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ACT 11650

The participants are expected to:

a. get oriented on the policy guidelines
of inclusive special needs education; and
b. become aware of the provisions in the
Republic Act 11650 (Inclusive Education Act of
child journalist chubby person
old man
pregnant driver

young lady

Malnourished person retireable personnel

Policy Context of the IE
• Republic Act No.
Framework 9442 “The
Magna Carta for
• The 1987
Disabled Persons
Article XIV
• The 1989
Convention on Section 1 and
the Rights of the 2 (2.1 to 2.5)
Inclusive education is a response to global
concerns that all children have the right to access
and complete a free and compulsory education
that is responsive to their needs and relevant to
their lives (UNESCO, 2000)
Based on International Mandate

Inclusive Education (IE) is a process

What is of strengthening the capacity of the
Inclusive education system to reach out to all
Education? learners and can thus be understood
as a key strategy to achieve
Education for All (UNESCO Policy
Guidelines on Inclusion in Education,
2009 p. 8)
Based on DepEd Manadate

Inclusive Education is a process where all

What is types of learners with diverse needs are
Inclusive given equal opportunities for a meaningful
life in non-discriminatory environments.
Education? These environments foster belongingness
through culturally/ spiritually sensitive,
learner-centered curriculum, learning
processes, delivery modes and settings.
Intermediate Outcomes

KPI’s PI’s at present

before Pillar 1: Access
Pillar 2: Equity – Disadvantage school-
1.Access age children and youth, and adults
benefited from appropriate equity
2.Quality initiatives

3.Governance Pillar 3: Quality

Pillar 4: Resiliency and Well-Being

Enabling Mechanism - Governance

Intermediate Outcomes
Pillar #1: Access - All school-age children, out-of-school youth, and adults
have access to relevant basic learning opportunities
Pillar #2: Equity – Disadvantage school-age children and youth, and adults
benefited from appropriate equity initiatives/ participating in inclusive basic
learning opportunities and receiving an appropriate quality education
Pillar #3: Quality – Learners complete basic education having attained all
learning standards that equip them with necessary skills and attributes and
are confident to pursue their chosen paths
Pillar #4: Resiliency and Well-Being – Learners are resilient of their rights
to and in education are respected, protected, fulfilled, and promoted while
being aware of their responsibilities as individuals and as members of
PPSSH Domain 5, Strand 5.5
Inclusive Practice
(for the School Heads)

To ensure quality education for all,

the school head must have an in-
depth knowledge of inclusive
PPST Domain 3: Diversity of Learners
(for teachers)
Underscores the importance of teachers' knowledge and
understanding of, as well as respect for, learners' diverse
characteristics and experiences as inputs to the
planning and design of learning programs.
This includes being able to implement an individualized
education program when necessary.
DepEd Memorandum No. 20, s.2022

“ Dissemination of Republic
Act No. 11650”
An Act Instituting a Policy of Inclusion and
Services for Learners with Disabilities in
Support of Inclusive Education, Establishing
ILRC of LWDs in all Schools Districts,
Municipalities, and Cities, Providing for
Standards, Appropriating Funds Therefor,
and other Purposes
R A 11650
“Instituting a Policy of Inclusion
and Services for Learners with
Disabilities in Support of
Inclusive Education Act ”

