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S irn
NA aqa
A R G A af
for G A Y A QS
he A A
t ice.
Types of Joinder of Parties
1. Joinder of Plaintiffs ( 35)
2. Joinder of Defendants (CPC. art 36)
Other joinder devices include:
3. Class Action ( 38)
4. Impleader (Third Party Practice) (
5. Intervention ( 41)
 Kaayyoo Makamiinsa Falmitootaa:
 Procedural efficiency (avoid multiple suits &
save time, energy, money) &
 protection of interests
 If it could be done with out embarrassment to
parties and courts.
 And where the trial is likely to be embarrassing or
delayed due to a variety of plaintiffs or
defendants ,the court may make order for separate
trails or such order it deems fit in the case. Art. 221
 One person may sue or defend on behalf of all in
same interest with him/her(Art.38)
 The court may give judgment for or against one or
more of joint parties.
Makamiinsa Himattootaa
 SDFHH Kwt. 35 jalatti tumameera (permissive Joiner).
 The requirements:
a) A right to relief (vested interest /cause
of action).
Each plaintiff must have a right to relief.
 It could exist in the form of a joint right, a
separate right, or as an alternative.
 It means that each person has a right that
exists independently of the right of others &he can
bring separate suit on it.
b) The right to relief of each plaintiff must arise
from ‘same transaction’ or ‘series of
 Transaction’ is not equivalent to ‘juridical acts’ such
as contracts. It refers to circumstances, events,
 same transaction’ is not ‘same cause of action’;
the same transaction can give rise to different
right to relief or causes of action.
 the identity of a cause of action and the sameness
of the specific relief sought are not requirements;
each plaintiff may have a distinct cause of action
d/t from a co-plaintiff
c) Common issue of law or fact
 Not all issues to be decided have to be
common; single issue which cuts across all
seems enough.
 Where these conditions do not exist the
result would be mis-joinder of plaintiffs.
Xiinxala dimmaa 22ffaa
 Dhimmi kun M/M/W/F tiin lakk. G. 19310
ta’erratti ilaallamee kan murtii argatee dha.
Himattoonni himatamtuun qabeenya dhaalaa
abbaa isaanii qr.606,000:00 shallagamu akka
deebiftuuf M/M/O tti himataniiru.
 M/M/O/F “Maallaqni dhiyaate
himattootaaf hogguu qoodamu qr.
500,000.00 gadi waan ta’eef bu’uura lab.
25/88 kew. 11(1) tiin manni murtii kun
aangoo hin qabu jechuun galmee cufeera.
 M/M/W/F
 SDFHH keessatti makamiinsi falmitootaa kwt. 35,
36, fi 38 jalatti tumameera.
 Himattoonni ammaa himata kan dhiyeefatan
bu’uura kwt. 35 tiini.
 Bu’uura seera kanaatiin makamuuf himatni sababa
tokko ykn sababoota heddu kan bu’uurefate yoo
 Sabani/nni himatichaa himattoota hundaa kan
ilaallatu yoo ta’e,
 qophaa qophaatti maqaa isaaniitiin yoo himatan
qabeenya ykn mirgi himannoof bu’uura ta’e kan
waliinii ykn kan tokko tokkoo isaanii ta’us, ijoon
dubbii seeraa ykn firii dubbii murtiin irratti
kennamuu qabu tokko yoo ta’ee dha.
 Himattoonni ammaa qabeenya dhaalaa
waliiniiti, qabeenyi kun kan hin qoodaminii dha.
 waan ta’eef himannoof bu’uura kan ta’e
qabeenya waliinii isaaniiti jechuu dha. Same
 Ijoon dubbii seeraa ykn firii dubbii gosa
tokko akka ta’u ifaa dha.
 Kanaaf himattoonni ulaagaa kew. 35 ni
 SDFHH keessatti tumalee jiran irraa akka hubatamutti
Kaayyoo SDFHH galmaan ni ga’a jedhee yoo itti
amane M/M ,falmitoonni gaaffii osoo hin dhiyeessin,
mataa ofiitiin falmitoota makuu qaba.
 Aangoo HD murteessuuf M/M hanga
himattoonni fuuldura argachuu danda’an
dursee tilmaamuun osoo hin ta’in hanga
maallaqaa ykn gosa dhimmaa himatarratti
caqasame qofa ilaaluun ta’a.
 kanaaf sababoota armaan oliitiin murtiin M/M
jalaa sirrii miti” jechuun diigeera.
 Murtii M/M isa kamiitu dhama qabeessa?
 kwt,17[1] waliin akkamitti ilaaltu?
Makamiinsa Himatamtootaa (permissive)
 SDFHH kew. 36 jalatti tumameera. Ulaagaa tokko
qofatu jira:
 Himannoo tokkoo tokkoo isaanii irratti yoo
dhiyaate ijoo dubbii seeraa ykn firii dubbii
waliinii yoo jiraate.
