CH 3 Recruitment & Selection

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CH # 3


Kokab Manzoor
 Successful employment planning is designed to
identify an organization’s human resource needs.
Once those needs are known, an organization will
want to do something about meeting them.

 The next step then in the staffing function is

recruiting. This activity makes it possible for the
company to ensure the continued operation of the
Recruitment and Selection
 Recruiting:
 Recruiting is the process of discovering potential candidates
for actual or anticipated organizational vacancies.
 It is Inviting potential employees for job applications using
different media like
 Internet
 Newspapers
 In-house notice boards

 Selection:
 The process of assessing (evaluating) applicants for a job
What factors affect recruiting efforts?
 Size of the Organization: An organization with 100,000
employees will find itself recruiting continually.
 Organizations paying Lower Wages
 Employment Conditions in the community where the
organization is located will influence how much
recruiting takes place.
 Working Conditions and Salary and Benefits Package
offered by the organization will influence turnover and
therefore, the need for recruiting
 Low Growth in Organizations means little need for
Constraints on Recruiting Efforts
 Image of the Organization
 Firms having positive image will attract larger pool of
candidates for its vacancies and vice versa
 Attractiveness of the Job
 Many jobs that are considered boring, hazardous, anxiety-
creating, low paying or lacking in promotion potential will
not attract applicants
 Internal Organizational Policies
 Some internal organization policies like promoting from
within where ever was possible may give priority to
individuals inside the organization.
Constraints on Recruiting Efforts…
 Government Influence
 Government regulations like Equal Employment
Opportunity Act, or Gender and Age Discrimination
Act certainly influence the recruiting effort
 Recruiting Costs
 Recruiting efforts by an organization are expensive –
costing on average $7000 per position being filled .
Sources of Recruitment
 Sources of Recruitment:
 The Internal Search
 Employee referral (recommendations)
 The External Searches
 Advertisements,
 Employment Agencies
 Schools, Colleges, Universities,
 Direct Applications (walk-ins),
 Former Employees
Sources of Recruitment: Internal Search
 The Internal Search
 A promote from within concept
 Internal search can occur through current search of
employees who have either bid for the job, been
identified through the human resource management
system, or even been referred by a fellow employee.
 The posting notifications can be communicated on
 a central “positions open” bulletin board in the plants or
 On in the weekly or monthly organization newsletter, or
 On the local intranet
Sources of Recruitment: Internal Search…
 Advantages:
 Good public relations
 It builds morale
 Encourages good individuals who are ambitious
 Less costly than outside recruiting
 Existing employees already know much about the organization
 Disadvantages:
 Sometimes inferior quality internal employees are hired because of
the policy to hire from within when excellent candidates are
available outside
 It can generate power struggle and jealousies among rival
 Occasionally it may be necessary to bring in new blood to broaden
the ideas, knowledge, and enthusiasm in the organization
Sources of Recruitment: Employee Referrals
 Employee Referrals/ Recommendations
 Is the recommendation from a current employee
regarding a job applicant
 It is one of the best source of hiring individuals who will
perform effectively on the job.
Because employees rarely would recommend someone
unless they believe that the individual can perform better.
 Referrals are an excellent source of locating employees

in those hard to fill positions like IT professionals,

engineers, computer programmers etc.
Sources of Recruitment: External Searches
 The External Search
 It is finding suitable potential candidates for vacancies
from the sources external to the organization.
 These efforts include
 Advertisements (including internet postings)
 Employment agencies
 Schools, colleges, and universities
 Professional organizations, and
 Unsolicited applicants (walk through applicants)
Sources of Recruitment: External Searches…
 Advertisements
 Advertisements is one of the most popular methods
used for inviting job applicants for a vacancy.
 Where the advertisement is placed depends on the
type of job to be advertised. However, the common
media for advertisement are:
 Newspapers
 Journals and Magazines
 websites
 social media
Sample Newspaper Ad
Sam ple N e wspape r Ad


Your Company, Inc., is a professional services firm that contributes to the success of our
employees and our clients by creating value and confidence across an array of business
financial functions. W e are seeking a FINANCE MANAGER who will report to the
Director of Finance in our Corporate Headquarters.
This position is responsible for overall financial operations including accounting, budgeting,
banking relations, cash management, forecasting, planning, analysis, and reporting.

1. BA in Accounting, Finance, Economics, or Administration, or equivalent education
and experience.
2. 3-5 years experience in budget ing, banking/cash management procedures,
forecasting, planning, and analysis.
3. In-depth knowledge of computerized financial systems.
4. Excellent supervisory and people development skills.
Highly competitive compensation package includes base salary plus per formance bonus.
O utstanding benefits package also provided.

