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Parts of a Ship

Parts of a Ship
The Hull
ø The main body of a ship

ø Divided approximately into three parts

- The fore part, the midships part and the after part
ø The fore part ends in the stem, the after part in the stern

Parts of a Ship
The Hull
ø The vertical plane joining the fore and after part through the centerline
& dividing the ship into two halves is called the fore-and-aft centerline
ø Any other line, running lengthwise is fore-and-aft line

ø When facing the stem, the starboard side is on your right hand and the
port side on your left Cu stomarily
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Parts of a Ship
Hull Surfaces
ø The vertical sides of the hull meet at the bottom of the hull at the keel,
which is the backbone or spine of the ship
ø The vertical surface at the fore part of the ship is called the bow
ø The equivalent surface at the after part of the ship is called the quarter

ø The centre part of the ship is referred to as amidships


Bow Quarter 6
Parts of a Ship
Hull Surfaces

Parts of a Ship
Terms Applied to the Hull
Deck. The continuous horizontal surfaces
of a ship are called decks; if exposed they
are called weather decks. Those that are
not continuous are called flats or
platforms. Decks are numbered
consecutively downward, starting with the
forecastle deck as 1 deck. The decks above
1 deck are numbered 01, 02 and so on,
consecutively upward. The highest
complete deck is known as the upper deck.
Flush Deck. When the uppermost deck
of a ship is continuous from stem to stern,
unbroken by any raised or sunken portion
the ship is said to be flush-decked
Parts of a Ship
Bulwark. Extension of
Terms Applied to the Hull ship's side above the
weather deck level
› Freeboard. The height of the highest
continuous watertight deck above the
waterline at any point along the hull
› Draught. Draught is the distance
between the waterline & the bottom
of the keel at any point along the hull Waterline

› Sheer. The upward sweep of the Load Line

upper deck from amidships to

forward & aft
› Length Overall. The maximum length
of a vessel's hull measured parallel to
the waterline
Parts of a Ship
Terms Applied to the Hull
› Beam. The greatest width of the hull.
› Camber. The curve given to the surface of a deck
to allow water to drain away to the ship’s side. It is
also known as round of beam.
› Bilge. The nearly flat part of the bottom of the
hull, both inside and out. ‘Bilge’ is also the foul
water that collects inside the ship in the bilges.
› Bilge Keel. A long projecting fin designed to
decrease the rolling of a ship. It is normally Bilge
secured to the hull at the turn of the bilge.
Bilge Keel

Parts of a Ship
Terms Applied to the Hull
ø Deck. Decks are numbered
consecutively downward, starting with
the forecastle deck as 1 deck. The
decks above 1 deck are numbered 01,
02 and so on, consecutively upward.
The highest complete deck is known
as the upper deck.
ø Flush Deck. When the uppermost
deck of a ship is continuous from stem
to stern, unbroken by any raised or
sunken portion the ship is said to be

Parts of a Ship
› Sheer. The upward sweep from
amidships to fwd & aft of the upper deck.
› Ballast is heavy material placed in a
position low in the hull to provide
stability. It can be moveable material,
such as gravel or stones, permanently or
semi-permanently installed, or integral to
the hull, such as the (typically) lead or
cast-iron ballast keel of a sailing yacht.
See also in ballast.
› Ballast Tank is a compartment which can
be filled or partly filled with water, used
on ships, submarines and other
submersibles to control buoyancy and
Parts of a Ship
Bridge. A ship’s bridge is a
room/ compartment/ platform above
the weather deck, which houses a
command center.
Wheel.The usual steering device on
larger vessels: a wheel with a
horizontal axis, connected by cables Wheel
to the rudder.
Rudder. A steering device that
is placed aft & pivoted about a
(usually vertical) axis to generate a
yawing moment from the
hydrodynamic forces that act on the Rudder Rudder
rudder blade when it is angled to the
flow of water over it. 13
Ports & Harbours

