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English 2

Syllabus and Class Organization

1 / 2023
M.Sc. Heber F. Aldazosa Ruiz
Master in Teaching English as a Foreign Language TEFL /TESL.
Class Overview

 It aims at developing students’ language skills

and abilities.
 To make students use high-intermediate
 To make students communicate ideas and
thoughts in coherently.
 To make students work with different tools and
educational platforms that make them use the
English language as much as possible.
Goals for development
 Communicating in English for the entirety
of the class.
 Expanding vocabulary, oral and written.
 Improving reading and listening
 Motivating students to participate and
take activities’ control
 Practicing pronunciation, speaking, fluency,
stress and intonation.
 Contrasting the foreign language with
their mother tongue
Teaching methodology

 The classroom environment is set up as a lecture

with activities that pair the students into groups for
personal development
 On both levels speaking is to be practiced with a
goal of improvement, it must be used in class all the
time .
 Besides that students will work with UCB’S
activities that permit them be in touch with
technology during the teaching learning process.
 It is mandatory students work with the platform at
Classroom Requirements
 Students have to use their INSTITUTIONAL ACCOUNTS to
get access to the material posted on NEO and classroom’s
 Students have to get access to ENGLISH DISCOVERY AND
NEO LMS PLATFORMS, whatever problems contact the
 Students might have access to internet and to some academic
platforms such as:
 Kahoot: Vocabulary and grammar structure games.
 Quizlet: Vocabulary for the units.
 Padlet: Speaking and writing activities in groups.
 Liveworksheets: Grammar, Listening, Reading and
Vocabulary assignments.
General Instructions

 As we are working on face to face environment, all the students must

participate in class, and speak as much as possible.
 Students are given 10 seconds to answer the questions n class, if not 2
points in participation will be deducted form their scores.
 When working on groups, it is mandatory all the students participate,
there must be a speaker and a secretary. These students might rotate
 Participating as a group is essential to succeed in classes, so I will ask
everyone to do it.
 If students do not submit any assignments on time, they won’t be
graded; there are no second chances. Submit activities following the
instructions, if not they won’t be graded as well.
General Instructions

 Discrimination is not tolerated in the classroom. Any forms of

harassment or discrimination will result in the student being
removed from the class and given a zero for the day.
 All work that is turned in should be completed by the
student(s) whose names correspond to the paper. Any instances
of cheating or copying goes against the university’s academic
honesty code and will be dealt with receiving a zero and
spoken to by the faculty or academic director.
 Plagiarism is unacceptable and any student who does
plagiarize will receive a zero. DO NOT USE GOOGLE
Grading / Evaluation
Evaluación presencial trabajo en aula Trabajo en plataforma (Toda la evaluación

- Class performance - Course completion (trabajo en

Speaking 20% plataforma)
- Class performance
Listening 10% - Average test score (promedio de
- Class performance
Reading 10%
todos los mini exámenes al
- Class performance termino de las lecciones) 15%
Writing 10%
- Level test 20% - TEST (FINAL/MID TERM)
- Al ser evlauados con otras
plataformas 15%
- Total 70%
- Total 30%
Ucb’s Platform (english
 To log in to “English Discoveries” students will have to
use the following information.
 (link)
 USERNAME: su carnet de identidad
 PASSWORD: 12345 (Once you log in the platform,
students can change their passwords)
 you can visit the for more
Ed. Platform
Course Rules
 Students have 10 minutes tolerance to arrive. If
the door is closed PLEASE DO NOT KNOCK
 Students can have only 8 absences, if more they
will immediately fail the course.
 If students need permission or TO leave the class
for any reasons USE THE ATTENDANCE LOG.
 ENGLISH must be used in classes all the time.
 The attendance list can be called at any time in the
 Participation is graded, so try to participate as
much as possible.
 Check the information on NEO before coming to

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