Signed by former Pres. Rodrigo Duterte

March 11, 2022
What is Inclusive
The process of addressing and responding to the
diversity of needs of all learners by moving
toward the end goal of full participation,
presence, and achievement in learning cultures
and communities, which involves
accommodation, modification, adaptation, and
individualization in content, approaches,
structures, and strategies.
• It involves equitable opportunities for learners
with disabilities to receive educational services,
the needed support, and related services with
their age-appropriate peer groups and, as far as
practicable, in such schools or ILRCs nearest
their homes or residences, in order to prepare
them to live fully functional members of
Declaration of Policy (Sec.
• Equal opportunity, compulsory and accessible education for all
learners with disabilities including those belonging to ethnic,
indigenous groups and minorities (victims of circumstances, abused,
the least, the lost, and the last)
• The whole-of-community approach shall be adopted for the
inclusion of LWDs in the general education system (the community,
parents, academe, public and private sectors to facilitate collaborative
action, foster involvement, and participation)
• The State recognizes LWDs’ rights to health, rehabilitation, and
social protection and facilitates active participation and inclusion in
public, civic, and State affairs.
Objectives (Sec. 3)
• Provide LWDs free and appropriate public early and basic
education and support related services based on their needs
• Provide LWDs access to general education system through
formal school systems, including implementation of ADM in
accordance with the RA 11510 or the “Alternative
Learning System Act”;
• Establish and maintain Inclusive Learning Resource Centers of
LWDs in support to their inclusion in the general education
• To create significant and positive changes in community
orientation towards disability to ensure that LWDs are
understood, appreciated, and respected for their differences by
the members of their communities and by society in general;

• Further develop a system for identification, referral, and

intervention for LWDs;

• Identify, through a Child Find System, LWDs ages 3 to 24, and

infants and toddlers under the age of 3 in compliance with RA
No. 10410, known as “Early Years Act (EYA of 2013”;
• Institutionalize the development, implementation, and review of the
Individualized Education Plan for the quality education of LWDs;
• Provide parents or guardians of LWDs with information and
opportunities to actively participate in the determination of
educational placement options and programs to enable them to make
informed choices and decisions;
• Enable and empower all teachers, including those with disabilities,
parents, guardians, and family members by training and equipping
them with capabilities for the detection, referral or introduction of
interventions with regard to disorders, disabilities, and abilities of the
• Increase school retention and cohort survival of
LWDs, and
• Establish an effective consultative mechanism
that will actively involve LWDs, when
appropriate, and their representative
organizations in the implementation of this Act
and in resolving issues relating to it.
Sec. 4, paragraph r - Definition of
Terms (Special Needs
•It includes learners with disabilities in the
general education system to enable them
to realize their full potential and prepare
them as independent functioning
members of society. The term “Special
Needs Education” shall replace the term
“Special Education (SPED)”.
Highlights of RA
• Inclusion Policy for LWDs in Public and Private
Schools – This is hereby instituted in all early
and basic education schools, both public and
private. All school, whether public or private,
shall ensure equitable access to quality
education to every learner with disability, such
that no learner shall be denied admission on
the basis of disability. (Sec.5)
• Adoption of the whole-of-community approach for the
inclusion of LWDs
• Health & facilities for the treatment of illness and
rehabilitation services and reasonable accommodation
• All LWDs whether enrolled in public or private
schools shall be accorded services and
reasonable accommodation based on the IEP
and shall have the right to avail of the
appropriate support and related services under
Sec. 7 of this Act.
• Establishment of ILRC – the DepEd, in
collaboration with the LGUs shall initially
establish and maintain at least 1 ILRC in all
cities and municipalities. (Sec.6)
• Hiring of ILRC Personnel to operate, administer
and oversee the ILRC; join the multidisciplinary
team to conduct educational assessment and
diagnoses of LWDs, spearhead the preparation,
implementation, and review of the IEP
• Utilize the expertise of the multidisplinary team
to conduct educational assessments and
diagnoses of LWDs, to identify specific
developmental areas of concern and determine
appropriate services and placement options for
the preparation of their IEPs
• Develop a system for identification, referral, and
intervention for LWDs
• The ILRC shall deliver free support and related services
towards fulfillment of the goals of inclusive education. It
shall implement the Child Find System to ensure that all
LWDs are identified, located and evaluated and facilitate
their inclusion into the general education system.
• Provide and facilitate consultative mechanism, counselling,
technical assistance, and training to general basic education
teachers, administrators, CDC child development workers
and teachers, non-teaching personnel, parents, care
providers, guardians or other members on the education of
• The ILRC may also provide the same services to all other
learners, including LWDs under the ALS program as identified
by school officials and teachers, parents or the learners
• Deliver such services under the ILRC’s alternative educational
programs, early intervention program, and transition
• Private early or basic education schools may
likewise establish additional facilities needed
for the education of LWDs, provided that the
DepEd shall give the minimum standards for
compliance to be considered an ILRC.
• Produce and ensure the availability of appropriate teaching
and instructional materials for LWDs
• Emphasis on accommodation, modification,
adaptation, and individualization in content,
approaches, structures, and strategies
• Use of Universal Design for Learning (UDL)
• Strong collaboration of SNED teachers and Regular
• Ensure that teacher education institutions offering
bachelor of elementary and secondary education
degrees included in the curriculum courses inclusive
education subject (Pre-Service Education & INSETs)

