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DATE: MARCH 23, 2024
The term "curriculum" refers to the set of courses, subjects, and
learning experiences that are designed to be taught in an educational
institution or program. It encompasses the content, skills, and knowledge
that students are expected to learn and acquire during their studies. The
curriculum outlines the goals, objectives, and learning outcomes for each
subject or course, as well as the methods and strategies used for instruction
and assessment. It serves as a guide for teachers and educators to ensure
that students receive a well-rounded and comprehensive education.
Curriculum as a list of subjects
This definition suggests that curriculum includes the “permanent” or the
traditional subjects offered in the school curriculum such as Mathematics,
Language, Science, Music, Arts, and others.

Curriculum as learning experiences

This definition includes students 'curricular and co-curricular activities and the
learning experiences encounter inside or outside the school.
In short curriculum includes all learning opportunities that brings about changes
in the knowledge, skills and attitudes of students.

Curriculum as intended learning outcomes

This definition includes a list of learning competences or standards that students
should learn in school.
In designing a lesson, so important to align the learning outcomes with the
learning competencies prescribe in course.
In other words, Curriculum
is the total learning experiences of
the learner in the school.

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1. Subject-Centered Curriculum: refers to a teaching approach that primarily focuses on
the subject matter of a specific discipline, such as mathematics, science, or history. This
model of curriculum design emphasizes the acquisition of knowledge and skills related to
the subject, often through a systematic and hierarchical curriculum design. It is divided
into subject areas, and there is little flexibility for cross-curricular activity, meaning each
subject is distinct and there is little focus on making cross-curricular links. This type of
learning focuses on the subject, rather than the individual.

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2. Learner-Centered Curriculum: A learner-centered
curriculum is an educational approach that prioritizes the
needs, interests, abilities, and learning styles of the students.
It is a pedagogical strategy that places the learner at the center
of the learning process, empowering them to take an active
role in their own education.

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3. Activity-Based Curriculum: This curriculum approach
emphasizes hands-on activities, projects, and experiential
learning. It encourages students to actively participate in
learning through practical and real-world applications of
knowledge. The curriculum is designed to promote student
engagement, creativity, and problem-solving skills.

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4 . Core Curriculum: A Core Curriculum refers to a set of
courses or subjects that all students are required to complete,
regardless of their specific field of study or educational goals.
It typically includes foundational subjects like mathematics,
science, social studies, and language arts, which are
considered essential for a well-rounded education.

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5. Integrated Curriculum: An Integrated Curriculum is an
educational approach that connects different subject areas and
emphasizes the integration of knowledge and skills across
disciplines. It goes beyond the traditional
compartmentalization of subjects and seeks to create
meaningful connections between them.

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6. Hidden Curriculum: The hidden curriculum refers to the
unintentional or implicit lessons and values that students
learn through the school environment, social interactions, and
school culture. It includes aspects such as social norms,
values, attitudes, and behaviors that are not explicitly taught
but are acquired through the school experience.

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7 . Spiral Curriculum: A spiral curriculum is designed to revisit and
build upon previously learned concepts and skills over time. It
introduces topics at a basic level and then revisits them in subsequent
years, gradually increasing the complexity and depth of
understanding. This approach aims to reinforce and consolidate
learning over time.

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8. Experiential Curriculum: Experiential curriculum focuses on
learning through direct experiences and active engagement. It often
includes field trips, internships, simulations, and hands-on activities
that allow students to apply their knowledge in real-world contexts.
This type of curriculum emphasizes practical skills, problem-solving,
and critical thinking.

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Thank you for listening! !

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