HUNGER and Poverty

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• I would like to express my special thanks of gratitude to my IT
teacher ‘Ms.Himanshi Sharma for their able guidence and
support in completing my project . Secondly I would also like to
thank my parents and friends who helped me a lot in finalizing
my project within the limited time frame.
• Lastly,I like to thank all my supporters who have motivated me to
filfill their project before the timeline.

• Poverty is about not having enough money to meet basic
needs including food ,clothing and shelter

The state of not having enough food to eat,especially when this
causes illness or death.

• In India, 21.9% of the population lives below the national

poverty line in 2011
• In India, the proportion of the employed population below
$1.90 purchasing power parity a day in 2011 is 21.2%
• For every 1,000 babies born in India in 2017, 39 die
before their 5th birthday

• As per the Global Hunger Index 2020, India is in 94th position out of 107 countries i.e.
Hunger and malnutrition is a serious problem in India. A detailed report on
Global Hunger Index on the linked page. The Government of India took several initiatives to
fight against hunger across the nation which is discussed below-
• National Nutrition Mission (NNM), Poshan Abhiyan – NNM was started in 2018 by the
Ministry of Women and Child Development to reduce the level of under-nutrition and also
enhance the nutritional status of children in the country.
• National Food Security Mission – Ministry of Agriculture initiated NFSM in 2007 to increase
the production of rice, wheat, pulses, and coarse cereals through area expansion and
productivity enhancement in a sustainable manner.
• Zero Hunger Programme – launched on October 16, 2017 with the aim to make farm
inventions, Organising the farming system for nutrition, Setting up genetic gardens for
biofortified plants and initiating Zero hunger training.
• Malnutrition and stunted growth
• Increase vulnarability to diseases
and epidemincs
• High rate of child morality.
• POVERTY- Poor people do not have resources-land ,tool or money needed to grow
or buy food on consistent basis.
• ARMED CONFLICT- War disrupts agricultural productions, and government often
spends more on armed forces than on social programs.
• ENVIRONMENTAL OVERLOAD-Over consumption by wealthy nations and rapid
population growth on poor nations strain natural resources and make it harder for
poor people to feed themselves.
• DISCRIMINATION-Lack of access to education ,credit and employment is the often
result of racial , gender or ethnic discrimination.
• LACK OF CLOUT-In the final analysis,chronic hunger is caused by powerlessness.
People who do not have power to protect their own interests are hungry. The burden of
this condition falls most accurately on children , women and elderly people.
Chronic hunger designates a state of long-term undernourishment. The body absorbs less
food than it needs. Although the media mostly report on acute hunger crises, globally,
chronic hunger is by far the most widespread. It usually arises in connection with
What is the basic cause of chronic hunger?
Chronic Hunger is mainly related to malnutrition caused due to less intake of enough
energy which is necessary to lead normal active life.
(i) This happens due to lack of good diet in terms of quantity and quality.
(ii) This is mainly seen in rural areas where people cannot afford quality food due to
low income.
1. Sustainable Food
Heifer International is an organization that helps transform agriculture. They fund projects so people can provide food
for themselves in a sustainable way. This is very powerful, because ultimately we would like to see many impoverished
areas not reliant on aid from foreign countries (which often causes debt) and able to create their own, steady, supply of
2. Access to Credit
Many organizations are helping people in poor countries to gain access to credit. Most of these credit loans are repaid,
and they have created many industries, such as farms, that help create a sustainable provision for people and also
develop nations economically. If these people do not have access to credit, they cannot start up industries that combat
3. Food Donations
Although ideally it would be better to get the entire world to a place of self-sustainability, it is not something that will
happen overnight. In the meantime it is important to lend a helping hand. The impact of donations, both cash and food,
have had an immense impact on world hunger. Organizations such as Food for All have customers donate $1-5 when
checking out. Last year they raised a whopping $60 million to fight world hunger.
4. Transitioning
Many families dealing with poverty need help transitioning into a state of self-dependence. 15 Feeds Family is an
organization that helps with this transition. They start by providing families with food, but then slowly find solutions to
empower families to be self-sufficient. This is important, because self-sufficiency allows for a certain food income,
when relying on donations does not always guarantee food.
5.Urban Farming
Almost one-quarter of undernourished people live in an urban environment. Recently, there has been a big push for urban
farming. Urban farming empowers families to gain control over their own food source.
6. Access to Education
Education is the best weapon against poverty and hunger. It is especially powerful in underdeveloped countries. Education
means better opportunity and more access to income and food. Additionally, some countries have food-for-education
programs where students are given free food for coming to school.
7. Social Change
start when people in developed nations begin to care about those issues as well and pressure their governments to be
productive in ending conflict. This is extremely hard and will not take place overnight. However, many social issues,
such as war, pose a fundamental problem to halting world hunger. Ideally, this will happen when world powers, such as
the United States and many western European nations, choose to focus on solving these issues instead of exacerbating
them. However, this can only
8. Government Intervention
Aid to foreign nations needs to be more focused on government intervention, like programs that provide food to mothers and
their children in poor areas. This is not much different from many programs available in the United States.
9. Empowering Women
There is a direct correlation with hunger and gender inequalities. Empowering women to gain access to food, be providers, and lead their
families has had a major impact on food access and ability to change financial situations.
10. Birth Control Education
High birthrates pose a problem when trying to solve hunger. Many people are not educated on reproduction or do not have access to
contraceptives. Gaining access to contraceptives allows for family planning and economic freedom.

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