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I hereby declare that the project entitled "THE SALE STRATEGIES OF MAKEMYTRIP PVT.
LTD." submitted for the BBA Degree is my original work and the project has not formed the basis
for the award of any degree, associateship, fellowship or any other similar titles.

Signature of the student


This is to certify that the project entitled " THE SALE STRATEGIES OF MAKEMYTRIP PVT.
LTD. " is the original work carried out TUSHAR SAINI student of BBA C.C.S. University, Meerut,
during the year 2021-2024, in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the award of the Degree of
BBA and that the project has not formed the basis for the award previously of any degree, diploma,
associateship, fellowship or any other similar title.

Ms. Shobha Tripathi
IMS College, Noida

My project work has been successfully accomplished due to corporative efforts of many
people. I would like to pay my sincere gratitude and thanks to those people, who directed meat
every step in the project work.
I would like to express my sincere sense of gratitude to Ramesh Kumar for guiding mentoring
and providing me support to fulfil every action to accomplish this project. Her wide knowledge in
the field of Research has served as a useful resource to accomplish our project work. With a
deep sense of gratitude and indebtedness.
This certificate is awarded to Tushar Saini in appreciation of the successful
completion of the online project at makemytrip. for the position of Sale
executive intern. the live project was conducted from 10/04/2023/ to
During her tenure with us,we found her to be quite hardworking,sincere and
result-oriented candidate.

We wish her all the best for future endevors.


The project report was undertaken to study the service quality of MakeMyTrip. The objective of
the study is to know the quality of service, places, and hotels and to know customer’s
expectations are matching with their preference or not. The research was done by a proper
methodology which includes exploratory design. The data was collected through questionnaire
and secondary data through internet. The study is carried out with the help of questioners which
disclosed the requirement of the respondent towards the make my trip. As per the data collected,
mostly respondents are satisfied with the service of make my trip. The people are
very happy to have the experience with service provided by

India is the greatest lively and fast-growing online travel market in the APAC region.The online
travel market in India has observed marvellous growth and is fascinating ahuge number of
national and international players. Private equity players have madegigantic investments in the
online travel agency (OTA) segment in the past two years.The online travel market in India has
witnessed incredible growth and is appealing tomany national and international players.

The eccentric Travel Deals at also permits the programming

ofMakeMyTrip India at very little and provides brilliant deals on the flight reservation.To book
your airline tickets low-cost Makemytrip.Com to learn about strange traveldeals at, you can go online and search for deals and discounts.The user-friendly
website offers you all the data in minutes you can easily book yourMakeMyTrip India. The site
can help you learn about new proposals and reductionsobtainable by different airlines and may
also provide discounted tickets business clas

MakeMyTrip Inc. is an Indian online travel organisation established in 2000. Headquartered in

Gurugram, Haryana, it facilitates online travel booking including flight tickets, domestic and
international holiday packages, hotel reservations, rail and transport tickets, and so on. It has been
perceived as one of India’s best travel portals. It has 65 retail stores across 50 cities in India,
alongside offices in New York and Sydney. As of 2016. MakeMyTrip was established in the US in
2000 by Deep Kalra to cater to the travel needs of NRI groups in the US. They began Indian
operations in September 2005, offering flight tickets on the web to travellers. Gradually, they
started acting as an aggregator platform for booking flight tickets by partnering with all the major
Indian airline carriers and some international ones.

MakeMyTrip founder Deep Kalra was born in Hyderabad and studied in Delhi and Ahmedabad.
He obtained his bachelor's degree in Economics from St. Stephen's College, Delhi in 1990 and
his MBA from IIM, Ahmedabad in 1992. Kalra joined ABN AMRO straight out of IIM
Ahmedabad where he worked for three years before taking a year long break. He worked with
AMF Bowling to set up bowling alleys in India before joining GE Capital in 1999 as VP of
Business Development.

As the CEO of MakeMyTrip, Deep Kalra guided the company from its inception till its listing on
NASDAQ in August 2010. From August 2013 to February 2020, Kalra functioned as the Group
CEO. In February 2020, Deep Kalra stepped down from the post of Group CEO to resume
responsibilities as executive chairman of the MakeMyTrip board, while co-founder and current
CEO Rajesh Magow took charge as the Group CEO.

Unarguably, online tourism has successfully emerged as a platform that enables direct bookings,
electronic payments, Business to Business (B2B)and Business to Consumer (B2C) trading among
product marketers, travel agents, resellers and customers. Internet and related developments have
beenquite instrumental in growth of online tourism and online economy.Internet enabled portals
launched by various government as well as private organizations have offered a wide range of
tourism products and services, viz.airlines, hotels, restaurants, adventure tours, activity, centres,
concerts, festivities, shopping and many more assortments of services Travel and tourism products
are ideal for marketing on the Internet because of their intangibility.
Tourists have, for the long time, relied on limited information from holiday brochures and other
literatures to evaluate tours and destinations. The modern capabilities of the internet, however, have
bestowed an invisible hand to the erstwhile mammoth task of communication. Around the early
internet boom time in India, to capture growing Indian Tourism Industry, many a new offline and
online companies started. One such online company, Make my Trip was started in the year 2000.
MakeMyTrip’s missionwas to provide customers a one stop shop for all their travel needs. It aims
togive the best possible user experience across their entire travel journey, which includes effective
planning resources, superior booking experience across all channels and in journey 24x7 live
customer support

MakeMyTrip (India) Pvt. Limitedis an Indian online travel company, foundedby Deep Kalra in
2000. Headquartered in Gurgaon, Haryana, the companyprovides online travel services including
flight tickets, domestic andinternational holiday packages, hotel reservations, rail and bus tickets.
In 2011and 2012, MakeMyTrip made strategic acquisitions in pursuit of growth throughnew
channels and markets in Southeast Asia. Recently, it launched Travel Appsfor mobile devices.

The company has been consistently recognized as one of India's best travelportals. As of March
31, 2018, the Company has 14 company-owned travelstores in 14 cities, including one in their
office in Gurugram, 59 franchisee-owned retail travel stores which primarily sell packages in
approximately 37cities in India, and counters in four major airports in India under
MakeMyTripbrand. MakeMyTrip also have offices in New York, Sydney, Singapore,
KualaLumpur, Phuket, Bangkok, and Dubai.HistoryMakeMyTrip was founded by Deep Kalra,
an alumnus of Indian Institute ofManagement (IIM), Ahmedabad. Prior to setting up
MakeMyTrip, Deep had
worked with GE Capital as vice president of business development (retail), as well as serving stints
with ABN AMRO Bank and AMFBowlinghai.MakeMyTrip was launched in the US market in 2000
to cater to the overseasIndian community for their US-to-India travel needs. The founding team
consisted of Deep Karla, Keyed Joshi (Co-Founder & Chief Commercial Officer), Rajesh
Maggot(Co-Founder & CEO - India, formerly Chief Operating Officer & Chief Financial Officer)
and Sachin Bhatia (ex-Chief Marketing Officer). After serving a long tenure of 10 years, since the
company's inception, Sachin Bhatia quit MakeMyTrip as an active member and decided to work as
an independent advisor and a prime shareholder in the company.

With the success of IRCTC (Indian Railways Catering and Tourism Corporation)'s online business
model which enabled the Indian traveller to purchase railway ticket son the Internet, things started to
look brighter for the travel market in India. This was also the time when Low-Cost Carriers entered
the Indian Aviation space. MakeMyTrip started its Indian operations in September 2005,offering
online flight tickets to Indian travellers. To broaden it'stravel portfolio, the company also started to
focus on non-air businesses likeholiday packages and hotel bookings. On 13 August 2010,
MakeMyTrip waslisted on the NASDAQ and went public, making a debut in the US market. Trade
Analysts believed that this was an encouraging sign for both the investors andother Indian firms.

