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Online 2nd National Research Methodology Workshop

This workshop is designed to equip online participants with key
concepts on Research Methodology.
online from 01-May- 2020 to 08-May- 2020.

“Avoid Plagiarism”

Dr. Vinod Moreshwar Vaze.

B.Tech., I.I.T./ Kanpur, P.G.D.F.M (Bom.) Dip. Cyber Law, Ph.D. (Internet Security)

06.05.2020 / Wednesday
11:30 am to 12:30 pm
What is plagiarism?
• What is plagiarism?
• The concept of taking someone else's work, writing,
creation or ideas and claiming them as one's own,
without the owner’s permission, is plagiarism.
• It is an offence. However the seriousness of
Plagiarism may not be considered same in all countries.
• Plagiarism is considered academic dishonesty.
• It is also a breach of journalistic ethics.
• The policy may change from university to university and
from seniority. (School F.Y. S.Y. or Ph.D.)
A case study 1
• This actually a true story.
• Two young enthusiastic scholars registered themselves
for Ph.D. program. One of them finished her 280 pages
thesis and 10 days and submitted!
• Can you guess how she could have managed this?
• Actually she spend a lot of money in printing & binding.
• But the result? As you must have correctly guessed.
• Her final thesis and copy pasted and obviously
completely rejected. Waste of here time and money. !!
• The other girl followed the proper protocols and could
complete the formalities in the stipulated time.
How to manage a 0% plagiarism
• How to manage a 0% plagiarism report when you know it
is completely copy pasted?
• A very common question, asked in almost every seminar.
• Well,
• There are some people who would claim they can
achieve it. Yes true. For some money or some
• I would call such reports as fools’ reports.
• You are surprised? The computer and software in your
college will show 0% plagiarism.
• Let us take up as a study case 2.
Case 2
• a sample matter
• An Adhoc wireless network is a collection of mobile devices equipped with interfaces and networking
capability. [10]It is adaptive in nature and is self organizing. A formed network can be de-formed and
again formed on the fly and this can be done without the help of system administration. Each node
may be capable of acting as a router. Applications include but are not limited to virtual classrooms,
military communications, emergency search and rescue operations, data acquisition in hostile
environments, communications set up in exhibitions, conferences and meetings, in battle field among
soldiers to coordinate defence or attack, at airport terminals for workers to share files etc. Mobile Ad-
hoc Network usually has a dynamic shape and a limited bandwidth. Routing is one of the key issues in
MANETs due to their highly dynamic and distributed nature; the use of mobile networks is growing
very fast. The performance of a mobile ad-hoc network depends on the routing scheme employed,
and the traditional routing protocols do not work efficiently in a MANET. Developing routing protocols
for MANETs has been an extensive research area in recent years, and many proactive, reactive and
hybrid protocols have been proposed from a variety of perspectives.
• MANET is an autonomous system of mobile nodes connected through wireless links.
• =========================
• You can try with any software that this is 90% plagiarised
• Now let is try the magic
Simple use of “FIND & REPLACE”

Find: hit space bar

When you load this matter for
plagiarism testing
“0” plagiarism

• Find & Replace trick

• An Adhoc wireless network is a collection of mobile devices equipped with interfaces and
networking capability. [10]It is adaptive in nature and is self organizing. A formed network can
be de-formed and again formed on the fly and this can be done without the help of system
administration. Each node may be capable of acting as a router. Applications include but are not
limited to virtual classrooms, military communications, emergency search and rescue
operations, data acquisition in hostile environments, communications set up in exhibitions,
conferences and meetings, in battle field among soldiers to coordinate defence or attack, at
airport terminals for workers to share files etc. Mobile Ad-hoc Network usually has a dynamic
shape and a limited bandwidth. Routing is one of the key issues in MANETs due to their highly
dynamic and distributed nature; the use of mobile networks is growing very fast. The
performance of a mobile ad-hoc network depends on the routing scheme employed, and the
traditional routing protocols do not work efficiently in a MANET. Developing routing protocols
for MANETs has been an extensive research area in recent years, and many proactive, reactive
and hybrid protocols have been proposed from a variety of perspectives.
• MANET is an autonomous system of mobile nodes connected through wireless links.
• =========================== Total Words: 210
Go to format
Select font colour
Change colour to white
Trying to fool the computer!
• If you send this file to computer for check plagiarism
obviously there is no such (stupid) file anywhere so you
get zero plagiarism check.