Ports & Harbour Related Terminologies
Shipbuilding & Launching
A ship is built on a slipway, which is a sloping platform
erected on the foreshore of a deep river or estuary and
extending well beyond and below the water’s edge. The
ship is launched in a cradle, which slides down the
slipway until the ship becomes waterborne. Usually, the
ship is launched stern first, but in some shipyards, the
tideway is not sufficiently broad to allow this, & the
ship has to be launched sideways.
All the main structure of the hull up to the upper
deck is completed before launching. In some
cases, the main machinery and other large
equipment may be installed and some parts of
the bridge and other superstructures may be
erected. 15
Ports & Harbour Related Terminologies
Ports & Harbours. A Harbour is a sheltered body of water where ships, boats, and barges
can be docked. The term Harbour is often used interchangeably with Port, which is a man-
made facility built for loading and unloading vessels and dropping off and picking up
passengers. Ports usually include one or more Harbours. Alexandria Port in Egypt is an
example of a port with two harbours.
Jetty. A platform built out from the shore on piles so that there is sufficient depth alongside
it to berth ships.
Quay & Pier. A Quay is a part of the river bank or coastline modified for ships to dock
parallel to the shore. Pier is a narrow jetty extending seaward at right-angles to the shore.


Inner Harbour

Berthed at the Jetty Quay Pier
Harbour 16
Ports & Harbour Related Terminologies
Dolphin Jetty. A dolphin is a group of pilings Mooring Dolphins

arrayed together to serve variously as a Breasting

protective hard point along a dock, in a
waterway, or along a shore; as a means or
point of stabilization of a dock, bridge, or
similar structure.
Pontoon. A small watertight floating
flat vessel or a metal structure of a similar
shape, used especially where buoyancy is
required in water, like supporting a bridge, in
salvage work, or where a temporary or
mobile structure is required. Pontoon

Ports & Harbour Related Terminologies
Marina. A marina is a dock or basin with moorings and supplies for yachts and small
boats. A marina differs from a port in that a marina does not handle large passenger ships or
Mooring. A mooring is any permanent structure to which a seaborne vessels are secured,
such as jetties, quays, piers, anchor buoys, mooring buoys, etc.
Anchorage. A location at sea where ships can lower anchors. The locations usually have
protection from weather conditions, & other hazards. The purpose can be for waiting to
enter ports, as well as taking on cargo or passengers.
Anchorage Locations
Head Rope

Aft Breast Rope

Fwd/ Head Spring

Stern Rope
Fwd Breast Rope

Back/ Aft Spring

Ports & Harbour Related Terminologies
Dry Dock or Graving Dock
This is an excavation faced with solid masonry, which is connected with a harbour, river or
basin. The entrance is closed by a sliding caisson, a floating caisson, or dock gates. Water
is admitted through valves until the level in the dock is the same as that outside; the
entrance is then opened and the ship floated in. The entrance is then closed and the water is
pumped out, thus leaving the ship resting on keel blocks and supported by breast shores
from the side of the dock to the ship’s side, and by bilge shores to give additional support.
Some small dry docks depend on
the tide for flooding and draining.
The vessel is floated in at high
water, the gates are closed and, as
the tide falls, the water is drained
out through valves, which are shut
when the dock is dry.

Ports & Harbour Related Terminologies
Floating Dock
This is a floating watertight structure which
can be submerged sufficiently to receive a
ship by flooding the pontoon tanks which
form the bottom of the dock. When the ship
has been floated into the dock and secured,
the pontoon tanks are pumped out until the
pontoon deck and the ship are dry. The ship
rests on a line of blocks under the keel and in
some cases blocks are positioned under the
bilges. Because of the flexibility of a floating
dock, it is essential that the ship be supported
by breast shores between the ship and the
dockside. This is necessary to prevent the
sides of the dock deflecting inwards because
of the weight of the ship resting on the
blocks. 20
Ports & Harbour Related Terminologies
Basin or Wet Dock
When a ship is loading,
unloading, being repaired or
fitted out (after launching) it is
safer and more convenient for her
to be berthed in non-tidal waters.
Basin or Wet Dock is such an area of water
which, except for its entrance, is enclosed
with walls of masonry and excavated to a
depth sufficient to take floating ships. The
water is shut in by caissons or gates, and is
kept at a level sufficient to ensure that ships
remain afloat. The entrance is usually through
a lock.
Ports & Harbour Related Terminologies
• Buoys are floating structures, moored to the
bottom, used to mark channels and fairways,
shoals, banks, rocks, wrecks and other
dangers to navigations where permanent
structures would be either uneconomical or
• Buoys have a distinctive colour and shape;
they may carry a top mark and exhibit light;
all of these are of great importance because
they indicate the buoys purpose.

