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Course Code: BM-41

Course Name: PPM and
By Dr Manasi Bhate
Topic - 6. Team Building

6.1. Concept of Team, Nature, Benefits from team,

6.2. Types of Teams
6.3. Creating Effective Teams, Turning Individuals into
Team Player.
6.1. Concept of Team, Nature, Benefits from
6.1. Concept of Team, Nature, Benefits from
6.1. Concept of Team, Nature, Benefits from team,
Meaning of Team
A team is a cooperative group whose members interact with each other towards
the accomplishment of special objectives. In many organizations, employees
work in regular small groups called teams where their efforts must fit together
like the places of a picture puzzle. When their work is interdependent, they act
as work and seek to develop a cooperative state called teamwork.

According to Katzenbach and Douglas Smith___” It is a small number of
people with complementary skills who are committed to a common purpose, set
of performance goals and approach for which they hold themselves mutually
6.1. Concept of Team, Nature, Benefits from team,

According to Stephen P.Robbins___” A work team is a

collection of people whose individual efforts result in a level
of performance which is greater than the sum of their
6.1. Concept of Team, Nature, Benefits from team,

Nature of Team

1. Clear Direction: Clear direction means that the teams are given a clear
and distinct goal. The teams may be empowered to determine how to
achieve that goal, but management, when forming the team, generally
sets the goal. A clear direction also means that term outcomes are
2. Clear Responsibilities: Clear responsibilities mean that each
team member understands what is expected of her or him within
the teams. The role must be clear and interesting to the team
6.1. Concept of Team, Nature, Benefits from team,
3 Knowledgeable Members: An effective team will be comprised of
individuals who have the skills and knowledge necessary to complete the
team’s task. Cooperation is essential at an early stage in inventorying the
skills and knowledge each member brings to the teams and working to
determine how to utilize those skills to accomplish the team’s task.

4 Reasonable Operating Procedures: It needs a set of rules by which it

6.1. Concept of Team, Nature, Benefits from team,
5. Interpersonal Relationship: They are composed of diverse
individuals, Each of whom comes to the team with his or her own set of
values. Understanding and celebrating this diversity helps to make stronger,
more effective teams.

6. Sharing Success and Failures: Everyone wants to feel

appreciated. Within a team, members should be willing to
express their appreciation, as well as their criticisms, of other’s
6.1. Concept of Team, Nature, Benefits from team,

Importance of Teams

1. Improved Employee Motivation.

2. Positive Synergy.
3. The satisfaction of Social Needs.
4. Commitment to Teams Goals.
5. Improved Organizational Communication.
6. Benefits of Expanded Job Training.
7. Organizational Flexibility.
6.3 Creating Effective Teams, Turning Individuals into Team Player

Creating Effective Teams

The value of teams can be powerful! Consider these four general categories…

Work design (autonomy, skill variety, task identity, task significance)

Composition (ability, personality, roles & diversity, size, flexibility, preference for

Context (adequate resources, leadership, performance evals and rewards)

Process (common purpose, specific goals, team efficacy, conflict, social loafing)
6.3 Creating Effective Teams, Turning Individuals into Team

Turning Individuals Into Team Players

Be sure to understand cultural difference and prior reward systems (i.e. are individual
achievements valued?) prior to introducing teams into your organization. If you do
introduce teams, consider…
Care should be taken to ensure that candidates can fulfill their team roles as well as
technical requirements.
A large proportion of people raised on the importance of individual accomplishment can
be trained to become team players.
Reward systems needs to be reworked to encourage cooperative efforts rather than
competitive ones.
Thank you !!

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