• Provision of training/orientations to school

administrators, teachers, and counseling
programs to parents and students
• PRC shall ensure that a separate field of
specialization on special needs and inclusive
education shall be incorporated in the licensure
examination for teachers
• Implementation of the Transition Program
• Maintenance and updating of the LIS
• Provision of budgetary requirements
• Inter-Agency Coordinating Council (IACC) for
LWDs shall be created.
• Ensure that all government and private
organizations involved are effectively
implementing the provisions of this Act by
conducting quarterly assessment on the
performance of their respective rles and
responsibilities (Sec.13)
• Conduct of Research related to Inclusive
Education practices
D O No. 44, s. 2021
Policy Guidelines on the Provision of
Educational Services to Learners
with Disabilities (LWDs)

IE Structures
1. Self-Contained Classes within the school setting
(Integration in the general education system/
1. Partial Inclusion
(revise inclusion)
3. Full Inclusion
(mainstreaming in
the general
DepEd Order No. 23, s.2022
“ Child Find Policy for Learners with Disabilities
Toward Inclusive Education
IV. Policy
 DepEd shall provide accommodations in the early registration process
of children above the age of 5 who are either diagnosed with disability or
have developmental delays to ensure that "no child is left behind".

 This policy articulates the processes in ensuring that learners with disabilities
are identified, located, and screened to facilitate the provision of educational
programs and services for learners with disabilities in the K to 12 Basic Education

 Furthermore, this policy ensures that learners with disabilities will have access
to and full participation in the basic education program.
Process for Organization & Implementation of
Inclusive Special Needs Education
1. Child Find
2. Assessment /Screening
a. Use the available and official assessment tools of DepEd
- ECCD Checklist
b. Observation (using observation checklist/ICF Checklist)
c. Interview (interview with the learner and parents)
d. Referral for further assessment (medical and psychological)
3. Identification, Placement & Decision Making
- Graded/ Non-Graded
4. Program Planning
Disabilities & Difficulties
Hearing Impaired Difficulty in Hearing
Visually Impaired Difficulty in Seeing
Intellectual Disability Difficulty in Applying Knowledge
Autism Spectrum Disorder Difficulty in Remembering and
Emotional Behavior Disorder Concentrating
Speech Defect Difficulty in Applying Adaptive Skills
Cerebral Palsy Difficulty in Displaying Interpersonal
Orthopedic/Physical handicap Behavior
Special Health Problem Difficulty in Mobility
Multiple Disability Difficulty in Communicating
Learning Disability
DO No. 21, s.
Policy Guidelines on the
Adoption of the K to 12
Transition Curriculum for
Learners with Disabilities

(Program Planning)
15 Learning Areas in Livelihood Package
1. Animal Care 9. Fish/Food Processing
2. Aquarium Fishery 10. Entrepreneurship
3. Beauty Care 11. Cottage Industry
4. Bread and Pastry 12. Housekeeping
5. Cookery 13. Gardening
6. Furniture Making (Finishing) 14. ICT Operations
7. Hilot Wellness 15. ICT Hardware Servicing
8. Garments
Are you now into
“Education is not for a
few, or for some. It is
for all.”
– Former Secretary Jesli Lapus
of Functioning

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