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Neutralization reaction , Acid vs Teeth and determination
of pH
Abishek B - editing
Sanjay S - front and last page decoration
Pranav P – relavent content
Gokul MS – introduction
Thillai Rasen – relavenmt pictures
Sai Aditya – topic interoretation and analysis
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Neutralization reaction

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• A neutralization reaction can be defined as a chemical

reaction in which an acid and base quantitatively react
together to form a salt and water as products.
• It is an exothermic reaction .
• The amount of heat liberated depends on the concentration
of H^+ ion and OH^- ions processed by the dissociation of
ions .
• Acid + Base → Salt + water + heat

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Relation Master
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strength of acid and base with pH

Strength of acid Strength of base Resultant pH

Strong Strong 7

Strong Weak <7

Weak Strong >7

Weak Weak If,

Ka>Kb => pH < 7

Ka=Kb => pH = 7
Ka<Kb => pH > 7

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Ex fortoneutralization
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• HCl + NaOH → NaCl + H2O

• HCl + KOH → KCl + H2O
• HI + KOH → KI + H2O\

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Applications title style reaction
of Neutralization

• 1. Titration methods : The method of chemical titration is employed

to find unknown concentrations of acids or bases by finding their
neutralization point. To find the point where the neutralization
happens, we use a pH indicator or pH meter. With the help of simple
stoichiometric calculations and knowledge of the volume and
molarity of the known quantity, the molarity of the unknown particle
can be found out.

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• 2. Wastewater treatment : Most of the waste that comes in the form

of industrial effluents have their fair share of toxicity which will be
harmful to our environment. Thus, we need to neutralize their
toxicity before they can be thrown out. Based on the application,
different chemicals are used. Some common examples are Sodium
Bicarbonate, Magnesium Hydroxide, Calcium Oxide, Calcium

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• 3. Nanomaterial synthesis : To facilitate the chemical reduction of

metal precursors, the heat of a neutralization reaction is used.

• 4. In our digestive systems : When food is moved between our

stomach and intestines, the food needs to be neutralized. But for
nutrients to be absorbed through the intestine walls an alkaline
environment is required. Antacid bicarbonate is produced to create
this favourable condition.

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• 5. Controlling soil pH : For optimal plant growth in any soil, there are
certain conditions which are required. Some examples of materials
mixed in the soil to neutralize it from acidity are:

• Calcium Carbonate (Limestone)

• Calcium Hydroxide(Slaked lime)

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Strength of acids and


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• Strength of acids and bases are given by the term pH .

• pH : In German , pH means potenz of hydrogen thatm means power
of hydrogen . The strength of acids and bases depends upon the
numberm of h^+ and OH^- ions produced . A scale for measuring
hydrogen ion concentration in solution is called pH scale .
• For pure water and neutral solution at 25 degree celcius ,
concentration of H^+ ions is 1/10^7 mol L^-1 .

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Uses of editValue
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• The various applications of pH in daily life are:

• In the human body, all the physiological reactions take place at the
pH of 7-7.8. pH is very important for our digestive system.
• The pH of the soil is an important factor in the growth of crops and
other plants. The ideal pH for the growth of shrubs and crops ranges
from 6.5 to 7.3
• When the pH of the mouth falls below 5.5. Our tooth starts decaying.

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• The acidic effect of honeybees bite can be cured by using a base

such as baking soda. When a honeybee bites, it inserts an acidic
substance into our body. To get relief from it, an aqueous solution of
a basic substance such as baking soda is applied around the place
of the bite. It helps to neutralize the acidic poison.
• In the stomach, hydrochloric acid is secreted as food enters the
stomach. It turns the pH of the stomach between 1 and 3.

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Acid vs Teeth

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• The pH level of your mouth can affect your teeth. A neutral pH level
is between 5.6 and 7.9. When the pH level in your mouth falls below
5.5, your teeth can demineralize and you may develop cavities.
• The pH level in your mouth can drop when you consume acidic
foods and hese foods and drinks can include soda and pastries.
When the pH levdrinks. Tel in your mouth is low for a long time, it
allows bacteria that cause cavities to grow.
• A high alkaline pH level in your mouth can increase bone density
and enamel strength.

How toto maintain
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in mouth

• Focus on a High Alkaline Diet.

• Eat More Vegetables.
• Limit Bread and Sugar.
• Avoid Artificial Sweeteners.
• Reduce Your Alcohol and Caffeine Intake.
• Incorporate Seeds and Beans.

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edited by :
Abishek B
content by :
Sanjay S
Pranav P
Gokul M S
Thillai Rasen
Sai Aditya

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