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By Sarah Malik
What is Pollution?
Pollution is the presence in or
introduction into the
environment of a substance
which has harmful
or poisonous effects.
Types of pollution
There are several types of pollution. The three main types
I. Land

II. Water

III. Air
Land Pollution
Cause Effects
 Deforestation - Cutting  Deforestation - loss of
down whole forests causes the trees can cause climate change,
destruction of ecosystems and desertification, soil erosion,
the wildlife that live there. fewer crops, floods etc.
 Landfills - the smell  Landfills - they bring
produced by landfills is hazards such as smell, smoke,
generated by the noise, bugs, and even water
decomposition of waste. supply contamination.
 Overhunting and  Overhunting and
Overgrazing - this can be Overgrazing - overhunting
caused by overpopulation, decreases biodiversity.
drought, lack of animal Overgrazing results in reduced
control etc. ground cover, increased
erosion, reduces plant growth
Land Pollution
Visual Examples
Water Pollution
Cause Effects
 Overfishing – some  Overfishing – it disrupts the
significant causes can be poor marine food chain and increases the
fishing management, continuous amount of waste and debris in water
increase in population, bodies.
unsustainable fishing etc.  Oil spills – the effects can include
a variety of diseases to people who
 Oil spills – its usually caused consume the sea food, marine life is
by accidents involving tankers, affected due to ingestion of oil during
pipelines, refineries, drilling rigs feeding etc.
etc.  Solid waste - solid wastes such
 Solid waste – some causes as plastics and electronic waste,
break down and leach harmful
of solid waste pollution can chemicals into the water, making
be improper waste them a source of toxic or
management, overpopulation, hazardous waste. This affects
debris from construction and both marine life and humans
demolition etc. who consume the sea food.
Water Pollution
Visual Examples
Air Pollution
Cause Effects
 Ozone Layer Depletion – it is • Ozone Layer Depletion – direct
mainly caused by Chlorofluorocarbons exposure to ultra-violet rays may
(CFCs) which is released by lead to skin and eye cancer in both
refrigerators or air-conditioners. CFCs animals and humans. It also effects
are broken down in the atmosphere the plants by decreasing growth,
and react with ozone and destroy it. flowering and photosynthesis rate.
 Smog and Acid rain – smog is • Smog and Acid rain - smog may
formed by mixing air with pollutants
lead to irritation in eyes, respiratory
and exhaust gases resulting from
diseases, allergies etc. Acid rain may
human activities. Acid rain is caused
lead to corrosion to steel structures
by the release of sulfur dioxide and
nitrogen oxides into the atmosphere.
such as bridges, absorbs nutrients
from soil like nitrogen and
 Greenhouse effect and global magnesium that plants need to
warming – human activity is mainly grow, and impacts on human health.
the cause of increased greenhouse gas • Greenhouse effect and global
emissions, such as burning fossil fuels
increased the levels of carbon dioxide warming - They cause climate
in the atmosphere increasing global change by trapping heat, and they
warming. also contribute to respiratory
disease from smog and air pollution.
Air Pollution
Visual Examples
Why is there a need for conservation?

As a species ourselves, we
need to maintain the
environment around us in
order to keep the world as
we know it alive. Forests
provide us with oxygen,
while oceans and land give
us food. If these
ecosystems are destroyed,
they will be gone forever.
What are the ways of conservation
• Practice recycling – it’s a great way to
reduce your carbon foot print.
• Choose reusable goods – these reduce
the waste that goes into oceans and
• Conserve energy at home – turning off
unnecessary lights, unplugging appliances
not in use etc., are ways we can reduce
our carbon footprint little by little.
• Walk short distances, use bikes or
carpool – cars are one of the biggest
contributors to depleting fossil fuels, so
try to find alternative modes of
transportation whenever possible.

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