In 2011, the company strengthened focus on the mobile route by creatingseveral travel-related Apps
for all types of mobile devices (Smartphone’s and basic cellphone).Rajesh Magow was appointed
as CEO - India in August 201

The travel industry is very competitive and, to be successful, you have to keep tryingout new
marketing plans to get the attention of potential customers. Hotels have a perpetual need to fill the
rooms, keep the meeting rooms occupied and the staff busyand watch the next big meeting that will
help them add more profits to the final result.Developing new marketing and promotion ideas is
critical to the success of any hotel.Become the Town HubOne of the things that can help make a
hotel profitable is a healthy relationship withother businesses in the area. A promotion that could be
carried out with other companiesmay be special, in which hotel guests are offered a variety of
special coupons for localrestaurants and clubs to get discounts on food, admission and drinks.
There may also be coupons for other local entertainment destinations such as museums, cinemas
andamusement parks.
Creating the impression that the hotel is an active centre for otherentertainment venues in the city
can help to attract more people from other parts of thecity who are looking for things to do during
their stay.Offer Discounts to Air TravelersIf your hotel is near the local airport, you can use it to put
together an attractive packagefor conventions and vacation travellers. Work with the various airlines
to include yourhotel with a discount rate when the traveller books a flight with that airline. Offer
large-scale discounts to the conventions also used by those particular airlines. One of the
mosteffective ways to advertise these special rates is through travel agencies and travelclubs. This
can be a particularly effective promotion if it helps to fill the rooms duringthe normal season of the
Marketing Strategy and the Marketing MixBefore developing the product, the marketing
strategy is formulated, which includesthe selection of the reference market and the
positioning of the product. Usually, thereis a trade-off between product quality and price,
so the price is an important variable in positioning.Because of the intrinsic compromises
between the elements of the marketing mix, prices will depend on other decisions on
products, distribution and promotion.Estimate the Demand CurveBecause there is a
relationship between price and quantity required, it is important tounderstand the impact of
sales prices when estimating the product demand curve.For existing products, experiments
can be carried out at higher and lower prices thanthe current price in order to determine the
elasticity of demand with respect to price.Inelastic demand indicates that price increases can
be feasible.Calculate CostsIf the company has decided to launch the product, it is likely that
there is at least a basicunderstanding of the costs involved; otherwise, you may not get
benefits. The unit costof the product sets the lower limit of what the company can charge
and determines the profit margin at higher prices.The total unit cost of a producer of a
product is the variable cost of production of eachadditional unit and the fixed costs incurred
regardless of the quantity produced. Price policy should consider both types of costs.
Environmental FactorsThe price must take into account the competitive and legal context in
which thecompany operates. From the point of view of competition, the company must
considerthe implications of its prices in competitive price decisions. For example, setting a
Leadership Team

 Deep Karla, Chairman & Group CEO

 Rajesh Maggot, CEO - India Keyed Joshi, Chief
Commercial Officer
 MO hit Kara, Chief Financial Officer
 Carat Singh, Chief Technology Officer - International &
 MO hit Gupta, Chief Business Officer - Holidays
 Ryswick Hare, Vice President
 Ramjet Oak, Senior Vice President - International
 Parana Basin, Vice President- Mobile
 Yuvaraj Srivastava, Chief Human Resource Officer

Board of Directors and Investors

 Adyta Tim Gluer -Director

 AileenO’Toole - Director

 Charles St Leger Searle – Director

 Deep Karla - Founder, Chairman and Group Chief Executive Officer

 GyaneshwarnathGowrea - Director
 James Jianzhang Liang - Director
 Pat Luke Kopek - Director
 Paul Laurence Halpin – Director
 Rajesh Maggot - Co-Founder and CEO India
 Vivek N. Gourd - Director
MakemyTrip Achievements is the pioneer that started the entire online travel revolution in India. But being
first was not a guarantee for success. Like all good ideas the pioneering spirit
needed to be supported by constant innovation, long-term vision and reliability. That businesses
were taking notice of the emergence of an entire industry became apparent at was voted one of Asia's Hottest Technology Startups by Red
Herring and was also included in the list of the Top 100Companies in Asia. In 2006, it won the
Emerging India award from ICICI Banka's alsoCNBC-TV18.The following year, it was adjudged
the Best Online Travel Agency in India by Galileo Express Travel World.

According to commodore, the world's leading digital marketing intelligence admeasurement

service, in the five-year period 2005/09, had the distinction of being the most
visited travel website; it was also scored as the Number One travel website by JuxtConsult, a fully
integrated market research company in India; and as the Most Preferred Online Travel Agency by
the TravelBiz Monitor Survey, has also emerged as the top seller among
online and offline travel companies for all the major domestic and international airlines, as well
as hotels. Recognition has come from Air India, Jet Airways, Kingfisher Airlines, Lufthansa,
Malaysian Airlines and Air Mauritius and from Cicada de Goa and the Tajo Group in the
hospitality business. For its innovations in the field of digital marketing, has
won the prestigious Abby Award (Gold and Silver), two years in a row. Not without reason, in
eight short years,, has garnered the trust of over one million satisfied
customers as well as the respect and acclaim of the entire travel industry and business world.
Mergers and Acquisitions

During 2011-12, MakeMyTrip also made three acquisitions, namely, Luxury Tours and Travel Private
Limited (Singapore), Le Revenues Technology Private Limited (Gurgaon, India) and My Guest House
Accommodation (New Delhi, India). MakeMyTrip other acquisitions include travel operators like T-
group and Hotel Travel Group to enter new markets in the South-East Asian region and Europe. in the
year 2012. In September 2014, MakeMyTripinstituteda $15 million innovation fund to support early-
stage companies in the travelspace. . MakeMyTrip acquired MyGola, a travel planning website in
April 2015.The acquisition was done through the innovation fund and as part of the acquisition;
all employees of Myola were absorbed into the MakeMyTrip team. In June 2015 MakeMyTrip
invested $3 Million Dollars in Inspires, a vacation itinerary planning website to improve trip
planner. In July.2015, MakeMyTrip invested in travel information and hotel review
portal,HolidayIQ to pick up approximately 30% stake in the company. In the same month, it also
invested $5 million in Bonita Technologies, a start-up which plans to utilize the funds to build
innovative products in the travel industry. In 2016, MakeMyTrip Ltd agreed to buy Ibibio Group’s
travel business in India in an all-stock deal, creating the country's largest online travel firm which,
according to a note by Morgan Stanley, is worth$1.8 billion.
MakeMyTrip - Revenue Model

MakeMyTrip’s revenues are currently split almost equally between ticketing andtours and hotel
bookings. Hotels and packages, a higher margin category compared with airline ticketing, is the biggest
revenue contributor and account for 56 percent of net revenue. The company is the market leader in
domestic flight ticketing with a 24 percent market share.

MakeMyTrip - Product and Services

MakeMyTrip’sservices include air ticketing, hotel and alternative accommodations bookings, holiday
planning and packaging, rail ticketing, intercity bus ticketing, car hire and ancillary travel requirements
such as facilitating access to third-party travel insurance and visa processing. The Company's culture of
continuous innovation and "customer first” strategicfocusin India’s travel market has allowed them to
be the clear leader in the industry and positions them to accelerate the predominately offline hotels and
accommodations market online. They have a pretty-large team of data scientists. They are using chat
bots extensively - Gina for Gibbon and Myra forMakeMyTrip. This covers quite a bit of post sales
queries and will also start dabbling in sales

• Flights- MakeMyTrip provides flight tickets for travel in all major domestic, international as well as
low-cost carriers operating in India. It caters to travellers for both domestic and international travel
from India. Apart from this, it caters to inbound travel to India from countries like US, Canada,
Singapore and UAE. Rail and Bus tickets- MakeMyTrip sells online rail tickets to its customers
offering features like return tickets with single payment option, flexi-search and automatic alerts and
updates on the availability of tickets. It also offers bus tickets across different categories like Volvo,
Air Conditioned, Nondairy-Conditioned, Deluxe, Semi-Deluxe and Sleeper vehicles.

• Cab Service- MakeMyTrip introduced car hire services on its Indian website in May 2010. It
currently provides car hire services in conjunction with holiday package bookings.

• Hotels and Packages (Holidays)- The Company offers hotel reservations in India and international
cities alike. There are over 13,000hotels and guesthouses in India that can be searched and compared
online on the MakeMyTrip website. The hotels range from luxury to budget accommodations. In
November 2012, MakeMyTrip acquired My Guest House Accommodation to increase the overall
inventory for budget rooms and service apartments. MakeMyTrip also offers a wide selection of
hotels outside India. Through the acquisition, MakeMyTrip now offers access to
more than 184,000hotels outside India. MakeMyTrip also offers group and customized holiday
packages for popular domestic and international destinations
Stock position of makemytrip

Work Culture

MakeMyTrip has been consistently ranked among the Top 10 "Great Places to Work for in India"
by the Great Place to Work® (GPTW) Institute and the The Economic Times, for four years in a
row (2010 to 2013).MakeMyTrip 2018-19 3rd Quarter Results Highlights for Fiscal 2019 Third
Quarter (Year over Year (Yoyo) growth % are based on constant currency; please see table below
for Yoyo growth % on actual basis)

 Gross Bookings increased 31.9% Yoyo in 3Q19 to $1.4 billion.  Revenue for 3Q19 was
$124.8 million and Adjusted Revenue increased 31.4% Yoyo in 3Q19 to $179.9 million.
 Room nights for Standalone Hotels Online increased 27.1% Yoyo in3Q19 versus 21.8% in
 Air Ticketing – flight segments increased by 19.4% Yoyo in 3Q19
 Bus Ticketing – travelled tickets increased by 58.3% Yoyo in 3Q19.  Results from
Operating Activities was a loss of $36.6 million in 3Q19versus a loss of $48.2 million in 3Q18.
 Adjusted Operating Loss at $22.2 million in 3Q19 versus a loss of $33.9 million in 3Q18, an
improvement of $11.7 million Yoyo.

