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Elvie’s mother goes home with a box of assorted fruits.

Fruits Tally Frequency

Apple IIIl-llll-l 11
Orange IIII-llll 10
Durian IIII-lll 8
Pineapple IIIl 5
Water Melon Ill 3

1. What fruit/s frequently appears?

Answer: Apple Mode
Fruits Tally Frequency
Apple IIIl-llll-l 11
Orange IIII-llll 10
Durian IIII-lll 8
Pineapple IIIl 5
Water Melon Ill 3

2. What fruit/s appears to be in the middle?

Answer: Durian Median
Fruits Tally Frequency
Apple IIIl-llll-l 11
Orange IIII-llll 10
Durian IIII-lll 8
Pineapple IIIl 5
Water Melon Ill 3

3. Find the average (number of fruits).

𝚺 𝒙𝒊 11+10+8+5+3 37
𝒙̅ = = = = 7.5 Mean
𝑵 5 5

Mean, Median and Mode

 Illustrates the measures of central tendency
(mean, median, and mode) of a statistical data

 Calculates the measures of central tendency of

ungrouped and grouped data (M7SPIVf-g-1).
Measures of Central Tendency
There are three measures of central
tendency that are widely used:

1. Mean
2. Median
3. Mode

is commonly called the Average.

is the sum of all numbers divided by how many

numbers are there in a set of data.
Formula: where:
𝑥̅ – mean
𝚺 𝒙𝒊
𝒙̅ = 𝑥𝑖 the values
𝑵 Σ 𝑥𝑖 summation of all the values
𝑁 total number of values from the
given data
To solve for Mean, follow the steps.

Example Solution
1. Find the Steps Illustration
mean of First, write the formula.
the given 𝚺 𝒙𝒊
data set. 𝒙̅ =
67, 89, 93,
77, 84 Second, substitute the 67+89+93+77+84
values from the given 𝒙̅ =
data set in the
Third, add the 410
numbers in the 𝒙̅ =
numerator 5

Fourth, divide.
𝒙̅ = 82
Finally, this is the

is commonly called the Middle Value.

is the value in the distribution which divide the

data into two equal parts.
To solve for Median, follow the steps.
Symbol Steps
Md 1. Arrange the data in increasing or decreasing
2. If there is an odd number of items in the data
set, then the median is the middle number.
Example: 7, 9, 11, 13, 15
3. If there is an even number of items in the
data, the median is found by taking the mean
(average) of the two middlemost numbers.

Example: 7, 9, 11, 13, 15, 17

Example Solutions
1.Find the Steps Illustration
median of the
First, arrange 67, 77, 84, 89, 93
given data set
the values. The data is arranged in
67, 89, 93, 77,
increasing order.
Second, count N=5
the numbers in 67, 77, 84, 89, 93
the data set.
Finally, this is 𝒙̅ = 84
the median

is commonly called the Frequently Occurring Value.

is the number that occurs most often in a set of data.

it is a set of data that can have more than one or no

mode at all.
To solve for Mode, follow the steps.
Symbol Steps
a. Arrange the values in increasing or
decreasing order.
b. Find the number that occurs most
often in a set of data.
Nonmodal - no mode
Unimodal – one mode
Bimodal – two modes
Trimodal - three modes
Multimodal – four or more modes
Example Solution
1. Find the Steps Illustration
mode of the First, arrange the 67, 77, 84, 84, 89, 93
given data set. values.
67, 84, 89, 93, The data is arranged in
77, 84 increasing order
Second, analyze 67, 77, 84, 84, 89, 93
the given data
Finally. Mo=84 Unimodal
Example #1

Given: Age of 5 randomly selected Grade 7

students (x).

11, 12, 11, 13, 11

11, 12, 11, 13, 11

Find the following:

a. Mean 11.6

b. Median 11

c. Mode 11 (Unimodal)
Example #2

Quarter 1 Grades of 8 Grade 7 students:

86 90 88 88 90 95 89 84
Quarter 1 Grades of 8 Grade 7 students:
86 90 88 88 90 95 89 84

1. What is the Mean? 2. What is the Median?

Answer: 88.75 Answer: 88.5

3. What is the Mode?

Answer: 88 & 90 (Bimodal)

1. What are the three measures of central tendency?

Mean, Median and Mode

2. Identify the differences of mean, median and mode.

Mean – the average

Median – the middle value

Mode – the frequently occurring value

3. How do you call the mean, median and mode?

Measures of Central Tendency

Find the mean, median and mode from the
given set of data.

Mathematics Scores of 10 students for the 3rd

92 88 87 90 92 89 86 83 89 86
𝑨𝒏𝒔𝒘𝒆𝒓 :

𝑀𝑜𝑑𝑒=86 , 89 , 𝑎𝑛𝑑 92(𝑇𝑟𝑖𝑚𝑜𝑑𝑎𝑙)

Measures of Central Tendency

is the center location of distribution.

is a single value that attempts to describe a set

of data by identifying the central position within
the set of data.
The three measures of central tendency are
mean, median and mode.

 The mean of a set of n numbers is the sum of

all numbers divided by n.
 The median is the middle number when the
number in a set of data is arrange in ascending
or descending order.

 The mode is the number that occurs most often

in a set of data.

Read the questions carefully and choose the

letter of the best answer.
1. What measure of central tendency is used
when adding all the values and dividing the sum
by the number of values?

a. Mean c. Mode
b. Median d. Range
2. What measure of central tendency appears
most frequently in a set of numbers?

a. Mean c. Mode
b. Median d. Range
3. What measure of central tendency is used in
finding the middle number in a data set?

a. Mean c. Mode
b. Median d. Range
4. What is the mean of the following numbers?

10 35 71 42 39 76 38 25

a. 39 b. 42 c. 35.5 d. 42.5
5. What is the median of the following numbers?

5 8 6 7 1 3 9

a. 5 b. 6 c. 7 d. 8

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