry-free experience with our warranty
extension option for a nominal fee. Join us and enjoy seamless tech solutions
like never before!
Target Audience
Target Audience #1 Target Audience #2 Target Audience #3

For laptop enthusiasts: Dive into a world of portability and power with our cutting-edge Desktop aficionados, rejoice! From gaming rigs to productivity powerhouses, our desktops Security-conscious consumers, look no further! Our CCTV systems offer peace of
laptops. Whether you're a professional on the go or a student hitting the books, our sleek are engineered to elevate your computing experience. With customizable options and top-tier mind and protection for your home or business. With advanced features and
designs and high-performance specs cater to your every need. components, unleash your full potential with our unbeatable desktop solutions. reliable performance, safeguard what matters most with our state-of-the-art
surveillance solutions.
Briefly discuss the key dates for the
4 th Qu ar ter
C ust omer Base Growth (Year 3-5): Through excel lent
service qual it y and customer sat isfacti on, S hiv
C redi bl e Infotech buil ds a loyal cust omer base,
at tracti ng bot h i ndi vi dual consumers and corporate
cl ient s.

3 r d Qu ar ter
Expansion of S ervi ce Offerings (Year 2-3): As t he
busi ness grows, it expands it s servi ce offerings to

i ncl ude a wi der range of comput er and l aptop servi ces,
such as repairs, upgrades, m aint enance, and data

Establishment (Year 0):

2 n d Qu ar t er
Shiv Credible Infotech is Marketi ng and B rand B ui ldi ng (Year 1-2): The
founded with a vision to company i nvest s in market ing efforts t o rai se
awareness about it s services, l everaging onli ne
provide reliable and adverti sing, soci al m edia, and word-of-mouth
efficient laptop and referrals t o at tract cust omers.

computer services to its

1 st Qu ar t er
Ini ti al S etup and Infrast ruct ure Devel opment (Year 1-2): The busi ness
focuses on set ti ng up i ts physi cal store or onl ine platform, acquiri ng
necessary equipment , and est abli shi ng partnerships wit h suppl iers and
service provi ders.
1 0 th Qu a rte r
Lo n g- Ter m Su stain ab ility an d Gr o wth (On g o in g ): Sh iv
Cred ib le In f o tech fo cu ses o n lo n g- term su stainab ility
and g ro wth, co ntin u o usly in n o v atin g its serv ices,
exp an din g its cu sto mer b ase, an d ad ap tin g to m ar k et
tr end s to remain co mp etitiv e in th e lap to p and com pu ter
in d u stry.

9th Qu a rte r
Commu n ity En g ag emen t an d CSR In itiatives ( On g oin g) :
The co mp an y activ ely p articip ates in co mm un ity
engag emen t activ ities an d co rp o rate so cial r espo n sib ility
initiatives, co n trib utin g po sitiv ely to th e lo cal co mm un ity
and b u ild ing a po sitiv e b r an d imag e.

8th Qu arter
Geographical Expansion (Year 5- 7 ): With a so lid r ep u tation

and strong customer base, th e b u siness ex p lo r es
opportunities for geographical ex p an sio n, either th ro u g h
opening new branches or exp and ing its o n lin e p resen ce to
reach a wider audience.

Establishment (Year 0):

7th Qu arter
Shiv Credible Infotech is
Technology Advancements (Ongoing): Shiv Credible I n fo tech stay s
founded with a vision to updated with the latest technological advancem ents in th e lapto p
and computer industry, ensuring that its services remain cu ttin g -
provide reliable and edge and relevant.

efficient laptop and

computer services to its
6st Quarter
Diversification and Specialization (Year 4-6): The company
diversifies its offerings to include specialized services,
such as IT consulting, cybersecurity solutions, and
managed IT services, catering to the evolving needs of its
Process 01

THE PROCESS 1. Sourcing Excellence: We carefully select high-quality

laptops and desktops from trusted suppliers, ensuring the
latest technology and features.

At Shivcredible Infotech, we're more than just about great

prices and quality products. Alongside offering bulk orders of
laptops and desktops, we conduct extensive inspections. With
Process 02
over 250 hardware and software checkpoints, we ensure 2. Thorough Inspections: Each device undergoes meticulous
every device meets our rigorous standards. From processors hardware and software inspections, covering over 250
to software compatibility, nothing escapes our scrutiny. This checkpoints, guaranteeing optimal performance and reliability.

meticulous process guarantees our clients receive top-notch,

reliable products, whether they're dealers or individual
customers. At Shivcredible Infotech, excellence is our
promise, ensuring satisfaction every step of the way. Process 03
3. Efficient Delivery: Our streamlined distribution process
ensures swift delivery to clients, whether they're dealers
stocking up or individual customers seeking reliable computing
OUR SERVICE 🔒 Secure Your Digital World with Shivcredible Infotech!

At Shivcredible Infotech, we're not just

Upgrade your digital experience today!
about selling technology; we're about
crafting experiences that empower you to
• Service 01 • Service 02
thrive in the digital age. Whether you're in
💻 Cutting-Edge Computing: From Expert Support: Our skilled
need of cutting-edge laptops, high-
sleek laptops to powerful desktops, team is here to assist from
performance desktops, or robust CCTV we've got your tech needs covered. selection to installation and
systems, we've got you covered with top- beyond.

of-the-line solutions that blend innovation

with reliability. • Service 03 • Service 04
📹 24/7 Surveillance Solutions: 🌐 Your Trusted Tech Partner:
Keep watch with our advanced Experience innovation, reliability,
CCTV systems for homes and and personalized service with
businesses. Shivcredible Infotech.
Shivcredible Infotech Marketing Analysis:
Driving Digital Success


1.Versatile Products: Laptops, desktops, and CCTV systems cater to diverse needs.
2. Quality Assurance: Trusted for reliability and performance.
3.Expert Support: Seamless customer experience from consultation to service.


1.Targeted Marketing: Precision campaigns amplify reach and engagement.

2. Product Expansion: Innovations attract new customers and sustain growth.
3. Partnership Potential: Collaborations enhance market position and value proposition.

1. Competition: Continuous innovation needed to stay relevant.

2. Tech Evolution: Agility crucial to adapting to rapid advancements.

3. ybersecurity: Prioritizing security features and education essential.

With strategic leveraging of strengths, targeted marketing, and agile adaptation to
challenges, Shivcredible Infotech is poised for sustained success in the dynamic digital
At Shivcredible Infotech, our ambition knows no bounds. With a clear
vision to become a 100 crore company within the next 5 to 8 years, we're
dedicated to elevating both our sales and service departments to new
heights. By covering every aspect of our operations and focusing
relentlessly on delivering excellence, we're poised to achieve remarkable
growth. Through innovative strategies, unparalleled customer service, and
unwavering commitment to quality, we're not just setting goals; we're
redefining industry standards. Join us on this exciting journey as we pave
the way to success, one milestone at a time.

"Experience the difference with Shivcredible Infotech today and elevate your digital journey!"
Shivcedible infotech

At Shivcredible Infotech, our upcoming projects are tailored

to cater to the needs of AMC contracts and corporate clients,
offering comprehensive sales and service solutions.
Additionally, our thriving social media presence and bustling
walk-in store reflect our commitment to engaging with
customers both online and offline. With a focus on delivering
exceptional value and convenience, we're poised to expand
our reach and solidify our position as a trusted partner in the
tech industry. Join us as we continue to innovate and connect
with our community, driving success through every
+91 706-710-7291

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