GR8 Sup L2

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"In today's lesson, we will

practice speaking and

sharing thoughts and

lesson 12
Look at the topics below
and write five words or
expressions connected
with each topic.
1.the activities and experiences
that constitute a person's
normal existence.
"the routines of my daily life"
2.possession of the means or
skill to do something.
3. time when you do not have
to work, study, etc. and can
do what you want
4. family activities are defined
as a pursuit that a family takes
part in as a coherent group.
5. food and drinks skills
6. A n activity involving
physical exertion and skill in
which an individual or team
competes against another or
others for entertainment.
Absolutely, it's amazing how each person is unique and special in their own way. Imagine if
everyone were exactly the same, like robots with no differences. Wouldn't that be boring? Our
differences make the world interesting and colorful!

Think about it like a big, colorful puzzle. Each piece of the puzzle is different, but when you put
them all together, you get a beautiful picture. In the same way, people's differences make the world
a more exciting and vibrant place.

Some people are great at painting, some are excellent at playing sports, and others are fantastic at
telling stories or solving tricky math problems. These differences in talents and interests make life
fun and full of surprises. You might have a friend who loves animals, and another friend who
enjoys making delicious cookies. When you all come together, you can learn from each other and
do amazing things together.

So, always remember that it's our unique qualities and interests that make the world so fascinating.
Embrace your own special qualities, and appreciate the differences in others because they make our
world a wonderful and exciting place to be!
Copy the questionnaire and
complete questions 2-8. Be
imaginative! Use the words and
topics in exercise 1 to help you.
Then write answers for you.
Tell your new group
Interview the other some facts about the
students in your group other students. Don't
and write their forget the third person -
"The Wheel of Names will determine
answers. which student gets to share their s in the present simple.
answers and interview another

Write a paragraph about

the life of one of your

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