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Case work
 Social Casework, a primary method of social work,
concerned with the adjustment and development of the
individual towards more satisfying human relations.

 The adjustment and development depend on the use of

available resources by him and within him. Sometimes due
to certain factors, internal or external he/she fails to avail
existing facilities.

 In such situation social caseworker by using different

resources; both material and human helps the client.
 The relationship between caseworker and client is strengthened by using

 The social casework relationship is the dynamic interaction of attitudes and

emotions between the social caseworker and the client with the purpose of helping
the client to achieve a better adjustment between himself and his/her environment.
 Principles are the fundamental rules which guides the caseworker in his actions.

 Relationship is the medium through which changes are brought in the behavior
and personality of the client.

 The principles of social casework are applied in establishing close relationship

between social caseworker and the client.
Principles in Case Work
1. Principle of Acceptance
2. Principle of Confidentiality
3. Principle of Individualization
4. Principle of Right to Self Determination
5. Principle of Communication
6. Principle of Meaningful Relationship
7. Principle of Non Judgmental Attitude
8. Principle of Controlled Emotional Involvement
9. Principle of Purposeful Expression of feelings
10. Principle of Self Awareness
11. Principle of Resource Utilization
12. Principle of Requirement of Agency setting and Practice
1. Principle of Acceptance
 Acceptance implies liking the client irrespective of his
negative qualities and conduct. No effective relationship is
possible without accepting the client.
 Unless we really accept the client, we cannot work out his
problems. When disliked by us, we may behave to keep him
off from ourselves and no positive relationship (report) will be
 Acceptance involves observance of common courtesies and
respect for his ideas and treating him as equal to self; for
example, leaving chair, wishing him, moving forward to
receive, or see him off, respecting appointments, etc., are
indicators of acceptance.
2. Principle of Confidentiality
 Confidentiality is the preservation of information concerning the client.
 Confidentiality means law of keeping secret.
 Caseworker tries to get information about the client to understand the
problem in depth and client is a direct source of information and he want
to remain protected in general. For this a caseworker should reserve &
preserve the client’s information.
 Once the client loses confidence in c.wer, the whole process of
communication will break down, and impossible will be the task to assist
the client.
 But, maintaining confidentiality for all the transactions, that take place
between the caseworker and client in correctional settings or other places
where law needs information for justice purpose, is very difficult or
impossible. In all such situations, the client must be made aware of these
3. Principle of Individualization
 No two persons are alike in all qualities and traits. Their problems may be the
same but the cause of the problem, the perception towards the problem and ego
strength differs in every individual. Therefore, each individual client should be
treated as a separate entity.
 Every client as an individual is unique. For example, everyone seeks a job, but
what job, with what salary, where, what sort of boss and what perks etc. are the
unique requirements of each individual.

 Similarly, the situation of the client, his problems of social functioning, his
dominant mode of adjustment and the lifestyle, his ego-strength etc. are
unique; therefore, the caseworker should probe these areas specifically in each
 Ex. one child with alcoholic father and other child with alcoholic father.
Situations differ. 1st father drinks due to economic constrain other drinks out
of joy.
4. Principle of Right to Self Determination
 The principle of self determination provides the right of freedom of the client in making
his choice & decision in the problem solving process with the help of case worker.
 Caseworkers gives this right to the client so that he can decide and take best possible

action in his self-interest. The caseworker is only an enabler who helps him through his
expertise to take the best possible decision and actions.
 Caseworker-

 →helps the client to see the problem clearly.

 →help the client to activate own resources.

.create a favorable environment in which the client feels free→ 

 →Do not urge the client to accept his decision.

 This principle is limited and is a relative but not an absolute. There are clients who are
unable to take proper decisions about self, e.g., children, immature adults, the
psychotics and the retarded, and they should not be given this right except to harm
5. Principle of Communication
 There must be proper communication between caseworker and the
client, which helps, in proper understanding of each other.
 It is the road to the identification of the client’s problem. The
function of social caseworker is primarily to create an
environment in which the client will feel comfortable in
expressing his her feelings.
 Communication is exchange of information. But in social
casework practice, it is the exchange of views & ideas, feelings &
thoughts regarding the problems between client & worker. By the
communication, a caseworker can realize & explain the client’s
present situation. Communication takes place in two ways-
through word discussion relating the problem and through feelings
& expression.
6. Principle of Meaningful Relationship

 Relationship is the medium to help anyone.

Relationship has to be positive to be effective.
 No relationship, no communication.
 Relationship is an emotional bond, which works as
transmitting belt between the client and the worker.
Relationship (positive) is the basis of all help. In
relationship, feelings play an important role,
therefore, these needs to be understood and handled
7. Principle of Non Judgmental Attitude

 Case workers do not judge client as good or bad,

worthy or unworthy, dignified or undignified, etc.
Caseworker must have non-blaming attitude and
 Case workers do not blame the client for being

incapable of solving his problems.

Worker does not blame the client for his/her problem
nor he assigns any responsibility for his/her
miseries. He/she only evaluates the attitudes,
standards or action of the client.
8.Principle of Controlled Emotional Involvement

 The social caseworker tries to understand the client’s feelings and

emotions but he/she himself/herself does not involve emotionally in
his/her problems.
 Emotional involvement is needed to the extent that the case worker can
move to the emotional level of the client, and views the situation as
he/she sees it.
 Like an artist who captures on the canvas the feelings of the subject, the
case worker should be able to capture on his/ her mental screen, the
feelings of the client, without allowing those feelings to affect adversely
his/her thinking process.
 Hence, the case worker should also maintain certain degree of
detachment, with an appropriate level of emotional involvement in order
to enable client to view his her problems objectively and plan
9.Principle of Purposeful Expression of feelings

 Purposeful expression of feelings is the recognition of

the client’s need to express his/her feelings freely,
especially his/her negative feelings. The caseworker
listens purposefully, neither discouraging nor
condemning the expression of those feelings.
 Behavior and expressions of the client, should be
analyzed and assessed to plan a realistic approach to
help the client to replace his inappropriate behavior
with an appropriate one and critically examine the
purpose behind the problem behavior or behavior
10.Principle of Self Awareness
 Caseworker should known his/her own strengths and limitations in
dealing with client’s problems. If he/she feels that the problems of the
client is beyond his/her capacity, the client should be transferred to the
appropriate authority.
 The principle of self awareness requires that the caseworker should be
aware of his own self, his strength & weakness. It is important
 → to know oneself
 → to assess one’s strength & weakness.
 → to understand the feelings of others.
 A caseworker must be self aware. Without the knowledge of his own
prejudices, his own pet hates, his biases he may easily distort his
picture on the client’s personality. This ability is weakened if the
caseworker is influenced by emotions, prejudices, bias & sensitivity.
11.Principle of Resource
 This principle is based on the value that the society
has responsibility to provide necessary facilities for
self- actualization of its members.
 Therefore, all the personal resources and resources
available within the community, agency and with
the client should be utilized to help the himher.
Resources may be in terms of money, material,
power and influence, talents and capabilities etc.
12.Principle of Requirement of Agency setting and

 Every caseworker, to avoid frustration to himself and the

client and to be effective in his services, should know the
policies and procedures of the agency thoroughly. He must
know the limitations of the agency as well as that of the
setting in which the agency is operating.
 Settings like psychiatric or correctional or family welfare etc.
pose their own problems because of their inherent nature.
Do’s and don’ts, material resources, nature of services, legal
requirements and sanctions, etc., are to be properly utilized
for the benefit of the client. Agency limitations should be
fully explained to the client to be effective.

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