Ports & Harbour Related Terminologies
Navigational Buoys – Lateral Marks
• Lateral marks indicate the edge of the channel. These are used in conjunction
with a conventional direction of buoyage.
• The standards are defined by the International Association of Marine Aids to
Navigation and Lighthouse Authorities (IALA). IALA divides the world into two
regions: A and B. Region B is the Americas (excluding Greenland) along with
Japan, Korea and the Philippines. Region A is the rest of the world.

IALA Maritime Buoyage System

Region A
Region B
Ports & Harbour Related Terminologies
Navigational Buoys – Lateral Marks
• The side of the channel which will IALA Region A
be on the right hand side of the
Port Hand Starboard Hand
navigator when entering harbour,
estuary or river from seaward is
the Starboard hand. The other side
is the Port hand.
• In region A port marks are red and
starboard marks green. In region B
it’s the opposite. Port hand marks
are cylindrical, starboard marks
are conical. Seaward
Difference between IALA Region ‘A’ and ‘B’

Region A Region B
Port Port

Region B Region A
Starboard Starboard

8 6 5 3

Preferred Channel - A 28
Secondary Channel - B

Nautical and Shipping Terminologies
• A lighthouse is a tower, building, or other type of
physical structure designed to emit light from a
system of lamps and lenses and to serve as a beacon
for navigational aid, for maritime pilots at sea or on
inland waterways.
• Lighthouses mark dangerous coastlines, hazardous
shoals, reefs, rocks, and safe entries to harbors.
• In order to be correctly identified, a light must
maintain a consistent character and exhibit a
distinctive appearance. This appearance is called the
character or characteristic of the light. The principal
characteristics are usually the sequence of light and
darkness and in some cases the colour of the light. 30
Nautical and Shipping Terminologies
Ship’s Navigational Lights

Nautical and Shipping Terminologies
International Maritime Signal Flags
These are various flags used to communicate
with ships. There are various methods by which
the flags can be used as signals:
• A series of flags can spell out a message, each
flag representing a letter.
• Individual flags have specific & standard
meanings; for example, diving support vessels
raise the "A" flag indicating their inability to
move from the current location because they
have a diver underwater and to warn other
vessels to keep clear.
• One or more flags form a code word whose
meaning can be looked up in a code book
held by both parties.
Nautical and Shipping Terminologies
Semaphore and Flashing Lights
Semaphore Flag Signals

Semaphore is a means of signalling

employing two hand-held flags held
in various positions relative to the
communicator’s body. The flags used
are the same, i.e. flag OSCAR (flag
diagonally split by the colours red
and yellow. This form of
communication is virtually obsolete
today but it may still be employed in
various parts of the world.

Nautical and Shipping Terminologies
Semaphore and Flashing Lights

In order to use flashing lights as a

means of communication a
special code had to be developed
and used internationally. This
code is known as the Morse code.
By altering the duration of the
flashes to short and long flashes 20 inch Signalling
and combining them in various
groups it was possible to use the
light for passing messages.

Nautical and Shipping Terminologies
Fenders. It’s a flexible bumper used to keep ships from banging into docks or
each other. A ship going alongside another ship or a jetty requires a resilient fender to
absorb any impact, but the fender must be sufficiently unyielding to provide
protection and sufficient separation to allow for any overhanging structure, proud
propeller, etc. The fenders described below are divided into three categories:
1. Portable Fenders (carried in ships)

Rattan Pneumatic Tyre Apple Ring

Nautical and Shipping Terminologies
2. Port Fenders (provided in port) - Floating Type
• Catamaran is a stoutly constructed rectangular
wooden or steel raft used between a ship and a
jetty. Compression Catamaran consists of two
rectangular tanks, of a length not less than three
ship frame spaces, separated by resilient units fitted
vertically on chains.
• Large Pneumatic Fenders are manufactured from
textile-reinforced rubber & filled with air.
• Foam-filled fenders are one kind of tough heavy-
duty and unsinkable floating fenders the
construction technology of which is centred on a
closed-cell polyethylene foam core and an outer
skin of reinforced polyurethane elastomer
Nautical and Shipping Terminologies
3. Port Fenders (provided in port) - Fixed Type
• The solid walls of berths and the piles of jetties have vertical baulks of timber
attached to protect the masonry or concrete and the hull of ships alongside.
• Fixed fenders are mounted to the berth structure and composed of buckling
fenders such as cell fenders, V-type fenders, and non-buckling fenders such as
cylindrical fenders.

