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Group 8 - Lesson 1;

Positive and Negative

Effect of Globalization
Positive effects of Globalization
in Developmental Countries
➢Researchers have concluded various
positive effects of Globalization which
some develop countries enjoy today. It’s
hard to encounter each of them, but let’s
focus on some essential points.
• Among all effect of globalization, this one
is beneficial. It means encouraging nations
to specialized and produce plenty of goods
available in their local market.

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Cross-Cultural Management
• Each country has got its own
culture. Culture pertains to the way
particular people do things as well as
their values and believes.
Incorporating all cultures to form a
global one is not easy. For instance,
gender equality is not recognized in
some legal systems, and they do not
allow women to lead or engage in

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• Competition is a healthy way of
doing business. Without it companies
would not pioneer some innovations
in cross-border trade. It is the main
reason why the quality of goods and
services improve and why the prices
drops. It causes increased
communication of ideas and
innovation as people try to find a
competitive advantage for their

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3.Job Opportunities
• About 90% of the first-world population earns for living
through employment. Initially, job Opportunities were
relatively scarce, and everyone who graduated from college
applied in a particular government sector. Globalization has
brought this trend to a halt as more job opportunities are now
available locally and internationally.

4.Reducing the gap between the Rich and the

• Globalization has notably declined the gap between
rich and poor people. Globalization enabled poor
people to have access to job opportunities. A long time
ago people who worked in government sector and
companies got high salaries, but now even
overeducated employees earn a little money .

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• The population of developed countries prefers to
invest money in profitable businesses rather than
deposit it in banks. The reason is, they strive to earn a
living remotely because investment assured they will
gain good profits without any effort.

6.Advanced technology
• Advanced technologies are a result of globalization.
A constant need for innovations appeared due to the
lack of quick data transfer and public communication.
It’s advancement has paved the way for the positive
effects of globalization in countries that initially did
not want to associate with others.

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7.Legal effects
• Through globalization people get to know
what’s happening in other countries. Media
services cover events that occur in other
countries. As a result, various turmoil’s
could be solved by international mediators.
Those who perform acts against human
rights are arrested and sentenced by
intergovernmental courts. Equally those
who practice illegal business aiming to get
competitors out of trading are prosecuted.

Positive effects of
developing countries
Globalization has numerous positive effects on
some developing countries. It’s the reason for
the fast growth and development of these
countries as people invest in these states
improving their infrastructure technology and
total production. Below are some positive
effects of worldwide integration and developing

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1.Poverty Eradication
• Before globalization developing countries have had
plenty of resources that they didn’t know how to use.
Their population was uneducated as well as there were no
roads or means of transport. Nowadays, people
understand the significance of education and standards of
living as foreigners settle in this countries. Consequently,
locals went to schools established by the settlers and got
employment in their companies and industries.

2.Availability of employment
• Most developed countries have lots of educated jobless
people globalization gives them job opportunities in other
countries. Their primary advantage over the residents of
the developed countries is the fact that they offer cheap
services. They are also open to learning as they consider
themselves lucky to have a new life.

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• Globalization has enabled further studies most developed
countries have advanced schools and colleges. They
encourage people from overseas to study there. The
investors from developed countries settle abroad with their
families, what’s more, they want to have good schools for
their children. As a result they donate a local schools
advanced the curriculum and highly qualified teachers.

• Globalization has helped transport technology to
developing countries. Some investors and foreigners who
have got a bargain with the people from developing
countries needed to communicate with them and exchange
ideas and information. The fastest way to do it that’s true
using modern technology. It has dramatically helped people
from developing countries most of them can buy and sell
goods online at low price.

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5. Foreign investments
• Globalization brought in the need for
people from developed states to invest in
some developing countries. Foreign
investment is one of the results of
globalization that culminates in many
developments in these countries.

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Adverse effects of globalization
in developed countries.
➢It has had a few adverse
effects on developed countries.
Some negative consequences of
globalization include terrorism,
job insecurity, currency
fluctuation, and price instability.

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•It is a significant problem in most
developed countries due to worldwide
integration people travel a lot. Some of
them move abroad to study, do business,
visit relatives, work, and access hospital
service. However not all of them are
hones. Unfortunately,, terrorist recruit
young people, residents of the country,
and make them believe they are doing
the right thing. That's why there are fear,
mistrust, and tension in society.

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2.Job insecurity
• Before globalization,. Skilled people that
employment in government sectors and
companies where they receive high salaries. Job
opportunities were waiting for those who
completed colleges and earned a degree. Due to
globalization, there are many people seeking
employment all over the world. Employers take
advantage of cheap labor. One can get a dismissal
because of a slight mistake as the employer can
find a skilled worker who is ready to be paid less.

3. Price instability
• Bryce instability is a significant effect of
globalization and business. Some people establish
industries overseas where they get cheap raw
materials and labor. They cut production costs and
sell their goods at a low price. Due to competition,
some high-quality products differ in prices.
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4.Currency fluctuation
•International trade buys and sells
products using the US dollar. The price
of the dollar fluctuates dayto-day in
developing countries. This results in a
imbalance economy and abnormal
price for goods and services. National
currency are affected the most by
intergovernmental organization (IGOs).

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Negative effects of
globalization and
developing countries
➢Although developing countries
have had many benefits from
globalization, there are few negative
impacts it has caused in the
developing countries.

