Statistics For Economist Course Outline

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DEPARTMENT: Agricultural Economics (AgEc)
Course: Statistics for Economists (AgEc 232)
Course: Statistics for Economists Course Outline
Course Code: AgEc 232
Target Group: 2nd year Students
 Credit Hours: 3
Fiscal Year: 2023
Semester: II
Time schedule: Tuesday 8:00-11:00 and Friday 2:00-4:00
Venue: COA-5
Instructor: Zemach Lemecha (Asst. Prof. in AgEc)
Vesting Hours: MWF= 2:00-6:00,
Office: Admin Building IQAD, Office: 8
Course Description
The rationale for providing Statistics for Economists is to equip the
students clearly to understand basic probability theory; discrete and
continuous probability, joint and conditional probability; sampling and
sampling probability distributions, estimation and hypothesis testing.
The course is a very useful to agricultural economics students in
their academic pursuit and a prior knowledge of Statistics for
Economists is essential for the students to comfortable to understand
Therefore, Students are advised at the beginning to bear in mind the
integration between statistics and econometrics, which is offered in the
coming semester.
Course Objectives
This course makes the students to:
Understand the basic concepts of probability theory
and distributions
Know the various types of parameter estimation and
hypothesis tests and
Apply statistics in economic analysis and modeling
Know use of Indexes and demographic parameters in
• Basic terms Chapter 1: Introduction to SE
• Population versus Sample
• Elements and variables
• Cross-Section versus Time-Series Data
• Measurement Scales
• Methods of data analysis or Types of Statistics
• Descriptive Statistics
• Inferential Statistics
• Probability distribution
• Sample space
• Probability measure
• Types of probabilities
• A random variable
• Classifications of Probability Distribution
Chapter 2: Sampling, Estimation and hypothesis testing
2.1. Sampling and sampling distribution
2.1.1.Methods of Sampling (Sampling Techniques)
2.1.2.Sampling distribution of the sample mean (X)
2.2. Estimation and hypothesis testing
2.2.2.Hypothesis Testing
Chapter 3: Non-Parametric Tests
3.1. Parametric and Non Parametric Tests
3.2. Testing Goodness-of-Fit
Chapter 4: Statistical Quality Control
4.1. Quality Improvement and Statistics
4.2. Introduction to Control Charts
4.3. Important uses of the control chart
4.4. Types of control charts
4.5. Popularity of control charts
4.6. Design of a Control Chart
4.7. X-bar and R or S Control Charts
Chapter 5: Index Numbers
5.1. Definition of Index
5.2. Types of Index Numbers
5.3. Notations used:
5.4. Simple index numbers
5.5. Simple aggregative price / quantity
5.6. Uses of Index numbers and
Chapter 6: Demographic statistics
6.1. Definition Demographic Statistics
6.2. Sources of Demographic Data
6.4. Measures of Fertility
6.5. Measures of Mortality
6.6. Population change and doubling time
Chapter 7: Introduction to Time Series Analysis

7.1. Definition of Time Series Analysis (TSA).

7.2. Areas of application
7.3. Some traditional self-projecting models
Course Assessment
Mode of Assessment / Evaluation Criteria
Attendance 5%
Assignments 10%
Quizzes 15%
Mid-exam 30%
Final Examination 40%
Total 100%
1. Agrestic, A. & Finlay, B., Statistical Methods for the Social Sciences, 3th Edition. Prentice
Hall, 1997.
2. Anderson, T. W. & Sclove, S. L., Introductory Statistical Analysis. Houghton Mifflin
Company, 1974.
3. Clarke, G.M. & Cooke, D., A Basic course in Statistics. Arnold, 1998.Electronic Statistics
4. Freund, J.E. Modern elementary statistics. Prentice-Hall, 2001.
5. Johnson, R.A. & Bhattacharyya, G.K., Statistics: Principles and Methods, 2nd Edition.
Wiley, 1992.
6. Moore, D. The Basic Practice of Statistics. Freeman, 1997.
7. Moore, D. & McCabe G., Introduction to the Practice of Statistics, 3th Edition. Freeman,
1998. Newbolt, P., Statistics for Business and Econometrics. Prentice Hall, 1995.
8. Weiss, N.A., Introductory Statistics. Addison Wesley, 1999.
The end
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