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Prof. Carlos Díaz Toro
PEP 2 (Oral Exam) Guidelines
• When? July 07 (as from 15.00 on).
• What to do? You will prepare in pairs an oral presentation including the
following elements:
• An economic profile of Chile. Based on the vocabulary & exercise discussed on
16/6 session (see next slides). You must use between 150 (minimum) and 200
(maximum) words. You must also include all 10 economic terms in the profile.
• Personal opinion answers. Each of you will select and prepare 2 out of the 5
questions below:
1. What do you think are the biggest economic problems in your country at the
moment? What do you think the government’s priorities should be?
2. What are the advantages and disadvantages of writing a business plan?
3. What would you do if you were a director of your companny or school and had the
power to change anything?
4. Talk about an example of conflict you have had and how you resolved it.
5. If you are managing people from different cultures or different sexual/gender
backgrounds, what personal qualities and skills do you need?
Economic profile
This is the economic profile model you can use to
prepare Chile’s one. The audio is included to check
pronunciation of key words.
The economy is stable following the problems of the past two years. By following a
tight monetary policy, the government has reduced the inflation rate to 2%. For
borrowers, after going up dramatically, the interest rate is now down to 8%. The last
six months have seen a slight improvement in the exchange rate against the dollar.
For the country as a whole, the GDP has grown by 0.15%. Exports are increasing, and
the balance of trade is starting to took much healthier.
In terms of jobs, the unemployment rate continues to be a problem, as it is still 16%.
In order to stimulate the economy and attract foreign investment from abroad, the
government is offering new tax incentives, as well as making a renewed effort to
reduce government bureaucracy and red tape. Finally, a large skilled labour force
means there could be attractive investment opportunities over the next five years.
QUIZ 2 – Writing task
• Deadline: June 23 (time: 23.59)
• What to do? Send your Economic Profile of Chile and the 5 answers to the
questions for your PEP 2, via email (
• Remember, send your answers in pairs.
• This writing task will be the equivalent to your Quiz 2, and at the same
time it will be corrected and ready for your PEP 2.

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