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Principles of Communication

Seven C’s
 To compose message apply communication

principles called sevens C’s

1. Clarity 2. Conciseness

3.Completeness 4. Consideration

5.Correctness 6. Courtesy

Seven C’s
1. Clarity

 Clarity means to send accurate meaning to the receiver

 To avoid time consuming endeavor, write for clarity

 State your exact meaning through specific and quantified

word usage

 Provide specific details

 Avoid vague adjectives and adverbs

Seven C’s

 Choose precise concrete and familiar words

 It is a balance between precise language and familiar


 Avoid using technical terms when receivers or reader

is not acquainted with it

 Construct effective sentences and paragraph

 An average sentence should be of 17-20 words

Seven C’s

 Deal one idea in a sentence

 Words are arranged so that it express the intended meaning

2. Conciseness

 Provide details in fewer words

 Conciseness saves time

 Conciseness aids clarity

Seven C’s

 Limit paragraphs length

 Paragraph should not be more than 4-6 line or 50 words

 To achieve conciseness

a. Eliminate wordy expressions:-

 Use single word substitute for phrases

◦ At this time --- now

◦ Due to fact --- because

Seven C’s
b. Avoid passive voice, e.g.
c. The reports are to be submitted by employees prior
to 5:00 pm, at which time they will be received by Mr
 Please submit your reports to Mr. Ali by 5:00 PM

 Include only relevant material

 Stick to the purpose of the message

 Delete irrelevant words

Seven C’s
 Omit information obvious to the readers

 Avoid long introduction and unnecessary

 explanations

c. Avoid unnecessary repetitions:-

 Use short names when you have mentioned the long

ones before

 Join two / three sentences by subordinate clauses or

Seven C’s
3. Completeness
 A complete message contains all the facts necessary
for desired reaction

 Provide all necessary information, answer all the

questions ask or can be asked and give something extra
information when desired

 Answer who, what, when, where and why

 Incomplete messages would result in unfavorable

Seven C’s
 “Omissions cast suspicions “

 For the reply of inquiry, if information is incomplete

then list the needed details

 Use good judgment in offering additional material

4. Consideration

 Prepare every message with the receiver in your mind

 Don’t loose temper
 Don’t accuse
 Focus on ‘You’ instead of I/We
Seven C’s
 Audience-oriented message focus on how receiver
will benefit, what they will receive and what they
want or need to know

 Readers will react positively when benefits are

shown to them

 Benefits must meet recipient's needs, address their

concerns or offer them reward

 Emphasize pleasant facts

Seven C’s

5. Concreteness

 Communicating concretely means being specific,

definite and vivid
 Using denotative rather then connotative words

 Concrete facts and figures provide needed

 To avoid personal blunt accusations, use passive
voice e.g. you failed to include the last
month’s check
Seven C’s
 The October check was not included….
 You must attend the meeting

 Attendance at the meeting is required

6. Courtesy
 Courtesy involves being aware of the perspectives of
 others as well as their feelings

 Courtesy stems from a sincere you-attitude

Seven C’s
 Politeness with respect and concern for others
 Thoughtfulness and appreciation

 Use expressions that show respect

7. Correctness

 Correctness requires correct grammar, punctuation

and spelling

 Check accuracy of figures, facts and words

Seven C’s
 Avoid substandard language

 Maintain acceptable writing mechanics


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