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OnShape Assignment

12 Transforming &
Boolean Parts (You are
going to make a
Part 1 of 3
By: Mr. Gravitt
• You are going to have over a couple
of dozen Planes, Drawings,
Features, & Parts on this
assignment, so you are going to
want to make sure to LABEL
• Labeling them properly will very
likely save you time & some
New Tools in this Lesson:
• We are going to use the Transform
Tool to Rotate Parts.
• We are going to use the Boolean
Tool to combine multiple parts
together as one.
We are going to learn how make a
Dodecahedron. Dodecahedron is made
of 12 facets of pentagons.
Why did Mr. Gravitt pick the
Irregular Dodecahedron?
The Irregular Dodecahedron is
one of the shapes that Bubbles
will form into naturally.

“Special” shape in Nature…

Step 1 - Your
Mr Gravitt’s
Folder you
made in
lesson 1 &
make a new
Step 2 - Make a New Document
Name this document
Assignment 11 Transform
& Click Create
Step 3 – Start a Sketch
• You need to start a new sketch on a
plane. I choose the TOP PLANE…
Step 4 – Label TOP PLANE 1” X 1.618”
• Label it TOP PLANE 1 X 1.618
• NOTE: I’m also in 2D view for this, but as
usual don’t necessarily have to be…
Step 5 – Square Construction
• Select Rectangle Tool & Construction.
Step 6 – 1.618” X 1” Rectangle
• Make a rectangle that’s 1.618” X 1”.
• Center - it’s 0.809” X 0.5” from Origin.
• Click Finished (Green Checkmark).
Step 7 – Start a New Sketch
• Start a New Sketch on Front Plane.
Step 8 – Label The New Sketch
• Label the New Sketch on the Front
Plane, FRONT PLANE 1 X 1.618.
Step 9 – Draw Another Matching
• Draw another
line, rectangle
that’s 1” X
• Orient it Narrow
through Long of
the Top Plane
Rectangle as in
• Click Finished
Step 10 – New Sketch Right Plane
• Select Right Plane & Create a New
Step 11 – Label The New Sketch
• Label the New Sketch RIGHT PLANE 1
X 1.618.
Step 12 – Draw Another Rectangle
• Draw another rectangle short end
through Long end of the TOP & FRONT.
Step 13 – Center & Size It
• 1.618” X 1”, Centered, & though the
long axis of TOP & Front Drawings.
Step 14 – Orient It Like So…
• We are going to place a NEW PLANE off of
these 3 points.
• 1 Corner off of each of the 3 Rectangles.
Step 15 – Select New Plane
• Select New Plane
• Click Dropdown box, we don’t want an
offset, but we want a 3-Point Plane.
Step 16 – Name it & Three Point Plane
• Select the
3 Point
• Name it the
Step 17.1 – Click 1st Entities
• Select/click the Entities box.
• Select/click the one of the 3 points.
Step 17.2 – Click 2nd Entities
• In select Entities.
• Select/click another of the one of the
other 2 remaining points.
Step 17.3 – Click Last, 3rd Point
• Select/click on the last of the 3 points.
• A New Plane though the 3 points should
• Click Finished (Green Checkmark.)
Step 18 – Put a New Drawing on it
• Start a New Sketch on the New 1ST
Step 19 – Label the Sketch
• Label the sketch 1ST TRIANGLE DRAWING.
Step 20.1 – Draw a Line
• Draw a line between 2 of the points.
Step 20.2 – Draw Another Line
• Draw a line between 2 of the points.
Step 20.3 – Draw Another Line
• Draw a line back to the first point to make
a Triangle.
Step 20.4 – Finished Triangle
• Should have a finished triangle.
• Click Finished (Green Checkmark).
Step 21.1 – Find Center of Triangle
• Hit the N key to go to 2D View
• Select Line & make it Construction.
Step 21.2 – Find Center of Triangle
• Draw from the Mid-Point(ORANGE BOX)
of a side to point 90° across from it.
Step 21.3 – Find Center of Triangle
• Repeat is 2 more times.
• The center of the triangle is where these
3 lines cross.
Step 21.4 – Find Center of Triangle
• Then click on insert a Point & insert a
point at the crossing of the 3 lines at the
Orange Square.
Step 21.5 – Find Center of Triangle
• Now the center of the triangle should be
marked with a Point that we can use.
• Click Finished (Green Checkmark)
Step 22.1 – Draw a Vertex Axis Plane
• I hide the Top, Front, & Right planes just
to get them out of sight, so that you can
see what we are doing better…
Step 22.2 – Draw a Vertex Axis Plane
• Make a new Plane.
Step 22.3 – Draw a Vertex Axis Plane
• Plane Type THREE POINT.
Step 22.4 – Draw a Vertex Axis Plane
• Select Entities: Origin, Center of Triangle,
& any of the Points of the Triangle.
Step 22.5 – Draw a Vertex Axis Plane
• The plane should appear.
• Click Finished (Green Checkmark).

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