1.Kim (2004) stated that E- Commerce is huge lap in travel and tourism industrymoving
from traditional way to technological way and there are various barriers fortravel and
tourism companies to adapt Ecommerce in their business.

2.Mr.Werthner H., Ricci F, says E-Commerce in travel and tourism industries

arecontinuously increasing despite tough economic problems. As per them, thisindustry is
adopting application of B2B (business to business) and B2C (business toconsumer). This
industry has changed the ways of do business for traditional waysto modern way, i.e. e-
commerce via web and other online transaction softwarewhere as other industries are still
adopting the traditional way. Web is changing thebehaviour of consumers are well as they
are becoming less loyal, take less time forchoosing and consuming the tourism products

3.Anshuman Bapna (chief product officer Make My Trip) informed NDTV as MakeMy
Trip is one of the oldest and most well-known e-commerce companies in India.Listed on
the Nasdaq, MMT can’t really be called a start-up anymore. It's been ayear, and
MakeMyTrip has been open to a lot of experimentation, within limits.”

4..Mr.Rajesh Magow CEO and Co-Founder, India Make My trip told Businessstandard
as Large part of our growth is going to come from people who are bookingthrough offline
channels such as travel agents or after reaching the destinations.Today it lot more
convenient to book over phone. We are confident that onlinepenetration in hotel bookings
will improve from 20percent to 40-50 percent in nextthree or four years”.
“Marketing Strategies Adopted by Makemytrip.Com” 20M RKETING STR TEGY Sales are
the soul of a company, without sales there would be no business in the first place; Therefore, it is
very important that if a company wants to succeed, it must havea marketing strategy in mind. The
main goal of marketing is to improve a company'ssales by predicting and modifying the behaviour
and purchasing patterns of the targetcustomer. Marketing is very important, as it not only helps to
increase sales but alsohelps a company attract new customers and at the same time preserve the
older ones.

There are different marketing strategies that a company can use to increase sales, but itis
important to understand first and foremost what a marketing strategy really is andwhy it is so
important. Marketing includes various communication activities that seekto provide added value
or incentives to consumers, wholesalers, retailers or othercustomers of the organization to
stimulate immediate sales. These efforts can try tostimulate interest, test or buy the product.
Examples of devices used in marketinginclude coupons, samples, prizes, point-of-purchase
screens (POPs), contests, refundsand lotteries.A successful product or service means nothing
unless the benefit of this service can beclearly communicated to the relevant market. An
organization's marketing strategy canconsist ofAdvertising:Is any non-personal paid form of
communication using any form of massmedia.Public relations: Involves developing positive
relationships with the organisationmedia public. The art of good public relations is not only to
obtain favourable publicitywithin the media, but it also involves being able to handle the
successfully negativeattention.Sales promotion: Commonly used to obtain an increase in sales
short term. Couldinvolve using money off coupons or special offers.Personal selling: Selling a pr
Advertising: it is any form of non-personal paidcommunication that uses any form of media
Public relations: involves the development of positive relations with the organizationof public
media. The art of good public relations is not only receiving favourable publicity within the media
but also means being able to successfully manage negativeattention.Sales promotion: commonly
used to increase sales in the short term. It may involve theuse of coupon money or special
offers.Personal sales: sale of a one-to-one product service.Direct mail: sending advertising
material to a person named in an organization. In thelast 5 years, there has been a massive growth
in direct mailing campaigns. Direct mailspending now amounts to £ 18,000 million a year,
representing 11.8% of advertisingspend (source: Royal Mail 2000).
Organizations can pay thousands of pounds fordatabases, which contain names and addresses of
potential customers. Direct mailallows an organization to use its resources more effectively by
allowing them to sendadvertising material to a named person within their target segment. By
customizingadvertising, response rates increase, increasing the chances of improving sales.There
are three types of marketing strategies: Push, Pull or a combination of both. Animpulse strategy
consists in convincing the members of the commercial brokeragechannel to "push" the product
through the distribution channels towards the finalconsumer through promotions and personal
sales efforts. The company promotes the product through a retailer who in turn promotes it to
another retailer or end consumer.The objectives of the sales promotion are to persuade retailers or
wholesalers to carrya brand, to grant a space on the shelf of the brand, to promote a brand in
advertisingand/or to promote a brand to end consumers. The typical tactics used in the
pushstrategy are concessions, repurchase guarantees, free trials, competitions,
specializedadvertising items, discounts, exhibitions and bonuses. product service one to one
Direct Mail: Is the sending of publicity material to a named person within anorganisation. There
has been a massive growth in direct mail campaigns over the last 5years. Spending on direct mail
now amounts to £18 bn a year representing 11.8% ofadvertising expenditure(Source: Royal Mail
2000).Organisations can pay thousandsof pounds for databases, which contain names and
addresses of potentia
“Marketing Strategies Adopted by Makemytrip.Com”

22customers. Direct mail allows an organisation to use their resources more effectively by allowing
them to send publicity material to a named person within their targetsegment. By personalizing
advertising, response rates increase thus increasing thechance of improving sales.There are three
types of marketing strategies:

Push or Pull or a combination of the two.A push strategy involves convincing trade intermediary
channel members to "push" the product through the distribution channels to the ultimate consumer
via promotions and personal selling efforts. The company promotes the product through a reseller
who inturn promotes it to yet another reseller or the final consumer. Trade- promotionobjectives
are to persuade retailers or wholesalers to carry a brand, give a brand shelfspace, promote a brand
in advertising, and/or push a brand to final consumers. Typicaltactics employed in push strategy are
allowances, buy- back guarantees, free trials,contests, speciality advertising items, discounts,
displays, and premiums
A New Marketing Strategy for E-CommerceThe Internet is not a new concept that has existed for
more than 30 years. In the early1980s, the government divided the Internet into two sections, one
for government useand the other for promoting education and research. Since then, the Internet
hasexploded, reaching over 30 million homes and organizations worldwide. With theexpansion of
the Internet, it has continued to perform business-oriented functions, suchas selling products on
the Internet. This concept is known as e-commerce. Today,electronic commerce is a $ 300 billion
industry. This is why it is an important area fromwhich to worry about from the point of view of
companies. This huge market is anincredible place for organizations that promote and take on
business through. Since theexpansion of e-commerce, organizations have weakened.

The customer demand is sogreat that many sites fail to satisfy the demand. Not being able to
match demand in thefuture will destroy customer confidence in this already intangible means of
trade. Fothis medium of trade to continue to attract and retain customers, they must focus on
thesatisfaction of each customer. On the other hand, there is strong competition and thecreation of
demand is essential for many companies to survive. By applying themarketing mix to the problems
of e-commerce, it is possible to make recommendations.There are numerous articles dealing with
marketing mix and e-commerce, but none ofthem tries to combine them. According to Marcia
Jedd, the biggest problem with e-commerce now and in the future is delivery (Jedd, 2000).
Residential deliveries costcompanies three times more deliveries to companies because residential
areas are lessdense (Jedd, 2000). In addition to delivery, residential deliveries are much
moreexpensive due to the inability to create economies of scale (Jedd, 2000). Some experts believe
that information technology is essential for improving logistics and supplychains (Ayers, 1999). In
recent years, many types of information systems have beendeveloped to increase the efficiency of
logistics, such as storage, inventory and deliveryoperations (Ayers, 1999)
Advantages of E-commerce

Electronic commerce has many advantages for most organizations that choose to usethis medium.
One of the biggest advantages is that it reduces storage space and the costof inventory due to
automation. E-commerce is also independent of size, for the most part; any organization can
operate through the Internet. The Internet also reduces theadvantage of large companies
compared to small ones, because in some ways it levelsthe playing field (Wilder, 1998).
Organizations can reach global areas that otherwisewould be difficult. This is good because it
allows communications and global productsto people who can not buy their product in their
region of origin. E-commercecompanies will also increase their accessibility, creating a twenty-
four-hour operation,and this will allow people to buy when it suits them (Pallab, 1996). E-
commerce alsoincreases advertising and allows a wider range of segments.

