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Speaking IELTS

Primary Emotion (S + V + O)
• Love
• Happiness (n) ~ Happy (adj)
• I’m feeling ~ I feel happy
• I’m happy
• It is quite difficult to find happiness => Câu đơn => Simple Sentence
• Happiness is quite difficult to find
• It is quite comfortable when I go around my temple => Câu phức => Complex
• Surprise
• Anger
• Sadness
Câu ghép
• For
• And
• Nor
• But
• Or
• Yet
• So

• Because, when, if, since, as, which, by, while, whereas, although, despite
• By + V-ing, S + V +O
• By joking too much, I make them misunderstand which make them angry
• Since I joke too much, I make them misunderstand
• Despite trying very hard, I still fail my exam
• Although I try very hard, I still fail my exam
• Because it is raining, I don’t go to school on time, so I don’t understand the lesson
• Because it is raining, I don’t go to school on time, which lead to my misunderstanding of the lesson
Secondary Emotion
• Excitement
• Confusion
• Embarassment
How are you feeling/ How are you doing
• I’m doing fine/great/terrible
• I am happy about Cụm danh từ/ that SVO
• Glad = Hài lòng
• Delighted = Hân hoan
• Thrilled = Hào hứng Thriller Detective
• Pleased = Vừa lòng
• I feel happy today
• Content = mãn nguyện
• Elated = Hân hoan
He likes his mother
He is like his mother

I am happy that I pass the exam

I am glad that she forgave me Forgive => forgave

What does he like? = Anh ta thích điều gì

What is he like? = Anh ta là người như thế nào
What does he look like? = Anh ta trông như thế nào
How are you feeling/ How are you doing
• I feel angry
• Cross: Làm trái ý
• Irate: Giận dữ Irate customer
• Vexed: Bực bội
How are you feeling/ How are you doing
• I feel sad
• Down: Cảm thấy chán nản
• Low: cảm thấy tồi tệ
• Despondent = very sad
• Desperate
• Disappointed
Finish the phrase
• I feel vexed when…
• I feel thrilled when…
• I feel down in the dumps when…
• I feel excited when…

Mental Health
• How do you keep your mental well-being
• To cope with stress/my diseases: Để đối mặt với stress

• Because I keep my mental well-being, so I rarely feel angry

• I usually meditate to cope with stress
• I often practice meditation to cope with stress
• To be in the mood to do something… => Có hứng làm gì đấy
• I am in the mood to study
• To have a mood swing => Tâm trạng bất ổn
• To be in an emotional roller coaster
• I usually have a mood swing
• To be in low spirit
• I am in low spirit
• To feel down in the dumps
• To feel under the weather => Cảm thấy không khoẻ

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