Transformative Learning Theory by Abas

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College Of Health And Medical Science

School Of Nursing
Masters program in nursing
Course Title: Nursing Conceptual models of teaching

Presentation on Transformative Learning Theory

Present by Abas Ahmed

Mr. Sisay Habte
Learning Theory 1
Mezirow’s Transformative Learning Theory

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• Critique of Transformative Learning Theory

 Introduction

• Practical application of transformative

 Transformative Learning Theory
learning theory
 Frames of Reference
• Implications of Transformative learning
 Concepts of transformative Learning
theory in nursing education and curriculum
 Phases of Transformative Learning
 Principles of Transformative Learning
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At the end of this presentation participant will be able to:

• Explain the characteristics of Transformative Learning Theory

• Discuss the concept of Transformative Learning Theory

• Describe the Principles of Transformative Learning Theory

• Discuss how Transformative learning theory applied in nursing education and

curriculum development
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Transformative learning involves experiencing a deep, structural shift in the basic

premises of thought, feelings, and actions ( O,Sullivan, 1999)

Transformational learning:-

 occurs in formal or informal learning

 facilitated by educators or is self-directed

 develops skills for ongoing autonomous

Transformative Learning Theory 5

Transformational learning is:-

about change, dramatic, fundamental change in the way we see ourselves and

the world on which we live. (Merriam,2007)

open to perspective

Less defensive and more accepting of new ideas

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Mezirow’s Transformative Learning Theory (1978, 1991)

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Mezirow’s Transformative Learning Theory (1978, 1991)

Mezirow defined Transformative Learning as “the process of using prior

interpretation to construe new or a revised interpretation of the meaning of one’s

experience in order to guide future action”

Mezirow differentiates the meaning structures of the theory,

• frame of reference, habits of mind,

04/12/2024 and
Transformative points
Learning Theory of view. 8
Mezirow’s Transformative Learning Theory (1978, 1991)

• Frame of reference

is a meaning perspective the structure of assumptions and expectations.

• Habits of the mind

is a set of assumptions whether they are generalized or orientated predispositions.

• Point of view

is made up of meaning schemes, which are sets of immediate.

Specific beliefs, feelings, attitudes, and value judgments .

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Mezirow’s Transformative Learning Theory (1978, 1991)

mezirow(1994) described the transformational learning as being constructivist,

 an orientation which holds that the way learners interpret and reinterpret their

sense experience is central to making meaning and hence learning.

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Two Domains of Learning in Mezirow’s Theory

instrumental learning

Focuses on learning through task-oriented problem solving and

determination of cause and effects relationships.

communicative learning

is involved with how others communicate their feelings, need and desire with another.

It helps the learners to become critical, autonomous and responsible thinkers.
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Domains of Learning

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Goal of transformational learning

From mezirow (1997), the goal of transformational learning is to change the

“frame of reference”,

which is the collective assumptions through which we interpret and

understand the world we live in.

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Frames of Reference

Mindsets of orienting assumptions and expectations.

Include: Values, affective dispositions, moral and aesthetic preferences,

paradigms, learning preferences, and sense of self

They involve orienting habits of mind and resulting points of view.

They shape, delimit, and often distort the way we make meaning of our experience
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Elements of Frame of Reference: (Mezirow 1997)

Habit of mind

Clusters of meaning schemes

A rule system for guiding behavior and action

Affected and shaped by assumptions which build on cultural, social,

educational, political codes.

Point of view:- originates from habits of mind
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Learning Occurs in Four Ways

 By elaborating existing frames of reference

 By learning new frames of reference

 By transforming points of view or

 By tansforming habits of mind

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Concepts of transformative Learning

 Experience

 Critical Reflection

 Development

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Concepts of transformative Learning…


 Defined as the process of doing and seeing things and having things happen to you.

 Experience is very important when it comes to learning.

 Comes in different dimensions that helps link learning activities with prior knowledge

 Can be used as a resource for his or her learning.

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Concepts of transformative Learning…

Critical Reflection

 Examining the underlying beliefs and assumptions that affect how he or she

makes sense of the experience.

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Concepts of transformative Learning…

Mezirow’s Three types of critical reflection.

 Content reflection – thinking about the actual experience.

 Process reflection – thinking about ways to deal with the experience

 Premise reflection – examining long held and socially construed assumptions,

beliefs, and values about the experience or problem.