Problems of E-commerce

With the rapid growth of the Internet, distribution has become a difficult task forcompanies. With
such an increase in demand, many companies are not able to managethe number of orders
efficiently. Demand is weighing on the inventory management process, packaging and residential
delivery functions. Some of the distribution problems are not attributable to e-commerce
companies, but to the delivery service,they choose. Delivery companies do not handle the
increase in demand efficiently, buttheir customers blame the e- commerce company. This problem
is vital for anorganization to overcome it; Customers will evaluate the overall online
shoppingexperience. For example, if a product is purchased and the e-commerce company
doeseverything correctly, but the sender does not perform its task correctly, it will affect
thetechnical result of the satisfaction level. Customers will appreciate the transaction, so itis
essential to choose the correct sender.
Many transactions take place over the Internet, which can take a particularly long time.At some
point, customers will forget the transaction if they are required to wait for long periods, especially
if the product is accessible to local retailers. Managing the timerequired for a customer to
complete a transaction affects potential sales (HarvardBusiness Review, 2000). Many times,
because customers do not complete thetransaction is due to the long wait to complete the
transaction (Harvard BusinessReview, 2000).The lack of automated inventory and shipping systems
is a problem for e-commercecompanies.
This lack of technology really emphasizes a company's ability to meet customer demands in a short
period of time. According to a Federal Express executive,many companies will collapse before
moving to logistics automation systems (Wilson,1999). Many of the first e-commerce companies
outsource their order control anddistribution functions (Haywood, 1989). This proved to be a
problem for somecompanies because the cost of shipping proved to be an important deterrent
forcustomers who buy online and the storage and distribution systems were not configureto
manage e-commerce activities
Internet sites can also be difficult to find for someusers, which can discourage potential customers
from online shopping. Even if the potential customer knows what he wants, finding the website that
offers the best pricecan be a long task. The use of search engines like Yahoo or Excite can help,
but it performs a very wide search, sometimes it takes a long time to find the website. Thiscan
cause buyers to purchase the product at the local retailer (Mardesich, 1999).According to
Resource Marketing, his research confirms this problem. In their recentstudy of 45 research sites,
only a third tried to generate relevant sites (Mardesich, 1999)
When a customer finds a product he wants, it is difficult to get a physical understandingof the
product (Mardesich, 1999). There are many intangibilities when buying online,for example buying
items sold in sizes. Not being able to try products is a barrier thatmust overcome electronic
commerce to increase sales and compete with local outlets.Although e-commerce is separate from
the traditional point of sale, it must still competewith them. For example, when you purchase an
item online, the price of the real itemoffered is often cheaper online, but the high cost of shipping
decreases the benefit of buying online. If the compact disc costs five dollars online and then costs
six dollars tosend it, it ends up costing roughly the same amount of the price in local stores
(Wilson,1999). Online customer service is a current disadvantage of e-commerce. Many companies
have a poor online service. According to Resource Marketing, their resultsshow that only 10 sites
out of 45 offered fair guarantee and repatriation services(Mardesich, 1999).
E-commerce companies must also face seasonal changes; his inability to handle highdemand
periods, like Christmas, is a big challenge. Not managing the increase indemand effectively
reduces the confidence of online shoppers or potential onlineshoppers. Some e-commerce
companies have participated in unethical marketingtactics. The e-commerce company has
been criticized for deceptiveadvertising (Foster, 1999). With using tactics like, bait and
changes, it reducesthe image of e-commerce as a whole. It is also known to post really low prices
to lurecustomers into the site, and then tell the customers that the promotion has expired(Foster,
1999). Some companies are also selling their customer list, creating dissatisfaction among current
online buyers. External factors are something that affectsthe entire industry

Research Methodologies

Research Research
is a systematic way to solve a problem. It is a science of studyinghow research is to be carried
out. Essentially, the procedures by whichresearchers go about their work of describing, explaining
and predictingphenomena are called research methodology. It can also be defined as thestudy of
methods by which knowledge is gained. Its aim is to give the work planof research

.Research Methodology
The process used to collect information and data for the purpose of making business.Theme
thodologymay include publication research,interviews, surveys and otherresearch techniques, and
could include both present and historical information

. A research methodology is the set of methods and procedures used incollecting and analysing
measures of the variables specified in the research problem research. The design of a study
defines the study type (descriptive,correlational, semi-experimental, experimental, review, meta-
analytic) and sub-type (e.g., descriptive-longitudinal case study), research problem,
hypotheses,independent and dependent variables, experimental design, and, if applicable,data
collection methods and a statistical analysis plan. Research design is theframework that has
been created to find answers to research questions. Thereare many ways to classify research
designs, but sometimes the distinction isartificial and other times different designs are combined.
Nonetheless, the listbelow offers a number of useful distinctions between possible research
designs. A research design is an arrangement of conditions or collections.
A research methodology is a systematic approach that a researcher uses toconduct a scientific
study. It is the overall synchronization of identifiedcomponents and data resulting in a plausible
outcome. To conclusively comeup with an authentic and accurate result, the research design
should follow astrategic methodology, in line with the type of research chosen. To have a
betterunderstanding of which research paper topic, to begin with, it is imperative tofirst identify the
types of research.


1 . Exploratory research:
Exploratory research, as the name implies, intends merely to explore theresearch questions and
does not intend to offer final and conclusivesolutions to existing problems. This type of research
is usually conducted tostudy a problem that has not been clearly defined yet
.2. Descriptive research:
Descriptive research can be explained as a statement of affairs as they areat present with the
having no control over variable. Moreover, “descriptivestudies may be characterised as simply
the attempt to determine, describeor identify what is, while analytical research attempts to
establish why it isthat way or how it came to be”.


Data collection is the process of gathering and measuring information onvariables of interest, in
an established systematic fashion that enables oneto answer stated research questions, test
hypotheses, and evaluateoutcomes. A formal data collection process is necessary as it ensures
thatthe data gathered are both defined and accurate and that subsequentdecisions based on
arguments embodied in the findings are valid. Theprocess provides both a baseline from which to
measure and in certaincases an indication of what to improve.

1. Primary Data Collection:

Primary data collection involves the collection of original data directly from the source or through
direct interaction with the respondents. This method allows researchers to obtain firsthand
information specifically tailored to their research objectives. There are various techniques for
primary data collection, including:

a.Surveys and Questionnaires: Researchers design structured questionnaires or surveys to collect

data from individuals or groups. These can be conducted through face-to-face interviews,
telephone calls, mail, or online platforms.

b.Interviews: Interviews involve direct interaction between the researcher and the respondent. They
can be conducted in person, over the phone, or through video conferencing. Interviews can be
structured (with predefined questions), semi- structured (allowing flexibility), or unstructured
(more conversational).

c.Observations: Researchers observe and record behaviors, actions, or events in their natural
setting. This method is useful for gathering data on human behavior, interactions, or phenomena
without direct intervention.

d.Experiments: Experimental studies involve the manipulation of variables to observe their impact
on the outcome. Researchers control the conditions and collect data to draw conclusions about
cause-and-effect relationships.

e.Focus Groups: Focus groups bring together a small group of individuals who discuss specific
topics in a moderated setting. This method helps in understanding opinions, perceptions, and
experiences shared by the participants.
2. Secondary Data Collection:

Secondary data collection involves using existing data collected by someone else for a
purpose different from the original intent. Researchers analyze and interpret this data to
extract relevant information. Secondary data can be obtained from various sources,

a.Published Sources: Researchers refer to books, academic journals, magazines, newspapers,

government reports, and other published materials that contain relevant data.

b.Online Databases: Numerous online databases provide access to a wide range of

secondary data, such as research articles, statistical information, economic data, and social

c.Government and Institutional Records: Government agencies, research institutions, and

organizations often maintain databases or records that can be used for research purposes.

d.Publicly Available Data: Data shared by individuals, organizations, or communities on

public platforms, websites, or social media can be accessed and utilized for research.

e.Past Research Studies: Previous research studies and their findings can serve as valuable
secondary data sources. Researchers can review and analyze the data to gain insights or
build upon existing knowledge.

The following are the limitations:

1. Study was based on primary data, so a lot of data was needed for thestudy
2. Time bound study.

3. Similar trend of study are conducted.


SWOT Analysis of
• One Of the earliest market entrants
• Presence in the international business scenario
• Secure and trusted channel for facilitating payments
• Attractive brand name and convenient website navigation
• It offers services like International and Domestic Air Tickets,Holiday Packages and
Hotels, Domestic Bus and Rail Tickets,Private Car and Taxi Rentals, B2B and Affiliate

WeaknessGeneral Reluctance in customers to use internet for financialtransactions like

booking tickets online

• Customers currently using traditional methods of bookings
• Offer better travel packages in line with customer expectation
Untapped sections of international tourism marketThreats
• Possible lack of co-ordination with tourism entities
• Present competitors having substantial market share
• Newly emerging online booking portals with better offeringsMakeMyTrip Success
StoryThe pioneer of online travels in India; Deep Kalra is the proud founder
ofGurgaon based –
The Million-dollar MakeMyTrip is an Indian online travel company whichprovides online travel
services like flight tickets, domestic and internationalholiday packages, hotel reservations, rail and
bus tickets, etc.With a backing of USD 2-Million from eVentures and along with co-founders like
– Keyur Joshi, Rajesh Magow and Sachin Bhatia, Deep Kalra began histraveling industry journey
with (earlier known as India Ahoy)in 2000. As a first; apart from flight ticketing
MakeMyTrip began by offering holidaypackages and hotel bookings which was followed by their
tie-up with IRCTC’s online business model. This move not only increased their presence in
railwayticket booking but also gave the much desired boost the Indian market waslooking for. And
in a matter of no time, the company started making awesome revenues.The demand was so much
that 1-out-of-every-12 domestic flights in Indiawere booked through MakeMyTrip.