Cell Fenders V-Type Fenders Cylindrical Fenders

dam enta l s
hip F un


Ship Fittings
Gangway. It is an opening in the bulwark of a ship to
allow passengers to board or leave the ship
Brow. It is a movable bridge used in boarding or
leaving a ship at a pier.
Mast. The mast of a sailing vessel is a tall spar, or
arrangement of spars, erected more or less vertically on
the centre-line of a ship or boat. Its purposes include
carrying sails, spars, and derricks, giving necessary
height to a navigation light, look-out position, signal
yard, control position, radio aerial or signal lamp.[1]
Large ships have several masts, with the size and
configuration depending on the style of ship.
Ship Fittings Athwartship

Bulkhead. It is an upright wall within a ship’s hull, particularly a

watertight, load-bearing wall.
Fore & Aft

Porthole. It’s an opening in a ship's side, especially a Portholes

round one for admitting light and air, fitted with thick glass
and, often, a hinged metal cover, used as a window.

Hatch. A covered opening in a ship's deck through which

cargo can be loaded or access made to a lower deck; the
cover to the opening is called a hatch.
Ship Fittings
Various Compartments & Fittings
• Galley (Kitchen), Bunks (Beds) U
• Engine Room & Machinery Spaces K
Galley S
• Ladders & Stairways, Doors

Engine Room Ladder

Stairways Ladder
Ship Fittings
• An accommodation Ladder is used at the harbour.
• Pilot Ladder is used at sea for embarking and disembarking pilot or boat passengers. It has
specific regulations on step size, spacing and the use of spreaders.
• Mediterranean Ladder is used when the sea is too rough to use an accommodation ladder.
• Jacob’s Ladder consists of vertical ropes or chains supporting horizontal, historically round
and wooden, rungs. Today, flat-runged, flexible ladders are also called Jacob's ladders.

Accommodation Ladder Pilot Ladder

Mediterranean Ladder
Ship Fittings
Various Deck Fittings
Bollard. A bollard is a sturdy, short, vertical post
used on a ship’s deck or quay for mooring ships and
Fairlead. It’s a device used to keep a line or chain
running in the correct direction or to give it a fair lead to
prevent it from rubbing or fouling. Fixed Fairlead
Deck Cleat. Cleats are used to tie off a line, designed
for attachment to the Deck. Roller Fairlead

Fender. It’s a flexible bumper used to keep ships

from banging into docks or each other.

Ship Fittings
Berthing Hawsers are used to secure a ship alongside a wall, jetty, or another
ship. Berthing hawsers are named depending on their position on the deck
and usage. Following are different berthing hawser:
• Head rope - Prevents backward movement.
• Fore Breast - Prevents sideways movement.
• Fore spring - Prevent the ship going forward.

Head Rope

Aft Breast Rope

Fwd/ Head Spring

Stern Rope
Fwd Breast Rope

Back/ Aft Spring

• Back spring - Prevent the ship going aft.
• After breast - Prevents sideways movement.
• Stern rope - Prevents forward movement.

Ship Fittings
Winch. A mechanical device for pulling on a rope. It Powered Winch
may be hand-operated or powered.
Derrick. A lifting device composed of one mast or
pole and a boom or jib hinged freely at the bottom.
Davit. It’s a crane, often working in pairs and usually
made of steel, used to lower things over the side of a ship,
including lifeboats.
e Hand Operated Winch
Davit Rop Luffing
y Rope
om i



Frame Derrick
Ship Fittings
Bridge Area
• Control Panel
• Conning System (‘To Conn’ means directing a ship)
• Radar, ECDIS (Electronic Chart Display & Info System) Control Panel

