Javascript Tutorial.9527862.Powerpoint

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More JavaScript

Apr 14, 2024

Browser support
 JavaScript works on almost all browsers
 Internet Explorer uses JScript (referred to in menus as
“Active Scripting”), which is Microsoft’s dialect of
 Older browsers don’t support some of the newer
features of JavaScript
 We will assume modern browser support
 Enabling and disabling JavaScript:
 See

What you can’t do
 To protect the visitor to your web pages, you can’t:
 Read or write user files
 However, JScript on IE allows ASP scripting, which is how the very
destructive JS.Gigger.A@mm worm spreads
 To turn off active scripting in Outlook Express, see
 Execute any other programs
 Connect to any other computer, except to download another
HTML page or to send e-mail
 Determine what other sites the user has visited
 Open a very small (less than 100px by 100px) window or an
offscreen window (except in IE)

 Mozilla/Netscape has much better debugging tools than IE
 Mozilla
 Select Tools => Web Development => JavaScript console
 Netscape 6:
 Select Tasks => Tools => JavaScript console
 Netscape 4:
 Select Communicator => Tools => JavaScript console
 Any Mozilla or Netscape:
 Type javascript: in the location bar and press Enter
 Internet Explorer:
 Go to the Preferences... dialog and look for something like Web
content => Show scripting error alerts
 After debugging, test your program in IE
 IE is the most popular browser

 In JavaScript, all numbers are floating point
 Special predefined numbers:
 Infinity, Number.POSITIVE_INFINITY -- the result of dividing a positive
number by zero
 Number.NEGATIVE_INFINITY -- the result of dividing a negative number
by zero
 NaN, Number.NaN (Not a Number) -- the result of dividing 0/0
 NaN is unequal to everything, even itself
 There is a global isNaN() function
 Number.MAX_VALUE -- the largest representable number
 Number.MIN_VALUE -- the smallest (closest to zero) representable

Strings and characters
 In JavaScript, string is a primitive type
 Strings are surrounded by either single quotes or double quotes
 There is no “character” type
 Special characters are:

\0 NUL \v vertical tab

\b backspace \' single quote
\f form feed \" double quote
\n newline \\ backslash
\r carriage return \xDD Unicode hex DD
\t horizontal tab \xDDDD Unicode hex DDDD

Some string methods
 charAt(n)
 Returns the nth character of a string
 concat(string1, ..., stringN)
 Concatenates the string arguments to the recipient string
 indexOf(substring)
 Returns the position of the first character of substring in the recipient
string, or -1 if not found
 indexOf(substring, start)
 Returns the position of the first character of substring in the given string
that begins at or after position start, or -1 if not found
 lastIndexOf(substring), lastIndexOf(substring, start)
 Like indexOf, but searching starts from the end of the recipient string

More string methods
 match(regexp)
 Returns an array containing the results, or null if no match is

 On a successful match:

 If g (global) is set, the array contains the matched substrings

 If g is not set:
Array location 0 contains the matched text
 Locations 1... contain text matched by parenthesized

 The array index property gives the first matched position

 replace(regexp, replacement)
 Returns a new string that has the matched substring replaced with

the replacement
 search(regexp)
 Returns the position of the first matched substring in the given

string, or -1 if not found. 8

 The boolean values are true and false
 When converted to a boolean, the following values are
also false:
 0
 "0" and '0'
 The empty string, '' or ""
 undefined
 null
 NaN

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