MakeMyTrip has now become is a well-known name for providing services inluxurious tours and
hotel booking websites. The company has branched afterits inception through a series of small
acquisitions. MakeMyTrip has its majoracquisition as Mygola. With the acquisition of Mygola,
now MakeMyTrip enableits customers to be familiar with over 20000 holiday destinations to
choose from.This was like the ultimate blow for all its potential competitors. As satisfying
andhappy the moment was for them, it was equally a proud moment for India too,because
MakeMyTrip was one of the very few Indian Dotcom companies to belisted on the US stock
exchange. This was the biggest news that cameto lightwas MakeMyTrip listing on NASDAQ, in
August 2010
MakeMyTrip Future Plans.MakeMyTrip plans to take revenues from hotels & packages to
75percent of its business by 2020- 46 - Domestic flight business is 55 percent penetrated and
MakeMyTripalready have a 23 percent market share which it wants to increase To increase
it market share in the online hotel booking space from 25%to 50% in the next three years,
MakeMyTrip plans to become-MakeMyRoom MakeMyTrip is launching a new concept
called Assured Hotels where itplans to categorise and certify certain hotels based on
parameters suchas quality of reviews and service, a move which the company thinkswould
address customer concerns while booking hotels online. Thehotels which get a quality
assurance from the company would largely beacross three, four and five-star categories.

While flights contributed to most of MakeMyTrip’s revenue share, it is noticing a shift

towards hotels and holiday package bookings, and that will be the key focus for
MakeMyTrip the coming years. Building the core platform with strong
focus on mobile: While the focus will be on mobile, the team intends to build the platform
for low bandwidth and low-end phone user segment. Incubate new product lines – The
MakeMyTrip team aims to experiment with disruptive products in transportation, solve the
problem of trip planning and build trip companions that use machine learning to help
travelers during their trips. In terms of disruptive products in transportation, Inhuman adds
that they are looking for partnerships

• Flights and Hotels - MakeMyTrip provides flight tickets for both domestic and international
travel. There are over 13,000 hotels and guest houses in India that can be searched and
compared online on the website, ranging from luxury to budget accommodation. MMT now
offers access to more than 1,84,000 hotels and customised holiday packages for both domestic
and international destinations.

• Bus and Rail Tickets - MakeMyTrip offers online rail tickets featuring return tickets with
single payment option, flexible search and updates on the availability of tickets. It also offers
bus tickets across different categories like Volvo, Deluxe, Semi-Deluxe and Sleeper

• Car and Taxi Rentals - This feature is provided in conjunction with holiday package
bookings. Mobile Solutions - In 2012, MMT launched travel mobile app for services like
flights and bus booking, hotel reservation and holiday packages. It also caters to other post-
purchase requirements like generating e- tickets, making cancellations, tracking status of
refund and other travel alerts.

"Yatra", which means "Journey" in Hindi, is one of India's most well- recognized and awarded
brands. Among others, we have won multiple awards from the Ministry of Tourism, Government
of India, including the National Tourism Award for "Outstanding Performance as a Domestic
Tour Operator" in Category I (Rest of India) for the assessment year 2014-15; three awards at the
India Tourism Awards for 'Outstanding performance as a Domestic Tour Operator (Rest of
India)','Outstanding performance as a Domestic Tour Operator in Jammu and Kashmir' and
'Outstanding performance as an Inbound Tour Operator-Cat C in 2013 & the 'Best Domestic
Tour Operator' award in 2010. Some other industry awards are: ET ("Economic Times") Brand
Equity's Most Trusted Online Travel Brand of 2015; Travel & Hospitality named us the Most
Outstanding Online Company: business to consumer or B2C; and in 2014, won the
CNBC Awaaz Travel Award. In 2013, we were recognized by Matrixlab as the Most Popular
Brand in Travel & Leisure Category and in 2012, won the award for 'Best Travel
Website' in IAMAI's Annual India Digital Awards The acquisition of companies, intellectual
property and talented individuals has been central to our growth strategy. In 2010, we acquired TSI
and its subsidiaries in order to expand our B2B business, particularly our international air
ticketing for small and medium scale enterprises.
Cleartrip was founded in 2006 as a hotels and air aggregator by Stuart Crighton, Hrush
Bhatt, and Matthew Spacie. Seeing the fragmentation that existed in the Indian travel and
hospitality sector, the founders decided to enter the online travel space.Cleartrip also
operates Cleartrip for Business, an online corporate travel management tool; Agent Box, a
travel tool for travel agents; and Cleartrip Mobile,a travel booking app for mobile devices.
In 2012, it launched new services such as Quickeys, a hotel booking application and other
journey planning services. In April 2012, Cleartrip launched iOS app with a split-screen
search feature to enable round-trip search results. Its app also came with geo-location feature
to choose the airport for departure from the current location. The search platform of the app
also allows users to swap the from and to cities with a tap. The app alsoruns on both IO S
and Android.With gross booking value of $1.4 billion and revenues worth of $110 million,
Cleartrip has annual growth of over 40% in MENA, driven by the increasing shift from
offline to online.In 2018, Cleartrip was named as one among the only two companies that
followed the GDPR and allowed users to delete personal information associated with their
In June 2020, Cleartrip announced the launch of TravelSafe – an initiative that allowed
customers to get information of the latest travel restrictions on account ofthe COVID-19
pandemic.Since the acquisition of Cleartrip by Flipkart, the company has participated in the
Flipkart Big Billion Day event in October 20has signed up Anil Kapoor as its brand
The company has announced its plan to expand its workforce by 50% by March 2022
R / Y S Y

1 May 2011 Luxury Tours And Travel Agency Singapor
Travel Private e
2 August 2011 Limited Le Online India
Travenues Travel
Technology Meta
Private Search
Limited which Engine
3 November Budget India
2011 My Guest Lodging
House and hotel
4 November Thailand’s ITC operator Thailand
5 2012 Group Hotel Travel Tour Thailand,
November Group (HT Group) operator Singapore
2012 Travel &
firm Malaysia
6 February Online hotel Netherlands
2014 (ETB) operator
7 June 2015 Inspiroc Online travel USA
k planner
8 April 2015 MyGol Travel guide India
a start-up
9 July 2015 Holiday Online Travel India
IQ portal
10 July 2015 Bona Vita Travel start- India
Technologies Private up
11 January Limited Online India

MakeMyTrip Limited sells its product under 5 broad categories, and each of these serves as
separate product lines. It sells in different destination both within India and International
destination. It sells products that are highly differentiated, with various features offered to
customers that competitors don’t offer. Its products are perceived to be of higher quality.
Therefore customers are willing to pay a higher price for these.
MakeMyTrip Limited sells its product at a higher price than competitors. This is because it offers
more features, and the high price makes up for these. It currently uses productbundle pricing as
well, where products are bundled together and sold at prices lower than the total of individual
items. It has fixed the prices of the final product. Channel members, retailers and wholesalers buy
the product at a lower price and earn through their own margins.
MakeMyTrip sells its product through two marketing channels. The first is where it sells directly
to its customers through its online website. The second is where it sells towholesalers who then sell
to retailers located all over the country and these then to its customers. It has its products present
on over 500 retailers throughout the country. It follows an intensive marketing strategy where it tries
to include its products on as many retailers as possible. This ensures that it’s product are
available to customers easily in different parts of the country.
MakeMyTrip Limited uses multiple media channels to promote its products. It uses traditional
media which includes an advertisement on television and radio, beneficial due to its large reach. It
also uses online and social media advertising, which has over hundred thousand likes or customer
following these pages, are exposed to frequent content uploaded by MMT.


Primary Objective

The following can be said to be the major objectives of the study:-

• Identification of need and perspective requirement of the customers.

• Identification of corrective measures to be taken up by company to enhance its business.

• Identification of areas of concern where company lacks promoting customers perception.

Secondary Objective

• To study and to throw a light on success Story of the MakeMyTrip

• To observe the new trends and emerges in MakeMyTrip

• To study how consumers react for the site


• I have chosen the topic “MakeMyTrip, India’s Leading Online Travel Portal” in
a need to study the following points:-

• To understand the need of analysing the customer’s perceptions of various

resource management organisation.

• To access the industry’s progress through the customer’s perception point of view
of company.

• To understand the assessment of the company based on the survey


• To understand the psychology of market observers behind the customers perceptions

analyses of MakeMyTrip.

The review of literature is essential because it identifies the general areas of concern that

that may give pointers to specific matters worth studying. Areas of concentrated, current interest
and possibly, areas of relative neglect will become apparent. The review will also help the research
scholar to gain an understanding of relationships between the subject being considered and other
subject areas. The overall result is that the researcher will become thoroughly knowledgeable
about the topic, and they will be ready to do research that advances knowledge on that topic.