• Pelorus, Vane and Binnacle, Chart table

Pelorus with
Control Panel in Ship’s Bridge

Chart Table

Binnacle Pelorus 46
AIS (Automatic Identification System)
• The Automatic Identification
System (AIS) is a short-range
coastal tracking system currently
used on ships. It was developed
to provide identification and
positioning information to both
vessels and shore stations
• Its purpose is to help identify
ships, assist in target tracking,
assist in search and rescue
operations, simplify information
exchange and provide additional
information to assist situational
AIS (Automatic Identification System)
• A digital positional awareness system operating in the Very High Frequency (VHF) band
• The IMO Convention for the Safety Of Life At Sea (SOLAS) Regulation Ship to Ship
Ship to Shore
V/19.2.4 requires vessels of 300 GT and
above engaged on international voyages and
all passenger ships irrespective of size to
carry AIS onboard.
• Reception range varies from 20–40nm
depending on signal propagation conditions, sea
state, antenna height, transmitter strength, etc.
• By hovering over an AIS icon, you can learn
the ship name, course & speed, classification,
call sign, registration number, maneuvering
information, closest point of approach (CPA),
time to the closest point of approach (TCPA)
& other navigation information 48
dam enta l s
s hip F un

Anchors and

Anchors and Cables
• A ship can be secured to the sea bottom by
means of her anchors and cables, either with a
single anchor or two anchors, and in the latter
case, she is said to be moored.
• The disadvantage of the single anchor method
Single Anchor Method
is that the ship takes a lot of sea room when
swinging around its anchor.
• The object of mooring with two anchors is Bridle
Buoy Shackle
usually to reduce the sea room required by the
Buoy Pendant
ship for swinging.

Mooring to Buoy
Mooring Anchor Ground Arms
Double Anchor Method
Anchors and Cables
• Ancient anchors consisted of large stones, basketfuls of stones,
sacks filled with sand, or logs of wood loaded with lead.
• As ships became larger, wooden hooks that dug into the sea
bottom came into use as anchors.
• Iron replaced wood & flukes were added to help the hooks dig
into the bottom. Another major improvement was the addition
of a stock, or horizontal arm to ensure that the arms rest
vertically on the seabed.
• Curved arms began to replace straight arms in anchors early in
the 19th century which are still in use for light work & for
boats and are known as Stock Anchor or Fisherman’s Anchor.
• The vertical shaft of an anchor is called a shank; fitted with a
balancing band so as to horizontally balance the anchor when
lifted. The shank is joined to each arm at the crown Parts of a Stock Anchor
Anchors and Cables
• The stockless anchor, which was patented in England in 1821, came into wide use
principally because of its ease of handling and stowing.
• The crown, arms, and flukes of a stockless anchor are cast in one piece and can pivot
slightly from side to side on the shank.
• The flukes are long and heavy, and have
projecting shoulders at their base that
catch on the seabed. As more drag is
exerted, the shoulders force the flukes
downward into the bottom.
• Stockless anchors have replaced the older
stock anchor on most of the large ships of
the world.

Anchors and Cables
How an anchor holds. The diagram
shows how an anchor beds itself in the
bottom after it has been let go and the
strain comes on the cable. The anchor
lies flat on the bottom until the pull of
the ship on the cable drags the anchor
along the bottom; the tripping palms
then tilt the flukes, which then dig
themselves in. After a further amount of
dragging the anchor embeds itself
completely until it holds. For the anchor
to maintain its hold the pull of the cable
must always be horizontal where the
cable emerges from the seabed.

Anchors and Cables
Dragging of anchor can be detected:
• By taking frequent bearing of shore objects. Marked change in the bearing will
indicate the dragging of the anchor.
• By the behavior of the cable. When the anchor is dragged the cable will taut and
slacken alternately in a distinct manner.
• By the vibration of Cable.

Actions to be Taken while Dragging:

• Veer more cable.
• Let go 2nd anchor if possible.
• If there is only one anchor, weigh anchor, choose a fresh anchor berth, and then
anchor again.
Anchors and Cables
Considerations before anchoring:
(1) Tidal stream, current and wind
(2) Depth of water
(3) Which anchor to let go
(4) Nature of the seabed
(5) How many Shackles of cable to veer
= 1.5√d, where ‘d’ is the water depth in meters
(6) Whether it is intended to veer some cable first

Precautions when Anchored in Bad weather:

(1) Veer out under power more cable.
(2) To reduce the yaw of the ship, let go the second anchor.
Anchors and Cables
Various Types of Anchors

Anchors and Cables
Various Types of Anchors

Anchors and Cables
Each of the ship’s two main anchors is
called a bower anchor, carried
permanently while attached to their
cables on each side of the bow, always
ready to be let go in case of an

