Thermodynamics Tut. 2

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Tutorial #2 Fundamentals Revision

These questions are taken from text book “Thermodynamics: An Engineering
Approach 2010 by Cengel & Boles”

Eng. M. Nabeel Negm

Fundamentals Revision
Problem 1

A Carnot heat engine receives heat at 750 K and rejects the waste heat to the
environment at 300 K. The entire work output of the heat engine is used to drive
a Carnot refrigerator that removes heat from the cooled space at -15°C at a rate
of 400 kJ/min and rejects it to the same environment at 300 K.
Determine (a) the rate of heat supplied to the heat engine and (b) the total rate
of heat rejection to the environment.

Final Answers: (a) 108.5 kg/min, (b) 508.5 kg/min

Fundamentals Revision
Problem 1 Solution
Fundamentals Revision
Problem 1 Solution Cont.
Fundamentals Revision
Problem 2

Air is compressed by an adiabatic compressor from 95 kPa and 27°C to 600 kPa and 277°C.
Assuming variable specific heats and neglecting the changes in kinetic and potential energies.
Determine (a) the isentropic efficiency of the compressor and (b) the exit temperature of air if
the process were reversible.

Final Answers: (a) 81.9 %, (b) 505.5 K

Fundamentals Revision
Problem 2 Solution

Fundamentals Revision
Problem 2 Solution Cont.

Fundamentals Revision
Problem 3

Air enters an adiabatic nozzle steadily at 300 kPa, 200°C, and 30 m/s and leaves at 100
kPa and 180 m/s. The inlet area of the nozzle is 80 cm2.
Determine (a) the mass flow rate through the nozzle, (b) the exit temperature of the air,
and (c) the exit area of the nozzle.

Final Answers: (a) 0.5304 kg/s, (b) 184.6°C, (c) 38.7 cm2
Fundamentals Revision
Problem 3 Solution
Fundamentals Revision
Problem 3 Solution Cont.
Fundamentals Revision
Problem 4

The power output of an adiabatic steam turbine is 5 MW, and the inlet
and the exit conditions of the steam are as indicated in the shown figure.
a) Determine the work done per unit mass of the steam flowing through
the turbine.
b) b) Calculate the mass flow rate of the steam

Final Answers: (a) 872.5 5 kJ/kg /s,

(b) 5.73 kg/s
Fundamentals Revision
Problem 4 Solution
Fundamentals Revision
Problem 4 Solution Cont.
Fundamentals Revision
Problem 4 Solution Cont.
Fundamentals Revision
Problem 5

Steam enters the condenser of a steam power plant at 20 kPa and a quality of 95 percent with a
mass flow rate of 20,000 kg/h. It is to be cooled by water from a nearby river by circulating the
water through the tubes within the condenser. To prevent thermal pollution, the river water is not
allowed to experience a temperature rise above 10°C. If the steam is to leave the condenser as
saturated liquid at 20 kPa, determine the mass flow rate of the cooling water required. You may
assume the river water temperature as 20°C.

Final Answer: 297.7 kg/s

Fundamentals Revision
Problem 5 Solution

Fundamentals Revision
Problem 5 Solution Cont.

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