Croix Says Digital technology has changed the way we connect with guests, creating a 24/7
relationship in and out of stay, says Stephan Croix, vice-president of marketing at Starwood Hotels
and Resorts. It is also transforming every phase of hospitality – from finding a hotel, to checking
in, to unlocking your door and personalizing your stay. As travel is inherently mobile, travellers
expect to use their mobile devices to enrich their travel experiences.

Anshuman Bapna (chief product officer Make My Trip) informed NDTV as Make My Trip is one
of the oldest and most well-known e-commerce companies in India. Listed on the Nasdaq,
MMT can’t really be called a start-up anymore. It has been open to a lot of experimentation,
within limits.
Mr. Rajesh Maggot CEO and Co-Founder, India Make My trip told Business standard as
Large part of our growth is going to come from people who are booking through offline channels
such as travel agents or after reaching the destinations. Today it is a lot more convenient to book
over phone. We are confident that online penetration in hotel bookings will improve from 20
percent to 40-50 percent in next three or four years”.
Mr.Rajesh Magow CEO and Co-Founder, India Make My trip told Business standard as Large
part of our growth is going to come from people who are booking through offline channels such as
travel agents or after reaching the destinations. Today it is a lot more convenient to book over
phone. We are confident that online penetration in hotel bookings will improve from 20 percent to
40-50 percent in next three or four years”.

According to Sanjay Kharb, Assistant Vice President- Technical Operations, MakeMyTrip (India)
Pvt Ltd : “There was difficultly in managing the traffic effectively. Heavy loads on the SSL server
was seen, leading to High drop-off rates. Some users were visiting the site in the morning and come
back again in the afternoon to search for the deals. It was required to track
the cookies and users to determine if they should offer better deals or give the users something on
their return visit in order to convert the visit into transactions”. He decided to consider F5 Big IP
Local Traffic Manager (for its performance, versatility and flexibility) to deliver the solution. The
web traffic problem was solved by switching to F5 solution which enabled the company to handle
its increase traffic, provide a better user experience while increasing revenue.
Responsible Traveller, an initiative introduced by the company to encourage people to stop
scribbling and defacing Indian monuments & heritage and travel responsibly. People now could
select three historical monuments on the site. An exact replica of the monument appears on the web
and couples can sketch on the image and leave love messages for each other. This campaign was
recognised widely.
Technavio in its latest report presented a detailed picture of travel services market in India reported
that MakeMyTrip is one of the major market participants.


Customers are deal hunters who look for lowest air price as assurance. MakeMyTrip has to
compete against other travel portals to keep its leadership position in India. The main pricing
model adopted by MakeMyTrip is to give the clients with the bestoffers provided by various tool
operators and travel service facilitators. This provides the customers a wide range of options to
choose depending on their preference and budget. The main motive of MakeMyTrip is to get
large customer base and thereby increase its revenues through economies of scale. The
customer also gets added benefits for some of the destination, also there can be discounts in
terms of early booking. The companies tie ups with various service providers also enable it to
provide such offers.


Students prefer pre-planned travel booking.

The domestic and international travelers are attracted to MMT due to their need to have a fair
amount of planning and arrangement done much before they leave. Looking at the buying behavior
of customers, MMT provides first mover advantage as the most comprehensive online travel
services with real-time bookings for flights, hotels and cars. MMT also provides offer to student
who can avail discount with certain % on base fare and extra baggage allowance of certain KG.
Failure in producing relevant ID will result in charging prevailing fares.


Television is the most effective sales medium in case of students.

To build the brand, MMT plan to adopt aggressive frequency build-up to enhance usage and
traction. The media objective was to create a 360-degree loop to reach the target customer.
Television medium was carefully chosen to build on “Nothing is more attractive than MMT
offer”. On average, the general population spends over four and a half hours a day on television
to spend their leisure time..
MakeMyTrip unveils new TV campaign with Ranvier Singh and Alia Bhatt for sales promotion. The
commercials are being shown for 20 seconds.


People who would prefer to use MMT again have “Unable to cancel through website or app’’ as
their cancellation grievance which they would like to get redressed.Across the social media
handles of travel sites, a sense of frustration prevails with customers complaining about their
cancellation experience and unavailability of support staff. The real problem arises when people
at the same time are browsing MakeMyTrip website in different devices which makes heavy traffic
on the website and server goes down. Thus, it becomes hectic for people to cancel their bookings
with agents.t

MMT was launched in the US in 2000 to cater to the niche US-to-Indiatravel market. The
company survived the dotcom bust and the 9/11tragedy and was able to breakeven in 2002. The
website emerged asthe foremost online travel service provider in the US-to-India market.By
2004, it had garnered 3.5 per cent share of this NRI market (Rs.4,500 crore/US$ 1 billion)
which was dominated by ethnic agents whowere either consolidators (wholesalers) or sub-
agents. With over100,000 customers and 130,000 registered users in the US, Makemytriphad a
renewal rate of 30 per cent. NRIs could book tickets to Indiaonline or could call travel
consultants who were available 24x7 on theUS toll-free 1800-India-10. The company had
offices in New York andSydney. According to Kalra, the factors which worked well for
thecompany were an all-pervasive entrepreneurial spirit along withcohesive culture and
homegrown HR practices. Employees were givenopportunity to be owners of the company by
holding stocks.


An the meeting with the key members, a decision was taken to launchthe India website in
September 2005. Kalra believed that there was astrong indication of a healthy growth for
travel products/services inIndia. There was a compelling need to provide a platform for
buyingand selling travel products/services. MMT identified the gap betweendemand and
supply and decided to offer a user- friendly and convenientonline interactive interface to the
consumer. The company received aninvestment of US $8 million (Rs. 352 million) from SB
Asia InfrastructureFund (SAIF), a leading Asian private equity firm. Kalra justified
hisdecision to start operationsin India thus: “The launch of MMT Indiawas not really a shift
of focus; we wanted to launch the India business because the time was just right.” Low-cost
carriers (LCCs) had made airtravel cheaper, thus opening up the market for air travel and
leisureholidaying beyond visiting friends and family. The young India had moredisposable
income and a greater desire to travel.
The airlines’ move toe-ticketing also paved the way for travel e-commerce. The travelmarket
was ready to evolve to the next level (online) and MMT waspreparing to launch at the most
opportune time.
As the first and only comprehensive online travel site with real time booking for flights, hotels,
holidays, and cars, MMT was in the process of bringing revolution in the way travel products
were bought in India


With the advent of the Internet and plenty of web developmenttechnologies around the world, e-
business is the new mantra of businesses in today’s world. The Internet has in many
waysfacilitated the development of businesses worldwide that canreach out to a wider consumer
base and advertises their productsmore effectively and efficiently. Corporate
communications,interface designs, cutting edge applications are also found on theInternet. E
business has been added as the latest domain in business and has become a must-have in the
highly competitivetechnology driven open market. E Business Strategy can besummarized as the
strategies governing E Businesses throughcalculated information dissemination.Information
dissemination has been widely regarded as the forteof e-business, which uses information
technology in a mostefficient manner. Not only has e-business has come to play animportant role
in the world trade scenario; there is no business without an accompanying e-business in today’s
world. E business

gives a business the opportunity to open its portal to the globalmarket and become a part of the
global business community. Themost important feature of e- business is that the helps
businessesmove on to the international scene at minimal cost but withmaximum efficiency. E-
business has achieved unprecedentedlevels of success as business models, which have not been
enjoyed by any other business models. Some of the examples would beMRP (Material
Requirements Planning), EDI (Electronic DataInterchange) or ERP (Enterprise Resource
Planning). Theessential features of e-business strategies are supply chain.


This page provides an outline of the research methodology used to answer the research
questions-the research approach, a description of primary data collection process for the
survey, secondary research, data analysis techniques and limitations of the adopted
research method.


The topic for the research study is MakeMyTrip, India’s Leading Travel Portal and the nature of the
topic is descriptive. Visual aids are used such as graphs, charts to aid the reader in understanding
the data distribution, offering a better clarification and clear picture to understand the customer
behaviour towards MakeMyTrip.


For the research study purpose, the purposive sampling has been selected. Only the people who
uses MakeMyTrip portal for booking their travel plans are the respondents for this study. This was a
viable sampling technique since these they undergone the company’s experience and can provide the
real data. The study also targeted people located in different parts of Delhi region.


For the study purpose, both primary and secondary data are used. The primary data are collected
through structured questionnaire distributed to 73 respondents whereas secondary data are collected
from the reports available on the Internet and newspapers. These data have been collected to cover
every aspect of the study

For analysing the categorical data, pie chart has been used. It shows the percentage represented
by each category. For testing of hypothesis Chi Square Test has been used. Chi Square test is
applied on two qualitative variables from a single population. It is used to determine whether
there is a significant association between the two variables.


