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 Introduction
 Economic Impact
 Lockdown and the economy:Nature of impact
 Agriculture Economy
 Conclusion

 COVID-19 (coronavirus disease 2019) is

a disease caused by a virus named SARS-
CoV-2 and was discovered in December
2019 in Wuhan, China. It is very
contagious and has quickly spread around
the world. COVID-19 most often causes
respiratory symptoms that can feel much
like a cold, a flu, or pneumonia.
Economic Impact

 The supply chain of products has been

disrupted, and national and international
businesses face losses (22). The cash flow in
the market is poor, slowing down the revenue
growth in the economy. Millions of workers
have lost their jobs as industries have shut
Lockdown and the economy: Nature
of impacts

 India imposed a national lockdown from 25 March 2020,

which crippled economic activities across States. The
resultant demand and supply shocks reverberated across the
productive sectors of the economy.
Agriculture Economy

 The COVID-19 pandemic may have implications over the short and long
term for food loss and waste. Supply chain losses may increase in the
short-term because of logistical bottlenecks and a contraction in the
demand for perishables that are often consumed away from home (e.g.
milk, eggs and fresh fish).29-Apr-2020

 The lockdown ruined almost all economic activities. The employment

and income of informal workers employed in the urban areas were lost.
The Centre for Monitoring Indian Economy estimates that the
unemployment rate surged from 8.4% in mid-March to 23% in the first
week of April.

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