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Dhupdale V. Y.
There is sufficiency in the
world for man’s need but
not for man’s greed.
Mahatma Gandhi
Sexual Harassment Bad Journalism Bribe

Medical Negligence Private Tutions Ration Shop

Deviances among privileged class of India

 India has a rich culture and tradition.

 Intermingling of various types of races & civilization.
 India has emerged with wide categories of richness in

all senses.
 But as said everything has its two sides.
 Due to diversification, there is an emergence of various

classes too.
 One such class is the privileged class.
 Those who are enjoying some sort of the privileges or

 In India we find a very good numbers of such people.
 These privileges are being given to them either because
of the name or fame or their excellence in any particular
 They used to constitute a whole class of people as we

find that they are variously present.

 And above all in a country like India they are prominent

 They are being given rights and powers.
 The term deviances is nothing but the “deflection from
the right path”.
 When one is given some facility then definitely he

should have some responsibilities too.

 These responsibilities can also be termed as the ethics

or the duties.
 When they are not followed they are called as the

 In India we have so many problems such as large

population. the problems of the employment and that of

sustenance, the deviances become too typical.

 Types of the privileges classes

◦ politics, sports, education, profession, administration,
 They all are today reported to have the deviances.
 A teacher may dictate their terms to the pupils and

 Bureaucrats, instead of working for welfare of the

common man, they satisfy their own wishes at the

expense of the ordinary people!
 The
common form of the deviant behavior
among the different privilege class can be
summarized as follows:
◦ Taking Bribes.
◦ Misuse of the position.
◦ Abuse of the post.
◦ Malfeasances.
◦ Lack of interest.
◦ Lack of political willingness.
◦ Committing traditional crimes like embezzlement etc.
◦ Tax evasion.
◦ Black marketing and Hoarding etc.
 ‘White collar crime’ is a crime committed by persons
of respectability and high social status, in course of
their occupation.
 Thus-
◦ misrepresentation through fraudulent advertisements,
◦ Infringement of patents, copyrights and trade marks etc., are
frequently resorted
to by manufactures, industrialists and other persons
of repute in course of their occupation with a view to earning
huge profits.
 History:
◦ Not a new concept – found its place in criminology in 1941,
when Prof. E.H. Sutharland published his research paper on
White Collar Crimes in American Sociological Review. defines
white collar criminal as a “person of upper socio-
economic class who violates the criminal law in the course of
his occupational or professional activities”
 Sutherland pointed out – besides traditional
crimes such as assault, robbery, dacoity,
murder, rape, kidnapping, there are certain
crimes which are committed by privileged
 These were accepted as a part of usual

business tactics necessary for success in

business hence they often went unheeded
and unpunished by society.
Difference between WCC & Traditional Crimes
 According to Sutherland the difference can be
described in regard to following factors:
◦ The Power and influence of offender
◦ Trend away from Punishment and
◦ Unorganised Public opinion.
 Sutherland also termed WCC as hidden criminality.
 He also points out that WCC are more dangerous to

the society than traditional once.

 The financial loss in WCC is far much greater than

 Business class – fraudulant advertisement,

infringement of patents, copyrights and trade marks,

 Fodder scam, 1990s – 1,000 Crore
 Stamp Paper Scam, (Telgi Scam – 2002 – 20,000 Crore)
 Bofors scam, 1980s & 90s – 100 to 200 Crore
 Satyam Scam – 2009 – 14,000 Crore
 2 G spectrum scam (2008 – Rs. 176,000 crores)
 Saradha Group financial scandal (2013 – Rs. 40,000
 Common Wealth Games Scam (2010 – Rs. 70,000 crores),
 Indian coal allocation scam (2012 – Rs. 185,591 crores).
 Uttar Pradesh NRHM scam (2012 – Rs. 10,000
 Uttar Pradesh food grain scam (2003 – Rs. 30
 The Hawala Scandal – 1990-91 – 100 Crore
 Harshad Mehta & Ketan Parekh Stock Market

Scam – 1992 – 5000 Crore Combined

 2013 Chopper scam Rs3600 crore.
 Adarsh Housing society scam
 2008 cash-for-votes scandal
 Bellary mining scam
 2002-2003 Taj Corridor case
Impacts of WCC on society
 Financial Loss: loss through WCC is much greater than
 Social damage to morals: WCC destroy morals values

and promote social disorganisation.

Indian Approach to Socio-Economic Crimes
 Soci-economic crimes means – crimes committed by
persons of respectability and high social status.
 These are also called as WCC.
 These crimes are causing huge harm to the society like

India where population explosion, unemployment,

poverty, hunger, etc. is on the rise.
 The sudden increase in socio-eco. Crimes is due to fast

developing economy and industrial growth.

 Justice V. R. Krishna Ayyar said – “Economic offeces

often are subtle murder, practiced in the community or

sabotage the National Economy.”
 Recent development in ICT has also contributed on a

large scale towards the development of socio-eco. Crimes.

 The report of the Vivian Bose Commission of Inquiry
into the affairs of Dalmia Jain Group of Companies in
1963 highlights how these industrialists indulge in soci-
eco crimes such as fraud, falsification of accounts,
tampering with records, for personal gains and tax
 Similar observation was also made by Santhanam

Committee in its findings which gave a vivid picture of

increasing dimension of socio-eco. Crimes committed by
persons of respectability such as businessmen,
industrialists, contractors, suppliers and corrupt public
officials, etc.
Causes of WCC
 Economic growth and industrialisation.
 Competitions in business or professions and

 Human greed and desire to have luxurious life.
 Lack of stringent laws.
 Lack of public support.
 Inability of all sections of society to appreciate

the need of high standard of ethical behaviour.


 WCC should dealt with sternly.

 Need of effective investigation team.
 Speedy disposal of cases.
 Public awareness against WCC.
 Role of media, NGOs, Social workers, etc.

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