Anchors and Cables
• The length of the chain cable attached to an anchor is expressed in the unit of ‘Shackle’, where 1
Shackle equals 15 fathoms or 90 feet or 27.5 meters. Shackle also means a U-shaped iron, with a
screw pin at the open end used for securing ropes or cables, allowing easy removal.
• Each Shackle of the cable is detachable and joined with the adjacent Shackles with a detachable
link called Joining Shackle.
• The shackles & joining shackles of a cable are numbered consecutively from the outer to the
inner end, the first joining shackle joins the first and second shackles together.
• Every joining shackle is painted white. One link on each side of a joining shackle is also painted
white and marked with a number of turns of seizing wire around the stud corresponding to the
number of the joining shackle. These marked links are separated from the joining shackle by a
number of unmarked links, which serve to indicate the join between two particular shackles.
Lugless Joining Shackle

Shackle Common Links

Anchors and Cables
Cable Lockers. The cable lockers provide stowage for the cables.
Modern warships have self-stowing cable lockers so the descending
cable will automatically stow itself. Drainage arrangements are
provided for the removal of water. If the locker is not self-stowing it
must be stowed by hand. The inboard end of the cable is secured to
a cable clench at the bottom of the locker by a lugged joining
shackle. The clench should be 20% above the proof load of the cable.
Swivel and Link Assemblies. Swivel and link assemblies are fitted
to prevent the chain cable from twisting when the ship is at anchor.
A swivel piece is fitted at the outboard end of the chain cable for
attachment to the anchor and inboard between the end of the chain
cable and the cable locker. The inboard swivel piece is always
secured to the cable clench with a lugged joining shackle.

Cup Swivel Box Swivel

Box Swivel Cup Swivel
Anchors and Cables
Stoppers. Cable stoppers, usually known as slips, are provided to hold the cable prior to letting go an
anchor, or to act as preventers when the ship is riding on the brake of the cable holder, or to hold the
cable temporarily so that the inboard part of the cable can be handled. Some types of Stoppers are
Blake Slip, Blake Bottle Screw Slip, Riding Slip, etc.

Screw Slip


Navel Pipe

Capstan/ Blake
Slip Riding Slip
Cable Holder

Anchors and Cables
Anchor Terms
TO VEER Is to pay out, either by power or brake. When the anchor has been let go. Entry in
TO HEAVE Is to bring in cable. TO COME TO the Log should read “0900 Came to with
Port Anchor” …………
Is the angle the cable enters the water, e.g.
STAY ‘Long stay’ - When it is taut and enters the SHIPS HAS HER The ship has fallen back on her cable and is
water at an acute angle well away from the CABLE held by her anchors and cables.
hawse pipe.
Is the direction and stay it leads away from the UP AND DOWN When the cable grows vertical.
TO GROW hawse pipe.
Apply the brake suddenly when the cable is ANCHOR AWEIGH When the anchor breaks out of the seabed.
TO SNUB being paid out. ANCHOR When the anchor is dragging towards the
SHORTENING To heave in part of the cable out when lying at COMING HOME ship as the cable is being hove in.
IN anchor.
DRAGGING When the anchor is dragging along the seabed CLEAR OR FOUL The anchor is reported clear or foul as soon
and not holding the ship. ANCHOR as it is sighted.
Means to haul it out of the cable locker and
TO RANGE CABLE range it on the Deck or on a dock bottom.

ta bil ity
Ship’s S

Transverse Stability

Transverse Stability
The Centre of Buoyancy
B is the geometric centre
WIND of the underwater part of
the vessel & usually lies
directly below the centre
The position of the
of gravity when a ship is
Centre of Gravity G
G steady.
varies with her
condition of loading. If When the ship moves
it is symmetrically influenced by external
loaded, it will forces, G will remain
somewhere lie on the unchanged in a particular
middle plane of the B condition of loading, apart
ship. from a slight movement
caused by shifting of
liquids with a free surface.

