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 Introduction To Welding
 Principle of welding
 Heat Input
 Welding Terms
 GTAW Welding
Introduction To Welding
• Welding is a very old process and is widely
adopted as joining process. As such everybody
have heard about welding, but very few know
it. Weld joints are designed, hence requires

• Welding is both an Art and Science.

To achieve proper fusion is an art.
To control degree of fusion is science.

• Need for Optimization to save cost

Introduction to Welding
• Welding is taking two or more separate pieces of metal
and joining them into one continuous or homogeneous
section. In other words purpose of welding is to achieve
fusion between initially separate pieces of metal.

• The American Welding Society defines fusion as “The

melting together of Filler metal and base metal
(substrate) or of base metal only which results in
coalescence. (coalescence means to blend or come
Introduction to Welding
• Fusion occurs when there is atomic bonding of metals. The
molecule of each separate piece of metal and the filler metal
bond together when there is
a) Atomic Cleanliness b) Atomic closeness.

• When welding occurs the atoms of each piece of metal bond

together with shared electrons to become one solid or
homogeneous piece of metal.
Principle of Welding
1. Creation of welding arc

2. Directing the high temperature arc

towards the fusion zone
Principle of Welding
3. Impact of the energy causes fusion of the
parent material and form weld pool

4. Molten pool is shielded by the inert

gas/floating slag
Principle of Welding
Energy required to melt the wire comes
from the arc. As such energy is distributed.
This creates inter dependence between the
welding parameter to ensure balance of heat
to subtract and filler wire.
Heat Input
• Heat input to substrates; like preheat and inter-pass
temperature; influences the cooling rate which may
affect the Mechanical properties and metallurgical
structure of the weld and the HAZ.

• Higher heat input slower cooling rate, lower heat input

faster cooling rate.
Heat Input
 Heat input is a relative measure of the energy
transferred per unit length of weld.
 Melting is possible because a sufficient amount of
power and energy is supplied.
Heat Input
• Heat transfer efficiency of different sources is different.
• Heating area of different welding methods varies.
• Heat requirements of joints vary.
• Heat input < 0.8 kJ/mm (no melting)
• > 2.0 kJ/mm (over melting)
• 1.2 kJ/mm to 1.6 kJ/mm good.
Heat Input
• Ampere Melts
• Voltage/Frequency → Provides force to arc
• Speed determines heating time
Graph: Ampere Vs Time
Welding Terms
• Melting is possible because a very sufficient amount of
power (energy transferred per unit time) & energy density is
supplied. Heat input is relative measure of energy transferred per
unit length of weld. It is an important characteristic, because like
preheat and inter-pass temperature, it influences cooling rate,
which may affect the mechanical properties and metallurgical
structure of weld.

• Heat input = Ratio of Power to the Velocity of heat source.

Welding Terms
 Depth of Fusion is also called penetration. AWS
defines it as the distance that fusion extends into the base
metal or previous weld from the surface melted during
welding. A cross section of weld will show the penetration
profile of the weld including the depth and width of
Welding Terms
 To achieve the proper weld strength, all welding require
complete fusion to occur between the pieces of metal and filler
metal, but not all joints require large depth of fusion or deep
penetration. As long as you have achieved complete fusion
between the filler metal and base plate, you have successfully
joined the metal together into one homogeneous piece. Shallow
or deep penetration does not matter.
Welding Terms
 Perfect fusion is a requirement while depth of
penetration is design. While not necessarily related
to weld strength,there are situations where weld
penetration is beneficial.

 Welding is,
Art = where to focus the energy to achieve perfect
Science = Optimizing penetration
 Solidification of molten beads leads to shrinkage.
 Shrinkage of a concave bead leads to tension on surface or
tends to crack.
 Shrinkage of convex beads lead to compression on surface
and does not crack.
 Generally slight convex beads are preferred.
Welding is multi-disciplinary


•Control of •Yield strength •Cooling
Ampere Ampere
Voltage •Control of •Percentage •Filler
Freque Voltage Elongation Material
•Control of •Notch
ncy Frequency
•Hardness Material