Validity is one of the main concerns with research. It refers to the extent to which an instrument
represents the factors under study. To achieve such validity, questionnaire included a variety of
questions on the knowledge of people on MMT and consumer behavior. All the respondents
completed the questionnaire in the presence of the researcher. This was done to prevent the
respondents from giving questionnaire to other people to complete on their behalf. Reliability is
the degree to which research method produces stable and consistent result. It can be ensured by
minimizing observational error like data collector bias. Data collector bias was minimized by the
researcher being the only one held responsible and managing the questionnaire. Pilot testing was
carried out by the researcher to identify and flaws on the questionnaire to reduce errors of
measurement and test for consistency

Supply chain management:

effective management of thesupply chain can be handled with the help of e- businessstrategies,
which will ensure better coordination between the wholesalers and the retailers of various products.
Betterintegration of the supply chain right from the source till the finaldelivery of the product can
be effectively implemented using e- business strategy. This also brings us to the point of e-
commerce where a parallel network of buying and selling can be observedusing dissemination of
information over the Internet. Everythingranging from automobiles to electronic gizmos can be
bought overthe Internet in a hassle free manner under the aegis of soundsupply chain management.

Customer service and customer relationship management:

effective e-business strategies would involve better customer service and customer relationship
managementensuring the highest level of consumer satisfaction. E business istargeted at providing
the customer-friendly services, which wouldinclude the timely delivery of goods right at the
doorstep of the consumer

Inventory and service management integration:

e- Business strategies can also help in better inventory and service management integration through
formulating specific plans for inventory accumulation and purchasing machinery and equipment
which will avoid unnecessary purchases which can lead to higher expenditures entailing different
tax implications.
Tactical operations alignment:
tactical operations directedtowards short-term goals as opposed to strategic planning aimedat long
term goals can be better coordinated implementing the e- business strategies.E-business diverges
from the traditional sphere of business by speeding up the business activities and giving a totally
new dimension and definition to businesses worldwide be it whetherpartnerships, joint ventures or
large corporations. The internet,intranet, cellular networks and other forms of digital technology
have created a niche value chain among clients, employees,suppliers, stakeholders and traders
coordinated in the world of web marketing. The tools and pillars of e-business strategiesinclude
acceptance of payments over the Internet, onlineadvertising, on-line trading and auction deals over
the Internet.E-business strategies will also differ for small and medium-sized businesses. Apart
from regular sources, e-business strategies cangenerate revenue from maintenance of current
channel integrity,revenue made from paid marketing alliances, revenues derivedfrom franchisees
and subscriptions.

Gayatri Buddha termed MMT’s business model as a simple B2C.

The customer could use either MMT website or its call center to book air tickets, hotel rooms,
and travel packages. There were three enabling components: technology, people and process,
and supplier relations. The earlier experience in the US indicated that strong relationship with
suppliers such as domestic airlines including LCCs, international airlines, and hotels would help
the company run the business model. Technology was identified as a cornerstone. MMT had
already developed proprietary technology which would help it link all supplier sites to check the
inventory and compare prices. In fact, the search engine the company had developed would
enable it to offer the lowest possible price to the customer.

The booking engine would also enablecustomers to customize the booking of their flight and
hotel packagesto maximize savings.Being a travel commerce website, the company believed that
its ownproducts would generate adequate revenue to successfully run thebusiness model without
depending on revenue generated from sellingadvertisement space on the website. The company
believed thatplacing of advertisements on the website might distract or divertvisitors from their
main objective of searching or booking travel products on MMT’s website. The other key
component of the businessmodel would be employees having domain-specific skills in order
tohelp MMT develop and offer suitable products and services for the travel consumer
A business model as a blend of three different streams including:-
Value stream Revenue stream
Logistic stream Generally researchers observed 1 1
E-business models such as
E-procurement E-mall
Third party marketplace Virtual communities
Value chain service provide Value chain integrators Collaboration
platform Information brokerage

Trust services MAKEMYTRIP explored online broking model. Their core E-Commerce
business model was very simple and effectiveB2C and even it complemented their travel
products and services very well.

Partnership Benefits: in a span of ten years has garnered a wealth of experience and respect in the
travel industry, and this success is in nosmall part due to the diligence and efforts of our partners.
These are justsome of the benefits our partners receive when they join hands

Association with the BIGGEST online travel brand in India

Assistance from a team of technology and business experts dedicated to the needs of the travel
industry Best commissions on domestic flights as well as hotels Single platform for all G D S and
Low Cost Carriers Instant invoicing of hotels and airline bookings Access to a user-friendly
online travel portal Real-time booking of 3000+ hotels across India Access to over 50000+ hotels
across the globe Online branch network management facili

On Air Bookings the company gets 3% commission on gross farenet of PSF with Rs 50 to Rs 100
as service fee from the customerMMYT generates the majority of hotel and package
revenuethrough its call centers and travel stores. Although only around5% of transactions are
executed through call centers and travelstores, revenues from these transactions account for around
20%of the total. Direct link between hotels’ central reservation systems andMMYT’s booking
system Revenues from other businesses include fees from travelinsurance companies, advertising
revenues, and new service offerings.

The net revenue margin in the hotel business to decline from 14%in FY10 to 13% in FY13e,
which is conservative when comparedwith an increase from 8.9% in FY08 to 14% in
FY1MMYT’s focus is to expand its high-margin hotel business,especially high-value
international travel packages. Launched Websites for UAE and Canada The company is looking
for selective merger and acquisition opportunities to boost presence in its targeted overseas
market. Acquired to move into bus seat bookin

Largest Inventory
Online travel portals have the largest inventory of hotel rooms and packages. Which means, even
if you find your favourite hotel listed as “full” on the hotel’s website, you might still find a
vacancy if you look up the availability on a travel portal like MakeMyTrip. Moreover, the choice
of hotels offered to you on MakeMyTrip is unparalleled. All you have to do is key in your search
criteria, and you have hotels based on type, budget, location and amenities neatly listed out for

Competitive Pricing and Special Logged-in Pricing

Since online travel agencies make bookings in bulk, they are able to offer you rates that you
probably won’t find anywhere else. They have tie-ups with hotel chains that allow them to offer
special package deals and add-ons for customers. But that’s not it. Allow us to let you in on a
little secret—did you know that you are likely to be offered a special (read: lower) price if you are
logged in to a travel app? Yes, you heard that right! The price shown to you on a travel website or
app may significantly drop if you create an account and sign in. There couldn’t be an easier way
to bag a dreamy hotel deal.

Pay at Checkout
Unlike direct bookings, where you have to pay 100% of the hotel tariff upfront just to book your
room, booking through a travel app like MakeMyTrip comes with an element of trust. Here, not
only is your booking confirmed, you have the option to pay after enjoying your stay at the hotel—
at checkout

• High taxes on hotel tariffs

• Service taxes on foreign exchange earnings of travel agents Union and State

government change

• Poor maintenance in many hotel and staffs not treat well to customers

1-Are you aware of the marketing strategy in the online travel industry?
Yes ----------------------------------------------- 80.7%
No ------------------------------------------------- 12.3%
Maybe ------------------------------------------ 7%


As regards the awareness level of the officials regarding the marketing strategy in the online travel
industry, 80.7 percent of the respondents were aware of it showing a very high awareness level
2-For what purpose the customers mostly use your services?
Rail booking -------------------------------------- 8.8%

Air booking ---------------------------------------- 42.1%

Hotel booking ------------------------------------- 28.1%

Travel package booking-------------------------------- 17.5%

Collecting Information ---------------------------------- 1.8%

Price Comparison ------------------------ 1.8%


The customers mostly use the services of for airline bookings. However, the site also
benefits substantially from other ancillary business
3-Do you receive discounts while using the services?
Yes ---------------------------------------------------- 72.4%
No ----------------------------------------------------- 10.3%
Do not know / Can not say ------------------------- 17.2%


It has been ascertained from the response that the discounts offered by makemytrip.comare part of their
larger marketing strategy
4-Do you agree that the company benefits from above marketing strategy?
Agree ------------------------------------------------ 62.1%
Strongly Agree ------------------------------------- 22.4%
Disagree --------------------------------------------- 1.7%
Strongly Disagree ---------------------------------- 0 %
Neutral---------------------- ------------------------ 13.8%


The company says the respondents, benefits from the discounting strategy adopted bit
5-Do you agree that the company benefits from the tie-up strategy with various banks while doing
online banking?
Agree ------------------------------------------------- 51.7%
Strongly Agree -------------------------------------- 20%D
disagree ---------------------------------------------- 1.7%
Strongly Disagree ----------------------------------- 0%
Neutral ----------------------------------------- 25.9%


The respondents have agreed that the company benefits from the tie-up strategy with various banks and
financial institutions like the SBI and the Barclay
6-Do you receive company strategies like pop-ups and online newsletters?
Yes ------------------------------------------------------------ 74.1%

No ------------------------------------------------------------- 13.8%

Do not know / Can not say --------------------------------- 12.1%

INTERPRETATION: resorts to marketing strategies like pop-ups on websites and online newsletters
7-Do you agree that the company benefits from above marketing strategy?
Agree -------------------------------------------- 58.6%
Strongly Agree --------------------------------- 19%
Disagree ----------------------------------------- 5.2%
Strongly Disagree ------------------------------ 0%
Neutral ----------------------------------------- 17.2%


The company, says the respondents, benefits from the strategies like pop-ups on websites and online

H0: - Customers are not deal hunters and do not consider price as

1 2 Grand Total
Row 1Labels
30 13 43

2 13 17 30

Grand Total 43 30 73

EXPECTED 1 2 Grand Total

Row Labels
25.32876712 17.67123 43
17.67123288 12.32877 30
43 30 73
Grand Total

Significant Value 0.05
P 0.02391256

INTERPRETATION OF RESULT: - P value (0.02391256) is less than

significant value (0.05), it shows that null hypothesis is rejected.
Nearly, 60% of the MMT customers are deal hunters who prefer low price as
assurance. A total of 58.9% respondents are open to being deal hunters who look
for products and services that value for money.

