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American Tragedy

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Theodore Dreiser
 An American novelist and journalist
 Naturalistic School
 Brought up as Catholic , but later became atheist
 Main characters- concentrate on their objectives
often with a lack of moral
 Twosuccessful novels: Sister Carrie and An
American Tragedy
An American Tragedy
 Based on the notorious
murder of Grace Brown
in 1906 and the trial of
her lover
 Published in two
 The book was banned in
Boston in 1927 when the
Boston District Attorney
took action against
books that presented a
danger to the “morals
of youth.”
Main characters:

 Clyde Griffiths -Tragic hero, son of Elvira Griffiths evangelist missionary

Always longed for things and wealth hoping to marry into
rich family

 Roberta Alden -Factory girl, poor in love with Clyde

 Sondra Finchley -wants to marry Clyde, wealthy
 Elvira Griffiths -Clyde’s mother
 Samuel Griffiths -rich uncle
 Hortense Briggs -shop girl who wants Clyde to spend money on her
 Orville Mason - a ruthless and politically ambitious district attorney who
prosecutes Clyde.
 The Reverend Duncan McMillan-an evangelist who brings Clyde spiritual comfort

 The novel starts with Clyde Griffiths, poor ill-educated man, with parents
that work as missionaries.
 He became bell hopper at the hotel, where he encountered with prostitutes,
alcohol and many parties and starts enjoying himself with his colleagues.
 He fells in love with Hortense who uses him to buy her expensive gifts while
being in love with another man.
 One day they drink and get into car including Hortense and the man she loves
and run over 11 years old girl. Clyde fled the scene and his story carries on in
Kansas City.
 In the meanwhile the Samuel's Griffiths family comes on the scene and the
book two starts.
Chapter 20

 Samuel’s Griffith's family is introduced-Mrs Griffith, Myra, Bella and Gilbert.

 Samuel Griffith is a shirt and collar factory owner away on conference
 The characters as well as the family house are an absolute contrast to
description of Clyde’s family at the beginning of the Book 1.
 Social status and material things play great role here what resembles in the
characters and their interests
 Bella has her heart set on moving to more prestigious place as ‘everybody
that’s worth anything is moving up there’
Chapter 21

 Mr Griffiths is returning home

 His status in his family is described here. He is well respected, and this
chapter is dedicated to his character description
 He announced the he met Clyde- their cousin and had decided to give him a
job at their Shirt and Collar factory to not a great liking to Gilbert.
 The family was told not to engage with him socially as he is not at their social
status and Gilbert, who becomes his boss, was told to treat him as any their
employee and if he does not work out, to let him go.
 ‘Later on, if he proves that he is really worth while, able to take care of
himself, knows his place and keeps it, and any of you wanted to show him any
little attention, well, then it will be time enough to see, but not before
Chapter 22

 Clyde searching his memory after 3 years of leaving his home town, and
describes what had happened, not taking even slightest responsibility for his
 He things of his mother who he read about in the newspaper. There was a
picture of her being devastated. After he fled, he had not contacted her for
several months. He decided to write to her with no name or address and
 After year and half, when thing might have cooled down he write her letter
and gives her name Harry Tenet and his last address. She writes him a
beautiful letter back warning him from his sins( drinking, partying). It is a
letter full of religious words and love. She advises him to contact his uncle
Samuel and ask him for a job.
Chapter 22

 On one of his deliveries he meets his old friend, who was also
involved in the car crush, Ratter. He helps him resume his old name
and get a job at the upper society Union League Club.
 It a bit turn point for him, as it is club only for gentlemen, well
mannered and well spoken. He starts to imitate them, hoping for
better future.
 Clyde became practical and believed that someday he might
successes if not greatly than better than till now.
 Dreiser entered contradiction right at the end :’For to say the truth,
Clyde had a soul that was not destined to grow up. He lacked
decidedly that mental clarity…’
 Clyde eventually met Samuel Griffiths in Union League Club.
 Started to work at the factory and manged to get supervisory position.
 He was warned by his family not to engage with working girls, but as his
family keeps him out of their social circle. He meets Roberta who works for
him, fells in love with him. She was just a side desire while trying to get
Sondra Finchley, rich daughter of one of the owners of another factory
 Thing are going great as Sondra in desire to make Gill jealous pays attention
to him and thing are going really well. At the same time Roberta tells him,
she is pregnant. Clyde tries to get her abortion but unsuccessfully.
 After Roberta frightens to expose him if he doe not marry her he plans to kill
her in boating accident, but freezes.
 However true accident happens and the boat goes capsized. Clyde swims to
the shore letting Roberta die.
 He gets arrested and charged with first degree murder. His contradictive stories and
indecisive manner cost him an electric chair.
 Clyde’s mother read in the newspaper about her son’s trail and came to New York to
help him, but her request was denied.
 The New York Griffiths are then forced to relocate in order to avoid the lingering
 Clyde’s parents, now in San Francisco, continue to minister on the streets with
nearly four-year-old Russell, the illegitimate son of Esta, taking Clyde’s place.

 Bucco, Martin. CliffsNotes on An American Tragedy. 25 Apr 2020

Further analyses

 Dreiser based An American tragedy on true story, collected many newspaper

clippings and made a lengthy research
 Uses lots of symbolism
 The story is presented from the third-person omniscient point of view.
 Describes the differences of society
 Religious parents let him work at the questionable hotel and then were
surprised by the result. Push him towards materialisms out of religious-
 Social status- priest saying he is guilty ‘cos he murdered in his heart
- Clyde’s case was seen by the district attorney
Mason as an opportunity to obtain the
position of a judge

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