Transverse Stability

When a ship is heeled,

it will move to
position B1. The force of buoyancy
acting upward through
The force of weight & B1 will produce a
buoyancy are each Buoyancy (B) moment tending to
equal to the ship’s right the ship.
displacement W, G Z
acting vertically
opposite. B B1
Displacement (W)

Righting Moment = W x GZ (Righting

Lever) 65
Transverse Stability Righting Moment = W x GZ (Righting
› In most ships, for small angles of the Lever)
heel of up to 10°, the line of action of
the force of buoyancy B1 will cut the GZ=GM When Ө is small
SinӨ & GM is +ve
middle line of the ship at a fixed-point M
M called the Transverse Metacentre.
› The height of M above G is called the Ө
Metacentric Height (GM); it gives a
measure of the ship’s initial stability.
› The greater the metacentric height, i.e.
the lower the position of G, the greater G Z
the stability.
› When Metacentric Height (GM) is known, GZ B B1
& thus Righting Moment can be derived.
› GM changes when the angle of the heel is
Transverse Stability

Measurements at Sea

Angular Static



Measurements at Sea
• Displacement. This is the actual weight of the vessel measured by the weight in
tonnes of water she displaces when loaded with fuel, water, stores and with the
crew on board. It is seldom used for merchant ships because of the great difference
in their displacement when fully and lightly loaded. It is, however, the usual
method of describing the tonnage of warships.
• Gross Tonnage. This is a measure of the total internal volume of the ship, with
certain exceptions such as wheelhouse, chartroom, radio room etc. reckoned in tons
of cubic capacity. It is the usual method of expressing the tonnage of passenger
• Deadweight Tonnage. This is the measurement in weight of the cargo, passengers,
crew, stores, fuel and water which a ship can carry when floating at her summer
load draught. It is the difference between the light and load displacements or, in
other words, it is the weight of the removable or expendable items which a ship can
carry. This is the normal method of expressing the tonnage of cargo ships.
Measurements at Sea
Load Line and Water Line
• A Load Line is a marking indicating the
extent to which the weight of a load
may safely submerge a ship
• The Waterline is the line where the hull
of a ship meets the surface of the water
• Marked amidships on both sides of hull,
indicate the legal limit of a ship’s load in
specific geographical areas & season

Load Line
Water Line (WL)

Measurements at Sea
Draft or Draught Markings of Vessel
• Draft marks are numerals painted on both
sides of the bow, amidships & stern of a ship.
• They indicate the depth of the ship’s keel
below the water line in meters, feet, or both.
• The meter mark numerals are 10 cm high. in
between the meter marks but slightly to the **
** **
right of them are marked Arabic numerals as **

2, 4, 6 and 8, which indicates 20cms, 40cms

and 60cms and 80cms. The’ of these Arabic
numerals is 10 cm & the spacing between
them is 10 cm. The bottom of the numeral
indicates the draft.
Measurements at Sea
Nautical Miles
• A nautical mile is a unit of length used in air, marine, &
space navigation, & also for measuring maritime areas
• Historically, defined as the meridian arc length
corresponding to one minute (1/60 of a degree) of latitude
• Today the international nautical mile is defined as exactly
1,852 metres (6,076 ft; 1.151 mi)
• A sea mile is the length of 1 minute of arc measured along
the meridian at the latitude of measurement. This distance
varies between about 1843 meters at the equator and 1962
meters at the North and South poles. The sea mile is used
for the scale of latitude on large-scale charts for measuring
distance using the latitude graduation on the chart borders.
Measurements at Sea
Cable. The cable is a unit for measuring short distance and equals one tenth of a
nautical mile (608 feet or roughly 200 yards). The length of a ship’s anchor cable
was once 101 fathoms (606 feet); the length of a modern ships anchor cable bears
no relation to the cable measure.
Fathom. The fathom was the traditional nautical linear measure for ropes, hawser,
depths of water and sounding. It is now superseded for all these purpose by the
meter (1 fathom = 06 ft/ 1.8288 meters).

Knot. A knot is a unit speed of one nautical mile per hour (1.852 Kilometers
per hour or 1.15 statute miles per hour). A ship steaming at 15 knots means
she travels at a speed of 15 nautical miles per hour. (The expression, a knot
per hour is Incorrect and should never be used to describe speed).

Measurements at Sea
Ship’s Movement-Related Terms
A vessel is underway when she is neither anchored nor secured to a buoy, nor
made fast to the shore, nor aground. When actually moving through the water, a
vessel is said to be making way.