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Concepts of transformative Learning…


 The outcome of transformative learning

 A process of expansion of the real freedoms that individuals enjoy

 Implies a sense of direction.

 Occurs in different dimensions

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Mezirow’s 10 phases of Transformative Learning

1. A disorienting dilemma

2. A self examination with the feelings of guilt or shame

3. A critical assessment of assumptions

4. Recognition that one’s discontent and the process of transformation

5. Exploration of options for new roles, relationships, and actions

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Mezirow’s 10 phases of Transformative Learning

6.Planning a course of action

7.Acquisition of knowledge and skills for implementing one’s plan

8.Provision trying of new roles

9.Building of competence and self-confidence in new roles and relationship

A reintegration into one’s life on the basis of conditions dictated by one’s perspective
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Key principles of transformative learning theory

• Critical Reflection • Self-Reflection and Meaning Making

• Disorienting Dilemma • Action-Oriented Learning

• Perspective Transformation • Lifelong Process

• Dialogical Learning

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Key principles of transformative learning theory…

Disorienting Dilemma

•A disorienting dilemma is the catalyst for perspective transformation.

•Dilemmas usually occur when people have experiences that do not fit their expectations

•they cannot resolve the situations without some change in their views of the world.

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Key principles of transformative learning theory…

Perspective transformation

•explains the process of how adults re-vise their meaning structures.

•Revises our “worldview”

•Can be dramatic and epochal: a disorienting dilemma/trigger event

•Can be incremental: through gradual accumulation of changes to meaning schemes

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Key principles of transformative learning theory…

Process of perspective transformation

Psychological:- changes in understanding of the self

Convictional:- revision of belief system

Behavioral:- changes in lifestyle

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Key principles of transformative learning theory…

Dialogical Learning

interaction with others who hold different perspectives,

allowing for the exploration and negotiation of meaning.

Self-Reflection and Meaning Making

Individuals engaging in deep self-reflection and

Actively constructing new meanings and interpretations of their experiences .

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Key principles of transformative learning theory…

Action-Oriented Learning

Individuals may align their beliefs and values with their actions and behaviors.

Lifelong Process

It is be throughout one's life as individuals find new experiences and challenges.

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Practical application of transformative learning theory

Adult Education

Opportunities for critical reflection, dialogue, and perspective-taking.

Professional Development

To help individual critically examine their professional practices, assumptions, and biases.

This can lead to more effective leadership, communication, and decision-making skills.

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Practical application of transformative learning theory

Community Engagement

By facilitating dialogue, collaboration, and collective action,

• it can help build solidarity, resilience, and social cohesion within communities.

Intercultural and Diversity Training

By fostering empathy, cultural humility, and perspective-taking,

• it can contribute to building more inclusive and equitable environments.

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Practical application of transformative learning theory

Environmental and Sustainability Education

It can inspire action towards more sustainable lifestyles and practices.

Social Justice Advocacy

Mobilize individuals and communities to advocate for equity, justice, and human rights.

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Critique of Mezirow’s Transformative Learning Theory

Individual-Centric Perspective:

emphasis on the individual's cognitive processes.

neglects the social, cultural, and contextual.

Overemphasis on Rationality:

overlooking the role of emotions, intuition, and non-cognitive aspects of learning.

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Critique of Mezirow’s Transformative Learning Theory…

Lack of emphasis on context

Difficulty in Measurement

difficult to test empirically, as it involves deeply personal and subjective experiences.

Limited Application to Diverse Contexts

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Implications of Transformative learning theory in nursing education and
curriculum development

Critical Reflection:

This means encouraging students to critically examine their own biases, assumptions,

and preconceptions about healthcare, patients, and nursing practice.

Promotion of Autonomy and Empowerment:

This means fostering autonomy, critical thinking skills, and self-directed learning abilities.
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Implications of Transformative learning theory in nursing education and
curriculum development…

Collaborative Learning:

Through collaboration, students can explore different viewpoints, share experiences,

and collectively construct new knowledge.

Experiential Learning:

Students can challenge their existing perspectives and develop new knowledge.
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Implications of Transformative learning theory in nursing education and
curriculum development…

In curriculum development, transformative learning can be integrated through:

Incorporating reflective exercises, case studies, and experiential learning activities.

Designing interdisciplinary coursework to promote collaboration.

Including content on cultural competence, social justice, and healthcare advocacy.

Providing opportunities for mentorship, feedback, and professional development.

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