Q ualified candidates should submit résumés in confidence to:

Sally Hanson
Human Resources Recruiter
Your Company Inc.
1112 Sometime Lane
Moonglow, Anywhere State
Your Company, Inc., is an Equal Employment O pportunity Employer.
Sources of Recruitment: External Searches…
 Employment Agencies
 Outside firms specialized in recruiting suitable
candidates for client organizations

 Types of employment Agencies:

 Public Agencies (government employment agencies
for low skilled jobs)
 Private Agencies (offer positions of higher calibre
and charges a fee from the employer and candidate if hired)
 Management Consulting Firms (head hunters for
executive positions)
Network Recruiting Resources
Visit these sites:
Sources of Recruitment: External Searches…
 School, Colleges, and Universities
 Educational institutions at all levels offer opportunities
for recruiting recent graduates
 Most educational institutions operate placement
services where prospective employers can review
credentials and interview candidates
 College recruiting goals are:
 Attract good candidates
 Screen candidates for further
Campus Interview Report

Name of person interviewed

Applying for position
Qualifications Excellent Satisfactory Poor
Related Experience
Interpersonal Skills
Problem Solving Skills
Adaptable to change
Comments: Completed by
Sources of Recruitment: Outside Hiring
 Onsite visits
 Students are invited to visit the work sites and office to

attract good candidates

 Internships
 One of the most effective win-win situation for both the

employer and fresh graduates because freshmen

receive the much needed job experience and firm’s
identify potential prospects for future hiring Referrals
and Walk-ins
Cyberspace Recruiting (Internet Recruiting)

• Internet Recruiting
• Many companies are turning to the Internet
as a recruiting tool
• Nearly four out of five companies use the
internet to recruit new employees –
increasingly by adding a recruitment section
to their web sites.
• Internet recruiting is cost effective and timely
Class activity
• Visit three different online job-recruiting
• Describe the similarities and differences
you noticed among the three sites.
• Which job site did you prefer?
• Explain why
The Selection Process

 A lot of careful planning and careful thought is required

for selection activities to be successful.
 The selection process is composed of a number of steps
which provides decisions makers with information that
will help predict whether an applicant will prove to be a
successful job performer.
 The selection process is like the higher hurdle race. The
applicant able to clear all the hurdles wins the race.
 How long does this process take varies. The process may
take weeks, or could take almost a year or two….
Selection Process

 Initial Screening (applications are processed and only those

applicants are called for test who have the right qualification and
 Employment Tests
 Written tests
 Physical tests
 The comprehensive Interview
 Background Investigation (confirming degrees and work
experiences with previous employer)
 Conditional Job Offer (Job offered subject to successful medical
 Medical /Physical Examination
 Job Offer (Permanent) (contract signed by both parties)
The Selection Process: Initial Screening
 Initial Screening
 The first step in the selection process whereby
applications about job inquiries are processed and

 All the applications (inquiries) are matched with the

job description and specifications in the original job
offer (job vacancies ad). Only those applicants are
called for test who have the right qualification and

 Some organizations conduct screening interviews as a

first step.
The Selection Process: Employment Tests
 Organizations historically rely on intelligence, aptitude, and interest
tests to provide input to the selection process. Even hand writing
analysis (graphology) and honesty (polygraph) tests have been used.
 Two general formats are used for employment tests:
 Written tests: paper and pencil tests to assess applicants various
job and personality related skills.
 Physical tests: done to the nature of job some organizations put
more emphasis on physical tests in order to assess applicant’s
physical health.
 For example Pak Army requires the job applicants to appear in
physical exercises and tests besides the written tests
The Selection Process: Comprehensive Interview
 Comprehensive interviews is a selection device in which
in-depth information about a candidate can be obtained.
 Those applicants who pass the initial screening, and
required tests are typically given a comprehensive
 The applicants may be interviewed by the HRM
interviewers, senior managers within the organization, or
a potential supervisor.
 Types of interview formats:
One to one interviews

 Panel interviews

 Group interviews
The Selection Process: Background Investigation
 Background investigation is the process of
verifying information that is provided by the
 This investigation may include:
 contacting former employers to
confirm the candidates work record,
and obtain their appraisal of
candidates performance,
 contacting other job related and
personal references,
 verifying educational accomplishments
shown on the application,
 where applicable verifying a person’s
legal status to work in a particular
country, and
 checking criminal records.
The Selection Process: Conditional Job Offer
 Conditional job offer is a job offer made to an
individual which will become permanent after
passing tests such as a medical, physical, or
substance abuse test
 Conditional job offers usually are made by an HRM
The Selection Process: Medical/Physical Examination
 Medical/Physical examination is an examination
indicating that an applicant is physically fit for
essential job performance.

 Physical examinations can only be used as a

selection device to screen those applicants who are
unable to physically complete the
requirements of a job

 For example Fire fighters are required to perform a

variety of activities that require a physical condition
The Selection Process: Job Offer
 Those candidates who perform successfully in the
preceding steps are now considered to be eligible
to receive the employment offer
 Who makes the actual job offer?
 The actual hiring decision should be made by the
manager in the department where the actual
vacancy exists. However, for administrative
purpose the offer typically is made by the HRM.
 How to make an attractive CV?
 What are the do`s and don`ts while

making CV?
 What is the Standard format of cv?

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