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Government Engineering College, Ajmer

Department of Computer Science & Engineering

Internship Report

“Programming with C, C++”

Submitted in the partial fulfillment for the award of the degree of

Bachelor of Technology


Computer Science & Engineering

Submitted By- Teerth Bhardwaj

College ID – 22CS114
Department – Computer Science
University Number – 22EEACS113
Government Engineering College, Ajmer
Department of Computer Science & Engineering

I take this opportunity to express my sincere gratitude to all those

who have been helpful in the successful completion of my
internship. I would like to show my greatest appreciation to the highly
esteemed and devoted technical staff, supervisors of the

I am highly indebted to them for their tremendous support and help

during the completion my internship.

My special thanks goes to “Internshala” for acceptance my

request for providing Internship and giving me an opportunity. I would
like to thank to all those people who directly or indirectly helped and
guided me to complete my training, including the following
instructors and technical officers of various section.

I express my thanks to my respected professors of

Computer Science & Engineering dept , Govt. Engineering
College, Ajmer for kind support.

I am thankful to all staff members of the CSE department and my

friends for their timely help co-operation and suggestion during my
work. Lastly but not the least, I must express thanks to my family,
without their moral support it was impossible for me to complete this
Government Engineering College, Ajmer
Department of Computer Science & Engineering

Government Engineering College, Ajmer
Department of Computer Science & Engineering

About Internshala

Internshala is a dot com business with the heart of dot org.

We are a technology company on a mission to equip students with

relevant skills & practical exposure to help them get the best possible
start to their careers. Imagine a world full of freedom and possibilities.
A world where you can discover your passion and turn it into your
career. A world where you graduate fully assured, confident, and
prepared to stake a claim on your place in the world. Internshala is
India's no.1 internship and training platform with 40000+ paid
internships in Engineering, MBA, media, law, arts, and other streams.
Government Engineering College, Ajmer
Department of Computer Science & Engineering

Learning Objectives/Internship Objectives

▪ Internships are generally thought of to be reserved for

college students looking to gain experience in a
particular field. However, a wide array of people can
benefit from Training Internships in order to receive real
world experience and develop their skills.

▪ An objective for this position should emphasize the skills

you already possess in the area and your interest in
learning more.

▪ Internships are utilized in a number of different career

fields, including architecture, engineering, healthcare,
economics, advertising and many more.

▪ Some internship is used to allow individuals to perform

scientific research while others are specifically designed
to allow people to gain first-hand experience working.

▪ Utilizing internships is a great way to build your resume

and develop skills that can be emphasized in your
resume for future jobs. When you are applying for a
Training Internship, make sure to highlight any special
skills or talents that can make you stand apart from the
rest of the applicants so that you have an improved
chance of landing the position.
Government Engineering College, Ajmer
Department of Computer Science & Engineering


Why Learn Programming with C and C++?

▪ C/C++ powers the world –

Whether it be operatings systems like Windows,

web browsers like Chrome, or game engines like Unity 3D,
+ is everywhere!

▪ Beginner friendly –

Due to the straightforwardness of the language, it serves

as a solid introduction to programming for any beginner.

▪ Lucrative salary –

For any software developer in C and C++, there is an edge

in opportunities and development over another developer
whether in position or salary hikes they are priorities
according to their skill set.
Government Engineering College, Ajmer
Department of Computer Science & Engineering

What placement assistance I have received after

completing this internship?

▪ More internships & jobs

After taking this Internship, I am more likely, eligible to get
more internships and fresher jobs as per my preference.
▪ Get highlighted on Internshala

I am among the Top performers & therefore will be

highlighted on applying internship & and job applications on

Modules which, I covered during my Internship –

▪ Getting Started With Programming

in C (6 Topics)

▪ Diving Into C
Programming (10

▪ Fundamentals of Object-Oriented Programming

Using CPP (10 Topics)
▪ Diving into CPP Programming
(7 Topics)
Government Engineering College, Ajmer
Department of Computer Science & Engineering

Detailed Topics Under The MODULES:-

Getting Started With Programming in C

▪ Write and Explore Your First Program in C

▪ Tokens
▪ User Input
▪ Operators
▪ Conditional Statements
▪ Algorithms and Flowcharts

Diving Into C Programming

▪ Loops
▪ Loop Control Statements
▪ Arrays
▪ Strings
▪ Functions
▪ Recursion
▪ Pointers
▪ Memory Management
▪ User Defined Data Types
Government Engineering College, Ajmer
Department of Computer Science & Engineering

Fundamentals of Object Oriented Programming Using


▪ Module Overview
▪ Getting Started With C++
▪ Migrating From C to C++
▪ Class and Object
▪ Constructors and Destructors
▪ Inheritance
▪ Access Specifiers
▪ Polymorphism
▪ Abstract Class
▪ Friend Class and Friend Function

Diving into CPP Programming

▪ Module Overview
▪ Namespaces
▪ Standard Libraries
▪ Preprocessor Directives
▪ Exception Handling
▪ Debugging
▪ File Handling
Government Engineering College, Ajmer
Department of Computer Science & Engineering

Description of Internship Experience

During my internship with the company, I learned Programming with

C, a n d C++. I was able to put these skills in practice in a Virtual
Cricket Game. The work was challenging, and I learned a lot about
C, a n d C++ and gained more confidence in myself. It was a
valuable experience.

One of the key experiences recommended during my time is an

undergraduate is doing an internship. Gaining work experience is key
for boosting your employability, especially as a science student.
That’s why, after my fi r s t year, I chose Internshala, to intern for
a part of the summer in C & C++.