• But obviously this status will not last lost. It can be

discovered easily.
Conclusion 9 points
2. There is no substitute for hard work.
3. You can download two dozen (or more) articles from
different authors from all over the word.
4. Take a draft print out (back-to-back)
5. Read, read and again read them
6. Understand and comprehend
7. Reduce the matter to one third by re-writing them in
your own words
8. Use synonyms
9. Use citation
One for the road
• Your thesis has be something special.
• There has to be some research element.
• May of the scholars are teachers.
• DO NOT make your thesis read like a typical text
• Whenever you are collecting Data do not
change anything. Do not manipulate the results
• Even if you have the PHD degree in hand,
any copy paste is found anywhere in my
thesis at a later stage, the thesis can be
cancelled and the. PHD DEGREE CAN BE
• Let us recall that you have signed this on
stamp paper.
A sample file
• This is the original file.
• Observe the use of citation
• [n, n = 1,2,3,4]
• Words 601 Date May 06, 2020
• Characters 3964 Exclude Url
• 0% Plagiarism
• 100% Unique
• 0 Plagiarized
• Sentences = 31
• Unique Sentences
• Content Checked For Plagiarism
• A Novel Framework for Neural Machine Translation of Indian-English Languages Tatwadarshi P. Nagarhalli Dept. of Computer Sci. & Engg. Shri JJT University Rajastan, India Dr. Vinod
Vaze Dept. of Computer Sci. & Engg. Shri JJT University Rajastan, India Dr. N. K. Rana Principal Theem College of Engineering Mumbai, Abstract— The term
'machine translation' (MT) refers to computer systems which performs translation of natural language from one language to another. Machine Translation is especially necessitated in the Indian perspective
because more than 50% of the data generated online is in English which is known by only 12%. Many systems has been proposed in the Indian perspective including rule-based, example-based, statistical
based and a hybrid of these machine translation techniques. But, recent study has shown that Neural Machine Translation provides better results. In recent times Google and Facebook have developed Neural
Machine Translation system. These systems are one-fits-all kind of systems which do not take into consideration the complexities in a language, like Indian languages. So, this paper proposes a broad
framework for implementing Neural Machine Translation for Indian-English languages. Keywords—Machine Translation (MT),Neural Machine Translation (NMT), Natural Language Processing (NLP), Deep
Learning, Neural Machine Translation Framework, Indian- English Machine Translation, NLP Application. I. INTRODUCTION The term 'machine translation' (MT) refers to computer systems which performs
translation of natural language from one language to another [1]. According to a market survey conducted by Common Sense Advisory, it was found that 72.1 percent of the consumers were spending
maximum amount of their time on websites which were in their own respective language, 72.4 percent of the people were of the opinion that they would be more inclined to buy a product with information
in their own language and 56.2 percent said that for them having the information of the product in their own language was more important than price of the product itself [2]. So, having the contents on one’s
own language is a big advantage. But, as on November 2017 more than 50% of the content produced on the internet is in English, this is also increasing year-on-year. Whereas, the content produced in Hindi,
understood by more than 50% of the Indian population, is less than 0.1% [3]. According to the census only 12.18% of Indians know and understand the English language [4]. With the increasing number of the
population of India turning to internet for the matters of their concerns it becomes imperative that the content and information is provided to them in their own language. But, considering that there are
more than 20 official languages in which government data is stored and displayed, it becomes a very difficult task for manual translation. This is where Machine Translation comes in. Machine translations has
many applications in the Indian context including the translation of government documents, internet contents, legal, finance, ecommerce, etc. Considering all these facts it is important for further research in
the field of machine translation, especially in the Indian context. Understanding a natural language, like English or Hindi sentences, for a human proficient in that language is easy. For translation purposes the
human has to be proficient in both the languages, the source language and the target language. Here, the source language is the language from which sentences are to be translated, and target is the
language to which the sentences are to be translated. But, for a machine to understand the natural language it is very difficult. To correctly understand a natural language the machine has to perform many
steps lexical analysis, syntactic analysis, semantic analysis, etc. As far as the translation is concerned the ………………..
Observe the references

• [1] W. John Hutchins, “Machine Translation: A Brief History”,

• Concise history of the language sciences: from the Sumerians to
• the cognitivists, Oxford: Pergamon Press, 1995, pp. 431-445.
• [2] Admin, “Why Do I Need Machine Translation”,
• last accessed on 8th March, 2018.
• [3] Admin, “Historical trends in the usage of content languages for
• websites”,
• uage, last accessed on 8th March, 2018.
• [4] Census of India,
•, last accessed
• on 8th March, 2018.
• [5] Junyoung Chung, Caglar Gulcehre, KyungHyun Cho and Yoshua
• Bengio, “Empirical Evaluation of Gated Recurrent Neural
• Sequence to Sequence

The bottom line is:

“Be Original”

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