Analysis On Hydrokinetic Turbine

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Submitted by :- KARTIK ATRI






The hydrokinetic turbines, a class of renewable
energy devices, offer methods to gain the
energy of flowing water without the need for
conventional hydroelectric facilities like dams
and penstocks. Hydrokinetic technologies are
developed to be installed in natural streams,
such as rivers, ocean currents, tidal estuaries,
and also in some human-made waterways and
canals. In ocean-energy structures,
hydrokinetic turbines can be arranged into
multi-unit arrays, which like the wind farm,
can extract energy from tidal and marine

20XX presentation title 3

What is
The hydrokinetic turbines, a class of renewable energy devices, offer methods to gain the energy of flowing water without
the need for conventional hydroelectric facilities like dams and penstocks. Hydrokinetic technologies are developed to be
installed in natural streams, such as rivers, ocean currents, tidal estuaries, and also in some human-made waterways and
canals. In ocean-energy structures, hydrokinetic turbines can be arranged into multi-unit arrays, which like the wind farm,
can extract energy from tidal and marine currents.
Efforts have been made to grow new renewable energy industries and markets with the ability to obtain potentially
renewable energy resources, including low-head hydropower and hydrokinetic (HK for short) power in water flows and
waves. However, relatively a small portion of this potential has been accurately harnessed or developed in the world.
Low head hydropower is defined as electricity generation devices that transmit sustainable volumes of water at relatively
low-pressure heads (up to 30 meters). More precisely, hydrokinetic turbines fall into the “zero-head” class whereby energy is
transferred from the kinetic energy of water flow, like wind turbines, instead of the potential energy of falling water.
Hydrokinetic systems can be utilized in rivers or free-flowing streams.
Some conditions provide the scenario for installing hydrokinetic turbines like hydraulic structures in rivers, irrigation canals,
low height dams, gauging weirs, etc. These turbines can be installed along the canals, where there are suitable conditions for
flow volumes, velocities, and flow reliability. Hydrokinetic turbines allow new applications and new potential in previously
unexplored areas such as a long flat river or canal sections in which conventional hydro turbines in the form of available
potential energy do not exist.
By extracting this form of energy, hydrokinetic energy production avoids many challenges existing in the traditional
hydropower units, including high civil works costs and the need for a potential energy head. Hydrokinetic turbines are of the
oldest hydropower systems; however, the evolution of these systems may be divided into periods, from the waterwheel
concept to the recent modernized pilot plants and experimentation. Today, technological development is growing with
several hydrokinetic designs through river, tidal, and wave energy systems.

20XX presentation title 6

To achieve economic efficiency, tidal current turbines can be designed for greater capacities (several megawatts). On the
other hand, river turbines are considered in the range of several kilowatts to several hundred kilowatts.
The flow of a river is unidirectional, and this removes the need for rotor yawing. But in tidal streams, if a yaw/pitch
mechanism exists, a turbine may work during both flood and ebb tides.
Depending on the cross-section of the canal, a tidal or river current turbine can only be installed at the seafloor/riverbed or in
other configurations such as floating structures. This is due to technical (instrumentation and power generation capacity) and
nontechnical (fishing, shipping, and recreational boating) constraints.
The operation can be evaluated as the following items:
Flow Nature
The river flow characteristic is significantly different from tidal streams. While the river flow has an extreme stochastic
variation (seasonal to daily), the tidal currents are subject to fluctuations of their periodic nature (diurnal to semidiurnal).
Water Density
The seawater density is more than that of freshwater. This means that there is less power generation capacity in a tidal turbine
unit when located in a river stream. Additionally, seawater in different sites and times may have varying energy content
depending on the salinity and temperature.
Tidal turbines are designed to operate under particular tide conditions. River turbines may require more dynamic control
systems to be synthesized.

20XX presentation title 8

The output power of a hydrokinetic turbine is dependent on flow speed, similar to a wind turbine. The power density is
given by the following equation:

P_{HK}=\frac{1}{2}E\rho V^{3}PHK​=21​EρV3

and the output power is:

P=\frac{1}{2}C_{p}\rho AV^{3}P=21​Cp​ρAV3

where E, Cp, ρ, A, and V are manufacturer-specified device efficiency, overall power coefficient, fluid density, turbine
swept area, and fluid speed, respectively. The overall power coefficient determines the amount of kinetic energy extracted
from fluid flow and converted into electricity. It considers losses due to Betz law and the losses in the internal sections.
The Cp of a practical system is typically approximately 0.35.
A hydrokinetic turbine with a fluid velocity of about 2–3 m/s may annually provide up to four times more energy per
square meter of rotor swept area than a wind turbine with similarly rated power. Although harnessing tidal energy may be
expensive, the utilization of this high energy source compensates more than the higher costs.
Power performance tests are performed to find the overall power coefficient in a range of tip speed ratios. The output
power gained from angular velocity (ω in (rad/s)) and torque (τ in (N.m)) measurements is compared to the available
power density of a hydrokinetic turbine to obtain the overall power coefficient as the following equation:

c_{p}=\frac{\tau\times \omega}{P_{HK}}cp​=PHK​τ×ω​
The turbine power coefficient depends on the Reynolds number in terms of chord length and the ratio of projected rotor
area to flow section area (known as blockage ratio).
thank you

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