I undertook a 8-weeks internship at Internshala in C & C++. I was the

Top Performer of Internshala—what they referred to as “academic
interns.” Myself and my fellow academic interns were not there in the
hopes of getting a job with the specialization later, but rather we were
there to learn and understand the inner functioning of a language.
Government Engineering College, Ajmer
Department of Computer Science & Engineering

At the start of each week, we were asked to go through

various modules where we were briefed and that phase
was skill booster phase as per mine thought. While going
through the notes, we mostly took notes and were given small
tasks or codes to run.

Thanks to the classes I had already taken at Internshala,

after two weeks I was assigned to a “verified candidate” at
the Internshala, where I was in every aspect. It was a
wonderful experience to learn, understand, and develop new
things with Internshala. It was a roller coaster ride of eight
weeks which stopped at the phase where I got the
understanding and nature of programming languages. Now I
feel confident to say that I am comfortable with the object-
oriented framework of the programming world. I would surely
recommend others to join this inter to perceive their goals and
Government Engineering College, Ajmer
Department of Computer Science & Engineering


Existing System -

In an Existing we address these challenges and present an

approach to efficient, incremental consolidation of data-
intensive flows. Following common practice, our method
iterates over information requirements to create the final
design. we show how to efficiently accommodate a new
information requirement to an existing design and also, how
to update a design in projects of an evolving information
requirement. The final design satisfying all requirements
results in a Outstanding Project, Same As ‘coal’ forms after
the process and extreme compaction of layers.

Proposed System –
Following the previously proposed set of projects in the
context of C, C++ . On applying the topics, taught in modules
operations, it inhance the project work. A process diagram is
used to model the hardware layout using three dimensional
cubes to depict hardware entities. The process diagram
includes the three main parts of a hardware architecture:
processors, devices, and connections. A processor is defined
to be a piece of hardware capable of executing application
Government Engineering College, Ajmer
Department of Computer Science & Engineering
programs. Connections are the undirected lines between
processors and devices. Connections are assumed to be
bidirectional, unless otherwise indicated with an annotated


System configurations -
The software requirement specification can produce at the culmination
of the analysis task. The function and performance allocated to
software as part of system engineering are refined by established a
complete information description, a detailed functional description, a
representation of system behavior, and indication of performance and
design constrain, appropriate validate criteria, and other information
pertinent to requirements.

Software Requirements -

▪ Operating system - Windows 11 .

▪ Coding Language – C and C++

Hardware Requirements -

▪ System - AMD Ryzen 5

▪ SSD - 512 GB
Government Engineering College, Ajmer
Department of Computer Science & Engineering

▪ Ram - 16GB


▪ C Language –

C is an imperative, procedural language in the ALGOL tradition. It has a static type

system. In C, all executable code is contained within subroutines (also called
"functions", though not in the sense of functional programming). Function
parameters are passed by value, although arrays are passed as pointers, i.e. the
address of the first item in the array. Pass-by-reference is simulated in C by
explicitly passing pointers to the thing being referenced.

C program source text is free-format, using the semicolon as a statement

separator and curly braces for grouping blocks of statements.

The C language also exhibits the following characteristics:

▪ The language has a small, fixed number of keywords, including a full set of
control flow primitives: if/else, for, do/while, while, and switch. User-defined
names are not distinguished from keywords by any kind of sigil.
▪ It has a large number of arithmetic, bitwise, and logic operators: +,+=,+
+,&,||, etc.
▪ More than one assignment may be performed in a single statement.
Government Engineering College, Ajmer
Department of Computer Science & Engineering
Government Engineering College, Ajmer
Department of Computer Science & Engineering

▪ C++ –

C++ (pronounced "C plus plus") is a high-level general-purpose programming

language created by Danish computer scientist Bjarne Stroustrup as an extension
of the C programming language, or "C with Classes". The language has expanded
significantly over time, and modern C++ now has object-oriented, generic,
and functional features in addition to facilities for low-level memory manipulation.

C++ was designed with systems programming and embedded, resource-

constrained software and large systems in mind, with performance, efficiency,
and flexibility of use as its design highlights. C++ has also been found useful in
many other contexts, with key strengths being software infrastructure and
resource-constrained applications, including desktop applications, video
games, servers (e.g. e-commerce, web search, or databases), and performance-
critical applications (e.g. telephone switches or space probes).

C++ is standardized by the International Organization for Standardization (ISO),

with the latest standard version ratified and published by ISO in December 2020
as (informally known as C++20). The C++ programming language was initially
standardized in 1998 which was then amended by the C++03, C++11, C++14,
and C++17 standards. The current C++20 standard supersedes these with new
features and an enlarged standard library. Before the initial standardization in
1998, C++ was developed by Stroustrup at Bell Labs since 1979 as an extension
of the C language; he wanted an efficient and flexible language similar to C that
also provided high-level features for program organization. Since 2012, C++ has
Government Engineering College, Ajmer
Department of Computer Science & Engineering

been on a three-year release schedule with C++23 as the next

planned standard.

Government Engineering College, Ajmer
Department of Computer Science & Engineering


Government Engineering College, Ajmer
Department of Computer Science & Engineering

Teams Of VCG:
Government Engineering College, Ajmer
Department of Computer Science & Engineering

Files Of VCG

Code Output of VCG:

Government Engineering College, Ajmer
Department of Computer Science & Engineering


C++ has the same advantages as C, but with more

features. C++ has a steep learning curve that makes it less
approachable by a novice programmer. Big applications
should not be written in C++, but a small to medium
sized applications can be written in C++ for added speed and
scalability. Programs that require speed, scalability, and are
not massive, should consider using C++. We should have a
good idea of when it might be appropriate to use each

There are many other language out there, bringing in even

more considerations that need to be made about which
language to choose. Hopefully you will be able to make more
informed decisions about which language is appropriate for a
given program.

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