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1.Displacements of workers
• Thanks to globalization they’re employment
opportunities all over our vast world. However most
people have had to leave their families for many years
as they work abroad. As a result, couples have
divorced, remarried, and left impoverished children at
the mercy of volunteers and shelters. Some children
haven’t met their old-age parents needs because the
money they earn from their job is not enough.

• In almost all developing countries, over half of the
working population relied on casual jobs in industries
until globalization took root. The advancement of
technology has reduced such employment and
increased the global need for skilled professionals.

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3.Increased lifestyle diseases
• Globalization has brought in the consumption of
processed foods, planting crops using chemicals to
minimize the duration of growth and increase profit
. Due to increase ingestions of chemicals from
foods, chronic diseases are on the rise. The
morality rate is high. Furthermore, there is a
reduction in the lifespan in developing countries.

4. Abandonment of culture
• Every community, society, or nation has its values
and beliefs that is to say - its own culture. They are
essential because they mold the acceptable
behavior of the people in a particular community.
The elders or leaders ensure the people behave in a
morally good way.
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• Not a year ends without incidents of terrorism in
the community which has affected its welfare and
unity that existed before globalization. according to
the recent studies, there were nine thousand
terroristic attacks performed worldwide in 2017.

6.High competition in corporate world

• Due to worldwide Integration, one can never get
a job in an office instantly because there is a high
competition of skilled and professional workers
worldwide competing for a job.

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What are some aspects
of Filipino cultures?
➢ Behavior and traits are among the many
things that constitute the culture of a
society. Filipino historian Teodoro Agoncillo
in his book “The history of the Filipino
people”, outlined the common traits that
are prevalent among Filipinos.

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➢Hospitality – Filipinos are welcoming to
others (even strangers) and will offer people
comfort when they arrive at the Filipino
➢Close family ties – Filipinos value their
family (mother, father, grandparents,
children) more than anyone and anything
➢Respect for elders – Filipinos recognized
their elderly as figures of authority.
➢Fatalistic - Filipino often believe that
whatever happens to them is the work of
faith. This fatalism best symbolize in the
Date “bahala na”. Your Footer Here 21
➢Loyalty - Do a Filipino a little favor and he
remembers you to the end of their days.
For Filipino friendship is sacred and should
be mutual under all circumstances.
➢Sensitive - Filipino would not tolerate
anyone berating their fellow countrymen.
➢Tendency to be indolent - Indolent
means laziness. Dr. Jose Rizal explained this
tendency due to the tropical climate which
make even the western lazy in these parts
of paradise. Aside from the warm climate
indolence may be partly explained by the
abundance of nature endowed our
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➢Lack of initiative - This trait is explained by
the natural fear of competition, for Filipino
society is cooperative, not competitive.
➢Curious - The Filipino (being childlike) is
naturally curious but tainted with sympathy.
➢Regionalistic - Filipinos think in national
boundaries but regional oneness.
➢Pakikisama – maybe translated loosely as
the intensive signification of Camaraderie or
spirit of comradeship the main elements of
which are unselfishness and good faith.

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Is Filipino culture changing? Filipino values and
customs that were maintained have changed or are
changing through the social cultural and political
evolution of the Filipino culture.
Utang-na-loob and interdependency (barangay
system: the relationship of the Datu and Tau)
hospitality to friends (sanduguan) to be in colonials
under Spain and the US fighting for sovereignty and
issues of collaboration.
Mostly resistance against oppressors and colonizers
(protection of motherland, identity, and religious
freedom) and the difference of historical experiences
between Christian and Muslim Filipinos.

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Filipino resilience amidst social issues
and political changes and amplify desire
for freedom (Japanese occupation,
martial law, social movements against
corrupt and fascist administrations)
diversity of Filipino culture - the result of
hundreds of years of colonization,
indigenizing of cultures, cultural diffusion
due to globalization, indigenous cultures
functioning as forerunners of the Filipino
Jejemon culture, hypebeast culture, pa-
woke culture, vurgis culture, masa
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I. Multiple Choice

1. This trait is explained by natural fear of

competition, for Filipino society is
cooperative, not competitive.
a. Lack of Initiative c. Hospitality
b. Curios d. Loyalty

2. Refers to the Filipino (being childlike) is

naturally curious but tainted with
a. Sensitive c. Regionalistic
b. Curios d. Fatalistic
Date Your Footer Here 27
3. Trait of Filipino being welcoming to
others even strangers and will offer
comfort when they arrive at a Filipino
a. Close Family Ties c. Hospitality
b. Respect for Elders d. Loyalty

4. May be translated loosely as the

intensive signification of comraderies or
spirit of comradeship.
a. Loyalty c. Pagbabayanihan
b. Pakikisama d.Ugnayan

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5. Refers to Filipinos often believe that
whatever happens to them is the work of
a. Fatalistic c. Loyalty
b. Sensitive d. Regionalistic

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II. True or False

1. Terrorism is a significant problem in

most developed countries.
2. The price of the dollar fluctuates day-to-
day in developing countries.
3. The fastest way to exchange ideas and
information is through using ancient

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4. The advancement of technology has
reduced employment and increased the
global need for skilled professionals.
5. Globalization has brought in the
consumption of processed foods,
planting crops using chemicals to
minimize the duration of growth and
increase profit

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Thank You!

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Group Members:

Tagudar, Mathew
Tingson, Rea Danica T.
Torato, Lovely Ann
Villanueva, Arnie John
Velarde, Rowena

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