H0: - Students do not prefer pre-plan travel

1 2 3 4
Row Labels Total
1 3 7 64 2 18
2 20 9 71 4 37
3 21 4 18 1 14
4 26 1 1 4
Grand Total 21 8 73

1 2 3 4
Row Labels Total
1 6.4109589 5.17808 4.4383561 1.97267 18
2 13.178082 10.6438 9.1232876 4.0547945 37
3 4.986301 4.02739 3.4520547 1.5342465 14
4 1.4246575 1.1506849 0.986301 0.4383561 4
Grand Total 26 21 18 8 73

VALUE P 0.0636906

INTERPRETATION OF RESULT: - P value (0.063690643) is less than significant

value (0.10), it shows that null hypothesis has been rejected.
Nearly 40% students prefer pre-planned travel booking. Preference for pre-plan travel
booking won out as determine factor in student respondent’s decision to make a
purchase on MMT.

H0: - Television is not effective sales medium in case of


Row Labels 1 2 3 4
1 15 15 1 7 3 34
2 1 4 1 1 64 2 11
3 6 4 18 - 11
4 26 21 3 17
Grand Total 8 73

Row Labels 1 2 3 4
1 12.10958904 9.78082192 8.38356164 3.7260274 34
2 3.917808219 3.16438356 2.71232877 1.20547945 11
3 3.917808219 3.16438356 2.71232877 1.20547945 11
4 6.054794521 4.89041096 4.19178082 1.8630137 8 17
Grand Total 26 21 18 73


Significant Value 0.05

P 0.001197605

INTERPRETATION OF RESULT: - P value (0.001197605) is less than significant

value (0.05), it shows that null hypothesis has been rejected.
Television is the most effective sales promotion medium for student respondents.
Nearly 50% of the MMT users prefer television. To build the brand, this enables
MMT to adopt aggressive frequency build up to enhance usage and traction.

H0: - People who would prefer to use MMT again don’t have, ‘Unable to cancel
through website or app’ as their cancellation grievance.

Row Labels 1 2 3 4 5
1 10 19 14 16 2 61
2 3 - 1 1 2 1 2 - 75
3 13 21 - 16 19 2 73
Grand Total 4

Row Labels
1 2 3 4 5 Total
1 10.8630137 17.5479 13.37 15.8767 3.34247 61
2 1.246575342 2.0137 1.534 1.82192 0.38356 75
3 0.890410959 1.43836 1.096 1.30137 0.27397 73
Grand Total 13 21 16 19 4

TSignificant Value 0.05

P 0.047992486

INTERPRETATION OF RESULT: - P value (0.047992486) is less than significant

value (0.05), it shows that null hypothesis has been rejected.
Amongst the various reasons such as Incorrect refund amount shown, refund not
processed within go time promise, cancellation charges not displayed and cash
amount not credited, “unable to cancel through website or app” is the most
important factor which makes the cancellation experience bitter for the customer.
This must be redressed at the earliest if the company wants to retain its customers.


MakeMyTrip is a truly unique company which changed the course of the travel industry in the
country. It provides the ease of extending hassle-free tickets and travel booking to customers from
the comfort of their homes and offices without requiring to physically stand in stressful and endless
queues, gave this company the competitive edge in its line of business.
MakeMyTrip is a good example of Business to Consumer e-business model. The customer
could either use MMT website or call its call centre to book air tickets, hotel rooms and travel
packages. There were 3 enabling components: technology, people and process,and supplier
The company also gave attention to environment and issues of Corporate Social Responsibility
(CSR). It believes in operating as a sustainable business enterprise with a view to serve the society.
It reflects how strategic human resource management can be implemented to create business
sustainability with the help of people as drivers of organisational goal in a dynamic and challenging
business environment.

The research topic for the project is new and therefore, secondary data and data collected from
internet has been used as bird’s eye view. The research process may have been biased because the
content of the source is not authenticated as it is generally perceived. Research was confined to the
city of Delhi only. The conclusion drawn may not be up to mark as the responses are based on
respondent’s level of knowledge. So, as many as 73 respondents was surveyed.
However, the primary data research process had little to offer on the current market operations of
the company and thus the researcher has relied upon the secondary data for preparing questionnaire
and to know the industry. Time barrier has always worked as a limitation to the research paper

• Compared with officials' awareness of the online travel marketing strategy, 88% of respondents were
aware that they showed a very high level of awareness.

• Customers mainly use services for airline bookings. However, the site also benefits
substantially from other ancillary activities

• The response showed that the discounts offered by are part obits broader marketing

• The company claims that respondents take advantage of their discount strategy.

• Respondents agreed that the company benefits from the liaison strategy with various banks and
financial institutions such as SBI and Barclay.

• uses marketing strategies such as pop-up windows on websites and online

• The company, according to respondents, benefits from strategies such as pop-up windows on websites
and online newsletters.

• Respondents thought that the circulation of messages on mobile networks is beneficial for the
company, that is

• Respondents thought that the marketing strategy of should biunique to differentiate
it from others like

• Given the current market scenario in the online travel industry, makemytrip.comhas an easy but
challenging future ahead of it.

1.There is growing number of rural people have started using SmartPhones and with the advent
of Reliance Geo, most of them are usingInternet on that. So this is a growing area and to capture
this ruralmarket, should use Hindi or other vernacular Indianregional
language in its interface and app

2.MakeMyTrip should also improve its customer satisfaction level be thebrand that they trust
instinctively and take care of them. Since there isa fierce competition, customer satisfaction is the
key. Trvelling iscontinuous process and it goes on as people do good in their career.3.
MakeMyTrip should also launch a lighter version of their app which ismore compatible with 2g
network so that person who are not using fasterNet can also avail services.

4.As many elderly people were not comfortable in using the current makemy trip app as they
thought it was too complicated for them so makemy trip should make a more user friendly app
for elderly people.

5.Make my trip should do tie ups with mobile companies so that their appshould come pre-
installed in mobile sets

6.Make my trip should make more attractive and exclusive packages forstudents. As they do not
have money in their pocket but have youthfulenergy to travel well

7.More offers and incentive schemes should be introduced by thecompany to attract more
travelers to avail its services.

8.Make my trip should do more advertisement in remote areas to makepeople more aware about
their packages.

9.Proper training should be given to their staff so that they could creategood value for the company.

10.They should provide 3D view of hotels and other services being offered.
11.Some amount of decision making must be delegated to the employees so that they can confidently
respond to the customer's uninvited queries

12.the tangibility should be more as we are more dependent on others for our services

13.The should focus more upon the accuracy factor to increase their reliability

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1. Are you aware of the marketing strategy in the online travel industry?
No response

2. For what purpose you mostly use services?

Rail booking
Air booking
Hotel booking
Other purpose
Do not know / cannot say

3 Do you receive an offer as part of marketing strategy?

Do not know / Cannot say

4. Do you agree that the company benefits from above marketing strategy?
Agree Strongly
Disagree Strongly
Do not know / Cannot say

5. Do you agree that the company benefits from from the tie-up strategy with various banks during
online banking?
Agree Strongly
Disagree Strongly0
Do not know / Cannot say

6. Do you receive company strategies like pop-ups and online newsletters?

Do not know / Cannot say
7. Do you agree that the company benefits from above marketing strategy?
Agree Strongly
Disagree Strongly
Do not know / Cannot say

8.Do you agree that the circulation of messages in the mobile networks benefits the company?
Strongly Agree
Strongly Disagree
Do not know / Cannot say

9.Do you believe that the marketing strategy of needs to be unique to make it different
from others like
Do not know / Cannot say

10. Future of

Very bright future ahead
Challenging future ahead
Bleak future ahead
Do not know / Cannot say

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