 α-ferrite - solid solution of C in BCC Fe •

Stable form of iron at room temperature. • The
maximum solubility of C is 0.022 wt% •
Transforms to FCC γ-austenite at 912 °C
 γ-austenite - solid solution of C in FCC Fe •
The maximum solubility of C is 2.14 wt %. •
Transforms to BCC δ-ferrite at 1395 °C • Is
not stable below the eutectic temperature (727
° C) unless cooled rapidly
 δ-ferrite solid solution of C in BCC Fe • The
same structure as α-ferrite • Stable only at high
T, above 1394 °C • Melts at 1538 °C
 Fe3C (iron carbide or cementite) • This
intermetallic compound is metastable, it
remains as a compound indefinitely at room T,
but decomposes (very slowly, within several
years) into α-Fe and C (graphite) at 650 - 700
 Eutectic and eutectoid reactions in Fe–Fe3C
 Eutectoid: Solid to solid interaction 0.76 wt %
C, 727 °C γ(0.76 wt % C) ↔ α (0.022 wt % C)
+ Fe3C . Forms pearlite.
 Eutectic: Liquid to solid interactions 4.30 wt
% C, 1147 °C L ↔ γ + Fe3C. Forms
GTAW Welding
 TIG : Creation of electric arc between refractory (Tungsten)
electrode and the work piece in neutral atmosphere. The
electrode withstands the high temperature of arc and directs it
towards the fusion zone. The impact of energy causes the fusion
of the parent metal which forms the weld pool shielded by the
inert gas flow.

 Cold Wire : Energy required to melt the wire comes from the TIG
arc, thus creating inter-dependence between the welding
parameter to guarantee a balance between the proportion of the
energy designed to melt the substrate and that devoted to filler
GTAW Welding
 Fusion Welding Process
 Arc Between Non-Consumable Tungsten Rod And
Work. No transfer across arc.
 Arc & Weld Pool Shielded By Argon
 Filler Wire Separately Added To Weld Pool
 Welding Torch & Tungsten Rod Cooled by Flow OF
Argon / Cooling Water
Shielding Gas

 Inert Gas - Argon , Helium

 Common Shielding Gas – Argon
 When Helium Is Used – Called “Heli – Arc” Welding
 When Argon Is Used – Called “Argon Arc” Welding
 Inert Gas Prevents Contamination Of Molten Metal
 It Prevents Oxidation Of Tungsten Rod
 It Ionizes Air Gap and Stabilizes Arc
 It Cools Welding Torch & Tungsten Rod
Equipment & Accessories
Pressure Regulator
Flow Meter

Tungsten Rod
Argon Gas In
Cooling Water In Solenoid
Collette Valve Argon Cylinder

Gas Lens
HF Unit &
Welding Cable & Cooling Water Cooling
Ceramic Cup Water In Tube System
Cooling Water Out
Argon Shielding
High Frequency
+ Connection

Pedal Switch Power Source

– +
What is GMAW ?
 A Fusion Welding Process – Semi Automatic
 Arc Between Consumable Electrode &Work
 Arc Generated by Electric Energy From a Rectifier /
Thyrester / Inverter
 Filler Metal As Electrode Continuously fed From Layer
Wound Spool.
 Filler Wire Driven to Arc By Wire Feeder through Welding
 Arc & Molten Pool Shielded by Inert Gas through Torch /
Gas Metal Arc Welding

 MIG – Shielding Gas Ar / Ar + O2 / Ar + Co2

 MAG – Shielding Gas Co2

FCAW – Shielding Gas Co2 With Flux cored

Note:- Addition of 1 – 5% of O2 or 5 – 20% of Co2 in Ar.
increases wetting action of molten metal
Characteristic Of GMAW Power

Constant V / Linear Characteristic


Appx. Horizontal

A1 A2
Equipment & Accessories
Pressure Regulator
Flow Meter

Shielding Gas
Solenoid (Only For
Switch Co2)
Shielding Gas
Welding Torch Wire Feeder
Copper Cup Wire Inside Spring Lining
Electrode / Contact Tip Wire
Wire Spool
Argon / Co2
– Shielding
Power Source
With Inductance
Torch With Cable Max. 3Mtr
+ –
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