Jetty Aground

Vessel Underway Vessel Underway

but not Making Way and Making Way
Measurements at Sea
Ship’s Movement-Related Terms
• When moving ahead a vessel is said to be going ahead or making headway,
when moving astern a vessel is said to be going astern or making sternway or
making a stern board. A vessel gathers way when she begins to move through
the water, and she has steerage way when her speed is sufficient for steering.
• A vessel moving sideways is said to be moving broadside on. If she is making
headway and at the same time being blown sideways by the wind, she is said to
be making leeway. When the wind is blowing from one side of the vessel, that
side is called the weather side, and the other sheltered side is called the lee side.
• A ship is adrift when broken away from moorings & without means of propulsion
Current/ Weather Side
Wind Wind + Current
Lee Side
Broadside 75
Measurements at Sea
Ship’s Movement-Related Terms
• The cardinal direction a ship is to be steered is called the Course. When that
direction is obtained/ described from a compass, it is the Compass Course.
• The compass direction of a craft's bow is called the Heading.
• The angle between the actual direction in which a ship moves & the meridian
through her position is called the True Course.

North Heading

x y°


Win urse
d ° Tru e Co

nts at Sea
s ur em e

Compass & the

Bearing of an Object

Compass and Bearing of an Object
Bearing or Azimuth is the horizontal
angle between the direction of an object
& North or another reference direction/ N
object. The angle value can be specified Heading
in various angular units, such as degrees. x
True North is the northerly direction of y° °
the meridian.
The True Bearing of an object is the
angle between the meridian and the
direction of the object.
The Relative Bearing is the angle
between the craft's heading & the Clockwise Angle fm North = x° True Bearing
location of another object. Angle fm Ship’s Head = Green y° Relative Bearing
Compass and Bearing of an Object
The Compass
• The navigational compass is an instrument
that provides the datum from which course
and bearings may be measured.
• There are two principal types of Compass -
Gyro compass & Magnetic compass
• Gyro Compass is a rapidly spinning
wheel or gyroscope the axis of which is
made to point along the meridian
towards true north.
• Courses & bearings which are measured
using a gyro compass are ‘True’ provided
no error in the compass & measured
clockwise from 000˚ to 360˚.
Compass and Bearing of an Object
• The Magnetic Compass may be considered as a
bar magnet freely suspended in the horizontal
plane and acted upon by the earth’s magnetic
field and the magnetic properties of the ship.
• The earth may be considered as a gigantic
magnet. Magnetic lines of force eliminate
from a position near King George V Land in
Antarctica known as the South Magnetic Pole.
These lines of force follow approximately
semi great circle paths to the North Magnetic
Pole, north of Bathurst Island in the Canadian
Arctic. These Magnetic Poles are relatively
stationary, but are continually moving over a
largely unknown path in a cycle of some
hundreds of years.
Compass and Bearing of an Object
• Magnetic North is the name of the direction in which the ‘North’ end of a magnetic
needle, suspended so as to remain horizontal, would point only when subject to
the influence of the earth’s magnetism.
• A Magnetic Meridian is defined as a line on the earth's surface approximating a
great circle, which passes through the north and the south magnetic poles.

Compass and Bearing of an Object
• Magnetic deviation is the error induced in a compass by
local magnetic fields. Magnetic deviation of a ship’s
Soft Irons
compass refers to compass error caused by the ship’s
permanent magnetization.
Compass North ± Deviation = Magnetic North
• Deviation is measured East or West from Magnetic North.
• While correcting from Magnetic to Compass ‘Add’ the
easterly corrections
• Deviation errors caused by the ship's magnetism are
minimized by precisely positioning small magnets and
iron compensators close to the compass. Two
magnetically soft iron spheres are placed on the sides to C
compensate for induced magnetization. However, m
because every ship’s magnetic “signature” changes e
slowly with location, and with time, it is necessary to s
adjust the compensating magnets, periodically, to keep t
the deviation errors to a practical minimum. r
Compass and Bearing of an Object
• Variation is the angle between the geographic
(true) north and magnetic meridians at any
• Variation has different values at different
places which gradually change with time.
• Its value at any place may
be found from the chart
which provides the
variation for a certain year
together with a note of W E
the annual change. The
Navigator must always
allow for this annual
change. S
Compass and Bearing of an Object
Allowing for Variation and Deviation

Compass Deviation Magnetic Variation True

Can a Dead Man Vote Twice

• Easterly variations and deviations are added or applied clockwise.
• Westerly variation and deviation are subtracted or applied anti-clockwise.
• Compass to True Add east

Compass and Bearing of an Object


270° + 6° = 276°

270° + 6° = 276° + (3° W)

270° + 6° = 276° - 3° = 273°
Compass and Bearing of an Object


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