 Hindiitti ulaagaan “Same acts or transaction or
series of acts or transactions” ni jira
 Ulaagaan sdfhhl 36(1) jalatti ibsame guutamuu
baatus bu’uura kew. 36(2) (3), (4) fi (5) tiin
himatamtoonni makamuu ni danda’u.
 Although the rule is permissive, but in way affects
the general principles of law that all the persons
jointly entitled to any relief must be made parties to
2. Joinder of Defendants (art36)
• The requirements of sub.1 of art 36:
a) The right to relief (plaintiff’s cause of action)
is enforceable against several defendants
(who may be liable jointly, severally or
alternatively). His right to relief against each
is maintainable separately if he wishes
• defendants’ liability may not have to arise
from same transaction. Can you imagine?
b) Common issue of law or fact; is it possible to
have cases arising from d/t transaction giving
rise to a common issue of law or fact?
Discussion questions:
 Is there mandatory joinder of parties, whether
plaintiffs or defendants?
 What will be the effect of non-joinder of a
necessary party? See art 40(2)
 Is it procedural or jurisdictional? See Art 39
 Does the CPC of Ethiopia recognize an
‘indispensable party’?
Xiinxala dhimmaa 23ffaa
 Dhimma M/M/W/F tiin lakk. G. 749/70 ta’erratti murtii
argateedha. Himattuun du’aan obboleessi kiyya
waliigaltee Inshuraansii lubbuutiin fayyadamtuu na
godheera. Kanaaf maallaqichi dhaaltota isaatiif
kaffalama jechuun waan na dhoorkateef Inshuransii
Itoophiyaa humna seeraatiin akka naaf kaffalu jechuun
gaafattee jirti.
 Himatamaanis dhaaltonni falmiin yoo ka’e ofii
falminee deebisiifna waan jedhanii mallatteessaniif
himannoon isaan irratti dhiyaachuu waan qabuuf
bu’uura kew. 36 fi kew. 41 tiin falmitti akka seenaniif
 M/M/O dhaaltonni sababni falmitti seennuuf hin jiru
jechuun osoo falman falmitti seenanii deebii akka
kennan ajajuun bitaa fi mirga falmisiisee dhabbanni
Inshuraansii hin gaafatamu himattuun yoo
barbaadde dhaaltota himachuu ni dandeessi jechuun
 M/M/W/F “Waliigalee Inshuraansii (poolisiiti)
keessatti fayyadamaan yoo caqasame kaffalamuu
kan qabu isumaaf waan ta’eef dhaabbatichi
himattuuf kaffaluu qaba” jechuun murteesseera.
 Dhaaltonni himatamaa ta’anii bu’uura sdfhh kew. 36
tiin makamuu ni danda’uu?
 M/M/O bu’uura kew. 41 tiin moo bu’uura 36 tiin
dhaaltota falmitti kan make. Kwt. 43?
 Cases page, 6-7
Dirqama Makamuu Falmitootaa (mandatory Joinder)
 Makamiinsi kun himattootaa fi himatamtootaa
ni ilaallata.
 Makamiinsa dirqamaa ilaalchisee SDFHH keenya
keessatti wanti bal’inaan tumame hin jiru.
 SDFHH kew. 36(3)(4) irraa garuu makamiinsi
dirqamaa ni hubatama.
 Kunuuyyuu dirqamaan makamiinsa
himatamtootaa qofa ilaallata.
 Makamiinsi dirqamaa dhimmaa SDFHH osoo hin
ta’in dhimma seera muummeeti.
 Namoonni kunniin kan akkamiiti isa jedhuuf
deebii argachuuf kew 39(1) fi kew. 40(2) waliin
dubbisuun barbaachisaa dha.
 A plaintiff or a defendant who ought to have
been joined (indispensable)
 A defendant or a plaintiff whose presence is
necessary for the determination of all the
question involved in the suit is indispensable
 Jildii 8ffaa L.G. 39540, 47
 Jildii 9ffaa, L.G. 43424,p.277
Bu’aa dogongoraan makamuu ( Mis-
joinder) fi makamuu dhabaa (Non-joinder )
 Bu’aan isaa SDFHH kew. 39 jalatti tumameera.
 Kwt. 39 makamiinsa dirqamaa ni ilaallataa?
 Bu’aan makamuu dhaba garee kanaa maali?
 Bu’uura kwt. 40(2) tiin falmitti ida’uun ni
 Bu’uura kwt.40(2) tiin himataan tokko fedhii
isaatiin ala makamuu hin danda’u.
 Kanaaf himatamaa fedhii hin qabne garuu
dirqama makamuu qabuuf falli maali?
 Dh/Ijj/M/M/W/F.p.152 (J.6ffaa)
 Other Joinder Devices
1. Class Action (art 38) & art 37(2) of the
FDRE Constitution
• Class action vs. joinder of plaintiffs. Why class
• Requirements:
a) Large number of persons vs several persons
b) Homogeneous/sameness of interests
c) Consent of interested persons; how do we
secure this if the class size is so large?
d) Leave of court
e) Who has the standing to sue? Should s/he be
a member of the class necessarily? See Art

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