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General Biology 1

Quarter 1 Module 1
Lyndy G. Pantao

 Walkthrough of Quarter 1 Module 1

 Lecture discussion
 Additional activities
Additional Activities

1. Which of the following can be viewed only with an electron microscope?

a. virus c. bacterium
b. chloroplast d. human egg

Answer: a. virus
2. As a cell increases in size, its surface-to-volume ratio
a. increases. c. stays the same.
b. decreases.

Answer: b. decreases.
3. Which of the following is not found in a prokaryotic cell?
a. cytoplasm d. mitochondrion
b. ribosome e. nucleoid
c. plasma membrane

Answer: d. mitochondrion
4. The ____ is located outside the cell wall in a prokaryotic cell.
a. nucleoid c. capsule
b. nucleus d. ribosome

Answer: c. capsule
5. Which of these structures is involved in protein synthesis?
a. ribosome c. mitochondrion
b. plasma membrane d. Microtubule

Answer: a. ribosome
6. Which of the following is found in a plant cell, but not an animal cell?
a. chloroplast d. ribosome
b. Golgi apparatus e. plasma membrane
c. mitochondrion

Answer: a. chloroplast
7. The endomembrane system consists of all of the following, except
a. lysosomes. c. mitochondria.
b. Golgi apparatus. d. endoplasmic reticulum.

Answer: c. mitochondria.
8. The majority of adenosine triphosphate (ATP) needed by the cell is
produced by the
a. nucleus. c. mitochondria.
b. chloroplasts. d. ribosomes.

Answer: c. mitochondria.
9. ______ move materials between the organelles of the endomembrane system.
a. Vesicles c. Ribosomes
b. RNA d. Nuclear pores

Answer: a. Vesicles
10. Centrioles are made of
a. intermediate filaments. c. microtubules.
b. actin filaments.

Answer: c. microtubules.
11. Which of the following is not part of the cytoskeleton?
a. intermediate filaments c. microtubules
b. actin filaments d. centrioles

Answer: d. centrioles
12. _____ are involved in the movement of the cell.
a. Cilia d. Intermediate filaments
b. Flagella e. Both a and b
c. Centrioles

Answer: e. Both a and b

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