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Research Paper Instructions

(20 % of final course grade)

Due on eCourses on Friday, March 22nd at 11:59pm
There will be one letter grade (10 points) deducted per day for delayed
Please read all instructions thoroughly.

Students must submit a research paper on how judges are selected in the Texas state
judiciary. NOT the Texas federal judiciary. Your paper must meet the following
questions, content, format and submission requirements given in this instruction

All power-point resources that you find under this assignment’s tab are read best
on a laptop or a desktop computer screen. A mobile phone does not show all
components. Desktops are available in the PVAMU library. The library also gives
laptops on loan.

This is a research assignment meaning it involves reading Chapter Notes, the class
textbook (selections have been given) as well as two other quality sources of your
choice to answer the questions given.

If you are using chapter notes and instruction notes to write your assignment,
remember to paraphrase them in your own words, otherwise its similar to
copying from the textbook and other sources, which will result in a zero.

Please answer the following 5 questions in your essay about the

Texas State Judiciary, NOT the Texas Federal Judiciary:

1. Identify and explain the current TEXAS law regarding the selection
of judges in Texas. (3 points)

2. Identify and explain at least two other types of state judicial selection
processes used in the U.S. (3 points)
Questions continued.
3. Choose whichever judicial selection method you think is best and give at least two
criteria, explaining how and why you made your choice. Possible criteria include:
impartiality/independence, accountability and competence of judges. (5 points)

4. Describe who may or may not benefit from the position you take in question 3)
above. Consider the impact on political parties, on justices and the individuals in the
Texas state court system. Also consider the impact in other areas, e.g., economic,
political, social. (5 points)

5. Describe at least two things you could do in order to engage the political process
in Texas in pursuit of your position in 3) above, be specific. (4 points)
Content requirements

6) Cite at least three (3) reliable, quality references, i.e. (2 quality articles + class textbook = 3 quality
references) within the body of the paper, using the Chicago Manual of Style’s parenthetical citation
Example: (Rigger 2001, 124) or (Author-Surname Year-published, page-number)
(Manual on How to cite)

One of the citations MUST come from the class textbook (-10 points if this is not done). I have
provided selections from the textbook in another PowerPoint you will find under this assignment’s tab
on Canvas.

 You must have at least three parenthetical citations in the body of the paper that correctly match the
sources properly formatted in the Works Cited Page.
Content requirements continued.

7) A paper with no parenthetical source citations in its body will receive a grade of 0.

8) The works cited section (a.k.a. reference list, a.k.a. bibliography) at the end of the body can follow
any format as long as you give me the name of the source, the author of the source, the date of
publication and publisher in the format given below:

Author (Full name), Source ( Full Title), Date of Publication, Publisher

Content requirements continued.

• You can use both sentence quotes and/or phrase quotes

• However, no more than 80 words, in your (600 word) assignment, should be

in “quotes”

• This is to emphasize, the demonstration of your understanding, of the

references used, through correct paraphrasing and accurate interpretation of
the text.

• Quotes are not space fillers, they should be used only to reiterate your
argument, or you will lose marks.

1. Typed, 2-3 pages (600 to 1000 words) of your own writing (not counting the Works Cited Page or the
title or the questions), 12-point font, double- spaced. Minimum 600 words is essential.
2. Your name, my name, POSC 2306, and the date (single-spaced, top left corner of first page)
3. A title is required, but a separate title page is not necessary.
4. An introduction with a thesis/statement of purpose, in the first paragraph: “This paper will…”
5. A logically organized and sequenced body, according to the questions given.
6. Do not repeat the questions in your essay.
7. Use of the Chicago Manual of Style’s parenthetical citation format. Students must be very careful
and pay attention to details when they cite.
8. Use of footnotes or endnotes is prohibited.
9. Using encyclopedias, like Wikipedia, Ballotpedia,,, etc. is prohibited (-10
10. Use of word mixers like Spinbot and any artificial intelligence platform is prohibited and will result in
a grade of 0; no second chances will be allowed.
11. Plagiarism of any kind (including patchwork plagiarism) will result in a grade of 0.

1. Your essay must be submitted on eCourses, in the assignment tab created, in PDF or Microsoft
Word Format.
2. There will be one letter grade (10 points) deducted per day for delayed submissions.
3. A paper placed in my office, in my mailbox or emailed will not be accepted for grading.

Papers are graded according to the following four criteria:

1) content
2) organization
3) quality of writing
4) quality of research sources
5) reference citation formats and paraphrasing
Possible journal article full references
1) Professional Responsibility & Legal Education. State Judicial Selection: Once More Unto the Breach By Michael E.
DeBow* 2008

2) Wallace B. Jefferson, “Reform the Partisan System,” 79 Texas Bar Journal 90 (2016).
David Butts, “A Democratic Process Is the Best Choice,” 79 Texas Bar Journal 91 (2016).

3) The Honorable Peter D. Webster, Selection and Retention of Judges: Is There One "Best" Method?, 23 Fla. St. U. L. Rev.
1 (1995)

You will find 1), 2) and 3) above, in eCourses/Canvas under the assignment tab.

Several news articles have also been provided. You can also choose any articles of your own choosing.

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