Converting Aggression Into Compassion

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ConverLlng Aggresslon lnLo

JaL ls Aggresslon?
W Aggress|on refers Lo beavlor beLween
members of Le same specles LaL ls lnLended
Lo cause umlllaLlon paln or arm
W Aggresslon Lakes a varleLy of forms among
umans and can be pyslcal menLal or
W Aggresslon Lakes a varleLy of forms among
umans and can be pyslcal menLal or
@ypes of Aggresslon?
W nstrumenta| aggress|on Aggresslon almed aL
obLalnlng an ob[ecL wlL no dellberaLe lnLenL Lo
arm anoLer person
W ost||e aggress|on Aggresslon lnLended Lo arm
anoLer person suc as lLLlng LreaLenlng Lo
beaL up someone
W e|at|ona| aggress|on A form of osLlle
aggresslon LaL does damage Lo anoLers peer
relaLlonslps as ln soclal excluslon or rumor
JaL ls Compasslon?
W one ln wlc Le emoLlonal capaclLles
of empaLy and sympaLy are regarded as a
parL of love lLself
W lL ls regards a quanLlLaLlve dlmenslon suc
LaL lndlvlduals compasslon ls ofLen glven a
properLy of depL vlgour or passlon
@ypes of Compasslon?
W ompass|on w|th reference to be|ngs lL arlses wen
we percelve Le sufferlng of oLers
W ompass|on w|th reference to rea||ty lL arlses wen
we ave a genulne experlence of Le power of
lgnorance wen we acLually percelve ow belngs
creaLe Lelr own sufferlng
W ompass|on w|thout reference lL reLalns no noLlon
of sub[ecL ob[ecL or lnLenLlon lL ls the u|t|mate
form of a 8uddas or greaL 8odlsaLLvas compasslon
and depends upon Le reallzaLlon of empLlness @ere
ls no longer any reference Lo a me or oLer
Leps lor ConverLlng Aggresslon lnLo
W @e flrsL sLep ls Lo undersLand LaL you Lo be
successful musL Lake acLlon lnerLla ls Le
mosL common reason for lack of success!
W 8e clear were you are MonlLor your
sLrengLs and developmenL areas LaL musL
be done Lo ellmlnaLe Le gap beLween your
dream and reallLy?
W @lnk poslLlve Lone of Le language
W CreaLe clear llnes of communlcaLlon Lo
operaLe aL all levels and ln all dlrecLlons
W CelebraLlng success! forgeL you don'L Lank
people for Lelr conLrlbuLlon Lo glve credlL
were lL causes and be generous wlL er
ow Lo overcome?
W nux vom ls one suc lngredlenL and lL ls
commonly recommended to peop|e who are
prone to |rr|tab|||ty and anger and Lose wlL
lmpaLlenL Lempers
W AnoLer useful omeopaLlc lngredlenL ls
Camomllla wlc ls parLlcularly effecLlve
wen Le emoLlonal reacLlon seems ouL of
proporLlon Lo Le slLuaLlon or evenL
W ycopodlum ls especlally useful for Lose wo
flnd lL dlfflculL Lo express Lelr emoLlons and ls
lgly recommended for someone wlL
passlve aggresslve Lendencles
@Ank ?Cu

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