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Weni Ratnasari, M.Pd

Characteristic of
Interview happen only if there are 2
1 person having communication

One participant be interviewer and

2 one participant be the interviewee

3 Having purpose or goals

Type of Interview
Predictable interview happen if you and the
1) Predictable interviewee have been agree to hold an interview. So
Interview you can gather some information and prepare the

2) Unpredictabe lnterview
Unpredictable Interview stand for when
suddenly an event happen. For example
you interview people that be a victim on a
Stage of Interview
1 Planning Stage 2 Stage
• Start with greeting, introduce your self,
• Make sure you already know the topic and say the purpose on this meeting
about • Ask each question step by step, let the
• Know the speaker and make an interviewee finish their answer
agreement when the interview will be • Don’t forget to documenting
held. • Ask to the interviewee is interviewee
• Prepare the question that related to available if there sirs information
the topic
Why is it important to be a good
● Being a good interviewer is essential
because it helps you hire the right
people for the job.
● Being a good interviewer also shows
respect for the interviewee. It
demonstrates that you value their time
and insights and are willing to invest the
effort to get to know them better.
1. Start the conversation with small talk.
Candidates may be nervous at the beginning of the interview, so it can always be
helpful to make small talk .

2. Do your research.
Re-review the candidate’s application, resume, and cover letter before the interview,
so you know their qualifications and why they’re interested in the role.
3. Ask open-ended questions.
Open-ended questions encourage candidates to elaborate on their answers and
give you more information to work with.

4. Be aware of your body language.

Body language that shows attention and respect for the candidate can help them
feel more comfortable opening up and sharing information about themselves.
Do & Don’t Being Interviewer
1 Know the purpose/goals of the interview

Prepare all the question in order to asking an

2 interviewee
Be critical person by asking “Why” on each respond from
3 interview

4 Don’t be late. Be on time person

Don’t forget to make a summarize when finished the

5 interview
Common Phrases
Frequently Ask when Job
Asking for Opinion
• What do you think about….? • Why should we hire you?

• What are you thought ? • Why you did choses this

• How do you feel about…?
• What is your strength and
• What motivates you?
• What makes you stand out
from other candidates?
1. “Tell me about yourself.”

Briefly introduce yourself: What’s your name? How long have you been working as
•What do you love about your job?
•What are your top 2-3 achievements that are relevant to the job you’re applying for?
2. Why do you want this job?

When asked this question, your answer should include

2 things:
● What motivated you to apply for this
position, specifically.
● Why this company? Have you heard of them before?
3. Why we should hire you?

Here are general points you can mention:

1. How you’re super passionate about working for the company (and why).
2. How your skills fit their requirements.
4. What is your
Reflect on these two questions as you
formulate your answer:
Why are you good at X?
How does X help you at work?


5. What is your
What's the weakness?
What have you been doing to improve?
How has that improvement had a positive
impact on your work?
When preparing to discuss your weaknesses, choose one
that gives you the chance to demonstrate growth and
enthusiasm for learning.

● Self-critical
● Insecure
● Disorganized
● Prone to procrastination
● Uncomfortable with public speaking
● Uncomfortable with delegating tasks
● Risk-averse
● Competitive
● Sensitive/emotional
● Extreme introversion or extroversion
● Limited experience in a particular skill or
Example of describing weakness

I am a naturally shy person. Since I was a kid, I have always felt nervous
presenting in front of the class and that translated into the workplace. A
few years ago, I led a big project and was asked to present it to board
members. I was so nervous, but I realized I had to overcome this fear. I
signed up for Toastmasters as a way to practice public speaking. Not only
did this help get me through that first presentation, but it also helped me
feel more confident as a leader. Now I'm helping my own team build
presentation skills.
6. What are you looking for in this new
By speaking about how the position can help
you accomplish your long-term and short-
term goals.

You could also speak about how the position

would be able to boost your skills, strengths.
7. What is your expected salary?”

1.What’s the average salary for someone of your skill-level?

2. How much are you getting paid in your current company? In most cases, you can
probably negotiate a pay bump from what you’re currently getting.
3. You can also answer with a range, and chances are, they’ll pick the number
somewhere in the middle.
8. What do you do outside of work?

to find out more about you likes and dislikes,

your hobbies and passion.
9. “How do you deal with pressure or a stressful

Be honest when answering this question, but also give examples of how
you are learning to cope with pressure.

-whether you set the deadline of all the work

10. “Tell me about a time that you faced a challenge, how
did you tackle it?”

● Keep in mind, you have to be very specific with your answer. To get this
right, try using the STAR method. It goes something like this:
● S: Situation - Set the scene and context.
● T: Task - Describe what your challenge or responsibility was.
● A: Action - List and dwell on all the actions you took towards addressing
the challenge or responsibility.
● R: Result - Explain what the outcomes were and how they fit with the
overall goal of the project or company.
11. “What is your biggest
Mention your professional achievement

My greatest accomplishment so far is graduating from [University X] within 4 years,

with a GPA of 3.9. My family was unable to support me financially, so I had to take care
of all the university bills on my own.
Through hard work and dedication, I ended up graduating with almost no student
loans. I managed this through a combination of:
Working part-time while studying
Doing seasonal full-time work during the summer
Maintaining a high CGPA and winning 2 scholarships over 4 years
12. Do you have any questions for

•Do you have training programs available to employees?

•What kind of opportunities do you have for future development?
•What is the next step in the hiring process?
Exercise(choose 10 of this questions and
answer it)
Do you have any questions?

CREDITS: This presentation template was created by

Slidesgo, including icons by Flaticon, and
infographics & images by Freepik

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