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Lesson 2

The Review of WT1 and Speaking Practice

The Content and The Objective

The Objective
The Content

1. Review Writing
1. Organize the knowledge we’ve learnt
2. Q&A Homework in the 2nd session with Mr. Kien
2. Practice your Speaking Skill using
3. Connectives
4. Speaking Part 1

5. Speaking Practice

6. Video Questions
01. Review Writing
Review on Writing Task 1
1. List some synonyms with “increase”, “decrease”, “fluctuate”, “peak
at”, “hit a low of”, “remain unchanged”.
a. Remain unchanged/ intact/ the same
b. Hover around A%
2. List some adjectives that express the spectrum of change. (ex:
significant, slight, moderate, etc.)
a. Aggressive, significant, slow, steady,
3. List some important connectives. (ex: similarly, respectively, etc.)
a. Meanwhile, by contrast/ conversely, …
4. What are the 4 fundamental structures you learnt?
a. V+adv
b. There was a +adj+n
01. Review Writing
Review on Writing Task 1
1. List some synonyms with “increase”, “decrease”, “fluctuate”, “peak
at”, “hit a low of”, “remain unchanged”.
a. Increase: rise, rise to a peak of, spike = increase suddenly
b. Decrease: decline, go down, falling,
c. Fluctuate: hover around A%, vary (IPA ~very)
d. Peak at: rocket, hit a high of, with a rise to a high of (phrase)
e. Hit a low of: plunge, plumpet , hit a trough of
f. Remain unchanged: sustain stably, level off
2. List some adjectives that express the spectrum of change. (ex:
significant, slight, moderate, etc.)
a. Significant: dramatic, considerable, sharp
02. Q&A Homework
Any questions about my feedback on your:

● Writing Task 1 - Lesson 1

● Writing Task 2 - Lesson 1

Let’s resolve your questions here.

03. Connectives
Common discourse markers ● Right
● Alright
Why should we learn?
● Okay
- Give time to think ● And
- Connect sentences ● But
● Well ● Because
● You know ● Anyway
● Actually
● Like
● I mean
● Basically
● So
03. Connectives
Giving examples
● (so), for example
● (so), for instance
● This can be seen in the way...
● This is evidenced by…
● This can exemplify
03. Connectives
Repeating a point
● As I was saying
● As I said
● As I said earlier
● As I told you earlier/ before
04. Speaking Part 1
Should you give direct
answers? would you be
What are part 1 topics about? penalized if your answers are
short/ not supported? What can
Not personal/ personal
you do to give support to your
Should you talk about things in answers? Explain idea, giving
general or your personal examples, compare
things? (past/present/future), opinion
Should you say “I don't know” in
this part? Should not Can you ask the examiner to
repeat the question?
05. Speaking Practice
● How do you spend time with
your family?
SPEAKING PART 1 ● Do you want to live with your
family in the future?
● Do you have sisters and
Point → Explain → Opinion
brothers? If so, how many?
● How often do you meet with
your family?
05. Speaking Practice
Describe someone in your family who you really admire.
You should say:
● What relation this person is to you
● What are your first memories of this person
● How often you see this person
● And explain why you really admire this person.

PEO. Viết ra giấy

05. Speaking Practice
● Is family important in your country?
● How do you think the family will change in the future?
● Who do you think should be responsible for the care of the elderly, the
family or the government?
● Why is the number of joint families decreasing in modern times?
● Is it better to grow up in a small family or a large extended family?
Speaking Feedback
Strengths: Area for improvements:
Fluency and Coherence: Fluency and Coherence: PEO - p1
Pronunciation: Pronunciation: /r/ /m/ /f/
Lexical Resource: Lexical Resources:
Call video (video call) Grammatical Range and Accuracy:
Grammatical Range and Accuracy:
How can you improve it?
TOPIC 2/19: CHILDREN AND FAMILY (popular in Writing)

(1) Family (Vocab Development 4)

In many countries today, people in cities either live alone or in small family units, rather
than in large, extended family groups. Is this a positive or negative trend?

(2) The Generation Gap (Vocab Development 5)

Many families find it necessary for both parents to go out to work. While some say
children in these families benefit from the additional income, others feel they lack
support because of their parents’ absence. To what extent do you agree or disagree?
06. Video Questions
PARENTS INFLUENCE ON CHILD If your parents expose you to more
BEHAVIOUR television instead of reading to you, what
What problems come with helicopter does this have an effect on? Why?
parenting? Why are children more likely to adapt to
If parents have a broken marriage, do cultural norms when imitating their
children have higher romantic demands? parents?
Why? What are the side effects of spanking
What percentage of couples in America children?
are likely to end up in a divorce? If parents have a drug or alcohol
Why do you develop depression if your addiction, what are children susceptible
parents micromanage you? to? Why?
06. Shadowing (or equivalent)
Wrap-up + Q&A
Review the important languages of WT1
→ Complete the W HW in personal files

Speaking practice
→ The ways to improve
Thank you so much
for your participation and attention!

Hope you have a good day.

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