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God’s Ultimate

For Ministry
Kharitoo School of Ministry
Ap. Alex Badega
What Is God’s Ultimate Purpose For Ministry?
It is based on God’s eternal purpose and plan for man
It’s what God had in mind for man and the entire creation
way before the foundation of the world.
It is what was to be fulfilled in Jesus Christ
It is the mystery that was hidden but now revealed through
the gospel (Colossians 1:26-27)
It is the mystery that was hidden but now revealed through
the gospel (Colossians 1:26-27)
 It is the revelation of our “MYSTICAL UNION” with the
The elementary teachings of the doctrine of
 The principles (elementary) of the doctrine of
Christ (Hebrews 6:1-2)
1) Repentance from dead works,
2) And of faith toward God,
3) The doctrine of baptisms,
4) Laying on of hands,
5) The resurrection of the dead,
6) Eternal judgment.
Signs of Children 1 Cor 3:1-4 (Rom 8:7)
1. Carnality; Envying, Strife, Divisions etc
2. Dullness in hearing (Hebrews 5:11-14)
3. Unskillfulness in the word of
4. Instability;
Tossed to and fro,
Carried about with every wind of doctrine
Called to oneness with Christ (Ephesians 4:1)

Things we need to know:

1) The walking: Walk (Greek “Paripateo” meaning
“Make due use of opportunities”/take advantage of
the opportunity) worthy of the [divine] (2 Cor 6:1-2)
2) The Calling: Calling (Greek “Klesis” = to
“Invitation” or “vocation” to which you have been
called “Kaleo” = “Named”
3) Endeavouring: Endeavoring (spoudazō= be diligent,
endeavour, labour, study [2 Tim 2:15])
4) The Keeping: to Keep (tēreō=keep an eye/watch)
the “Unity” (Greek = “Henotes” = Oneness) of the
Spirit IN
5) The bonding: the bond (Greek “Sundesmos” refers
to “a joint”, “a tie” or “a ligament” of peace (Greek
“Eirene” refers to “quietness” or “rest”.
 We were NOT called to “togetherness” but to “Union”
with Christ and “oneness” IN Christ
 We need to rest in the truth of our mystical union with
The Lord’s prayer for our oneness John 17
1) To the Apostles: That they may be one as the Father and
His Son [are one] (17:11b)
 That His joy may be made full and complete and perfect
in them [that they may experience delight fulfilled in them,
that My enjoyment may be perfected in their own souls, that
they may have My gladness within them, filling their hearts].
2) To ALL the believers: That they may be one, [just] as You,
Father, are in Me and I in You, that they also may be one
in Us (17:21)
 That all the believer my share in the life of the Godhead
The Unity (Oneness) Of The Spirit (Eph 4:4-6)

 [There is] one body

 One spirit (1 Corinthians 12:3-4)
 One hope (Col 1:27)
 One lord,
 One faith,
 One baptism, (1 Cor 12:13; Gal 3:27)
 One God and
a) Father of [us] all,
b) Who is above all [Sovereign over all],
c) pervading all
d) and [living] IN [us] all. (Acts 17:28)
The Ultimate goal for Ministry (Eph 4:12-13)

 Perfecting: (Greek “Katartismos” ref “Make Complete”)

(Heb 6:1)
 Until we ALL come in: ( Greek “eis” ref to a “fixed
position” in a place, time and state)
 Unity: (“henatos” = “oneness”) of the faith,
 Knowledge of the Son of God,
 Unto a perfect: (“Teleios” ref “complete”) man [growth in
mental, moral, character etc) Col 1:28
 Unto the measure of the stature of the fullness of Christ;
Called/Named unto Oneness In Christ
God is in us all
Our ministry is to present every man perfect in Christ
Colossians 1:28:
Reading: Mystical Union by John Crowder Part 1 & Part 5
 Assignment: Based on John Crowder’s book “Mystical
Union”, in not more than two pages, explain what
happened on the cross and how you understand “one body,
one spirit”.

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