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luel ln[ecLlon SysLem ln

Spark lgnlLlon Lnglne

@ypes of luel ln[ecLlon ln Sl Lnglne
@roLLle 8ody luel ln[ecLlon
9ros and ons @roLLle 8ody luel
ln[ecLlon sysLem
W lL ls less expenslve Lan uslng oLer Lypes of fuel ln[ecLlon sysLems
W lL ls easler Lo clean malnLaln and servlce because Lere are fewer
W lL ls ceaper Lo manufacLure Lan a porL ln[ecLlon sysLem and
slmpler Lo dlagnose lL also does noL ave Le same level of ln[ecLor
balance problems LaL a porL ln[ecLlon sysLem mlgL ave wen Le
ln[ecLors are clogged
W lL greaLly lmproves Le fuel meLerlng compared Lo a carbureLor
W ?ou do noL ave Lo make any canges Lo Le @8l lnLake manlfold
?ou also do noL ave Lo cange Le LroLLle llnkage lnsLead use Le
exlsLlng llnkage alr cleaners and carbs Lo lnsLall Le sysLem
W lL ls also capable of logglng daLa and can be programmed for
lgnlLlon and fuel @e @8l sysLem ls LaL lL learns and undersLands
your ablLs wen drlvlng so lL can easlly map ouL your acLlons and
Le performance of Le englne
9ros and ons @roLLle 8ody luel
ln[ecLlon sysLem
W lL ls almosL Le same as a @8l carbureLor wereln Le fuel ls
noL equally dlsLrlbuLed Lo all Le cyllnders @ls means LaL
Le alr/fuel mlxLure ln[ecLed dlffers for eac cyllnder
W lL can cool Le manlfold muc fasLer causlng Le fuel Lo
puddle and condense ln Le manlfold @e posslblllLy of
condensaLlon ls muc lger slnce Le fuel Lravels longer
from Le LroLLle body Lo Le combusLlon camber
W Slnce Le sysLem needs Lo be mounLed on Lop of Le
combusLlon camber youre prevenLed from modlfylng Le
manlfold deslgn Lo lmprove your cars performance
W lL ls a weL sysLem and Le mlxLure of fuel ls sLlll based per
lndlrecL MulLl9olnL ln[ecLlon or MulLl
9olnL luel ln[ecLlon SysLem (M9ll)
W More unlform /l mlxLure Lo eac cyllnder less dlfference ln
power developed ln eac cyllnder reduces vlbraLlons longer
llfe of Le englne connecLed componenLs
W no need Lo crank Le englne Lwlce or Lrlce ln case of cold sLarLlng
as appens ln Le carbureLLor sysLem
W lmmedlaLe response ln case of sudden acceleraLlon / deceleraLlon
W LD conLrolled More accuraLe amounL of /l mlxLure
compleLe combusLlon low emlsslon level
W ccuraLe /l raLlo lmproved velcle mlleage
lsadvanLages of M9ll
W M9ll seLup ls a blL expenslve
W omplex process durlng lnsLallaLlon compared
Lo lLs predecessor fuel ln[ecLlon sysLems
W lr fuel mlxLure quallLy ls noL as good as
compared Lo Carburetor and 1hrott|e8ody
Iue| In[ect|on
Direct FueI Injection System
in SI Engine
lrecL luel ln[ecLlon SysLem
O @e gasollne ls lgly pressurlzed and ln[ecLed vla a common rall
fuel llne dlrecLly lnLo Le combusLlon camber of eac cyllnder as
opposed Lo convenLlonal mulLlpolnL fuel ln[ecLlon LaL appens ln
Le lnLake LracL or cyllnder porL
ow lrecL ln[ecLlon sysLem works
ow lrecL ln[ecLlon sysLem works
ouuo: kail ,stcu
need lor lrecL luel ln[ecLlon SysLem
O DlLrapreclse compuLer managemenL
O lrecL ln[ecLlon allows more accuraLe conLrol over
4 luel meLerlng (Le amounL of fuel ln[ecLed) and
4 ln[ecLlon Llmlng (exacLly wen Le fuel ls lnLroduced lnLo
Le cyllnder)
O pLlmal spray paLLern resulL ls
O More compleLe combusLlon
O More power and less polluLlon from eac drop of gasollne
O 8educed @roLLllng Loss (SLraLlfled arge)
O ecreased eaL loss
O lncreased ompresslon raLlo
O lncreased fuel economy
8ecenL dvancemenLs
O 8ecenL developmenLs suc as skyrockeLlng fuel prlces and sLrlcLer
fuel economy and emlsslons leglslaLlon ave led many
auLomakers Lo begln developlng dlrecL fuel ln[ecLlon sysLems
O ars uslng l @ecnology
4 udl
4 aguar Land 8over v8 Cen lll
4 ayman by 9orsce
4 yundal SonaLa 2011 model
O Iormu|a Cne (Ierrar| 2013 season)
O 1w|nfue| eng|nes (Iord)
Ln Vo|ume
||ut|ng the A|r ||ut|ng the A|r Iue| M|xture keduces ump|ng Iue| M|xture keduces ump|ng
(or 1hrott||ng) Losses (or 1hrott||ng) Losses
Und||uted 6ombust|on
Part|a||y 0||uted
6ombust|on (Part|a||y
Fu||y 0||uted 6ombust|on
(Fu||y Unthrott|ed}
Reduced Pump|ng Loss
0ue to 0||ut|on

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