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Introduction to Public

Kalonga Mwiinga (Ph. D).​

1 2 3 4 5
Definition, Key A Public Health Core Functions Stakeholder role Determining &
Terms & History Approach & Essential in Public Health Influencing the
of Public Health Services of Public Health
Public Health

2 Presentation title 20XX

Introduction to Public Health
• What Public Health is
• It is the Science & Art of Protecting &
Improving the health of people & their
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• Public Health encompasses 3 aspects:
• Preventing disease: prevents the spread of
disease & lessen their impact on individuals
& communities

Introduction to Public Health
• What Public Health is
• Public Health encompasses 3 aspects:
• Prolonging Life: aims to extend life
expectancy through.....
• promoting healthy lifestyles Click icon to add picture
• disease research
• injury prevention

Introduction to Public Health
• What Public Health is
• Public Health encompasses many aspects:
• Promoting Physical & Mental being:
• This includes.....
• Promoting healthy behaviours Click icon to add picture
• Raising awareness of mental health
• Improving access to healthcare services

Introduction to Public Health
• What Public Health is
• Public Health encompasses many aspects:
• Promoting Physical & Mental being:
• Physical Health refers to the overall well-
being of the body including its physical Click icon to add picture
condition, fitness, & ability to function

Introduction to Public Health
• What Public Health is
• Public Health encompasses many aspects:
• Promoting Physical & Mental being:
• Physical Health focuses on bodily health,
absence of diseases, & maintaining physical
fitness. Click icon to add picture
• Examples include regular exercise, balanced
nutrition, adequate sleep, managing chronic
conditions, avoiding harmful substances

Introduction to Public Health
• What Public Health is
• Public Health encompasses many aspects:
• Promoting Physical & Mental being:
• Mental Health relates to a person’s
psychological & emotional state. Click icon to add picture
• The focus of mental health is on addressing
thoughts, emotions & behaviours.

Introduction to Public Health
• What Public Health is
• Public Health encompasses many aspects:
• Promoting Physical & Mental being:
• Mental Health examples include coping with
stress, managing anxiety or depression, Click icon to add picture
seeking therapy, & maintaining healthy

Introduction to Public Health
• What Public Health is
• Public Health encompasses many aspects:
• Promoting Physical & Mental being:
• Physical & Mental Health are
• Changes in one can impact the other. Click icon to add picture
• Hormonal shifts during the menstrual cycle
affect mental & Physical Health

Introduction to Public Health
• What Public Health is
• Public Health encompasses many aspects:
• Sanitation & Personal Hygiene:
• Ensuring clean water, proper waste disposal,
& personal hygiene Click icon to add picture
• Control of infectious diseases
• Public health professionals work to detect,
manage, & prevent the spread of infectious
diseases within the communities

Introduction to Public Health
• What Public Health is
• Public Health encompasses many aspects:
• Organization of Health Services:
• Organize & optimize healthcare services to
meet the needs of the population. Click icon to add picture

Introduction to Public Health
• What Public Health is
• Public Health is a vital field that combines
Science, Community action & organized efforts
to enhance the well-being of society.
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• It addresses housing, water quality, food safety, &
environmental factors – all aimed at creating
healthier communities for everyone.

Introduction to Public Health
• Public Health Key Terms
• Clinical Care
• Refers to the prevention, treatment &
management of illness
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• Also concerned with the preservation of mental
& physical well-being through services offered
by medical & allied health workers
• Sometimes called ‘Health Care’.

Introduction to Public Health
• Public Health Key Terms
• Epidemic
• An occurrence in a community or region, of cases
of an illness, specific health-related behaviour, or
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other health-related event clearly in excess of
normal expectancy.
• Epidemic refers to usually a larger geographic
distribution of illness

Introduction to Public Health
• Public Health Key Terms
• Determinant
• A factor that contributes to the generation of an
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• In Public Health, determinants can be:
• Social
• Environmental
• Biological
• These influence health & well-being

Introduction to Public Health
• Public Health Key Terms
• Health Outcome
• Result of medical condition that affects
someone’s quality of life or life expectancy.
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• Encompasses both Physical & Mental Health.

Introduction to Public Health
• Public Health Key Terms
• Intervention
• An action that seeks to alter the course/progress
of a pathological process.
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• Public Health Interventions aim to prevent,
control, or mitigate health issues.

Introduction to Public Health
• Public Health Key Terms
• Pandemic
• Denotes a disease affecting or attacking the
population of an extensive region, country, or
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• Pandemics have a global impact & often spread
across borders.

Introduction to Public Health
• Public Health Key Terms
• Population Health
• An approach to Public Health
• Seeks to improve the health of an entire
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• Considers various factors, including social
determinants, access to care, & health disparities.

Introduction to Public Health
• Public Health Key Terms
• Prevention
• Actions taken to avoid or circumvent a
happening, conclusion, or phenomenon (e.g.
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• Prevention strategies focus on reducing risk
factors & promoting health.

Introduction to Public Health
• Public Health Key Terms
• Public Health Terms are crucial in understanding
& addressing Public Health challenges
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Introduction to Public Health
• Genesis of Public Health
• Public Health can be broken into the following
• Ancient Times
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• Egyptians in this era developed sanitation
• These included...
• Waste disposal
• Clean water supply

Introduction to Public Health
• Genesis of Public Health
• Public Health can be broken into the following
• Ancient Times
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• Greeks & Romans focused on....
• public baths
• hygiene
• urban planning

Introduction to Public Health
• Genesis of Public Health
• Public Health can be broken into the following
• Ancient Times
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• Hippocrates laid the foundation for clinical
• He also advocated for disease prevention

Introduction to Public Health
• Genesis of Public Health
• Public Health can be broken into the following
• Middle Ages
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• Plague outbreaks led to quarantine measures &
establishment of hospitals
• Formation of health boards in cities to enhance
sanitation & disease control

Introduction to Public Health
• Genesis of Public Health
• Public Health can be broken into the following
• 18th & 19th Centuries
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• John Snow: Linked Cholera in London to
contaminated water.
• He pioneered epidemiology.

Introduction to Public Health
• Genesis of Public Health
• Public Health can be broken into the following
• 18th & 19th Centuries
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• Vaccination: Edward Jenner’s smallpox vaccine
& subsequent efforts reduced disease burden

Introduction to Public Health
• Genesis of Public Health
• Public Health can be broken into the following
• 18th & 19th Centuries
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• Sanitation reforms: Improved living conditions
& reduced infectious diseases.

Introduction to Public Health
• Genesis of Public Health
• Public Health can be broken into the following
• 20th Century
• Vaccination Campaigns: Aimed at eradicating
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smallpox & control of polio.
• Antibiotics: Discovery of penicillin
revolutionized disease treatment
• Health agencies: WHO, CDC, etc. created.

Introduction to Public Health
• Genesis of Public Health
• Public Health can be broken into the following
• Recent Challenges
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• HIV/AIDS: Warranted global response to the
• Environmental Health: Addresses pollution,
climate change & occupational hazards.

Introduction to Public Health
• Genesis of Public Health
• Public Health can be broken into the following
• Recent Challenges
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• Health equity: Tackling disparities in access to
care & social determinants.

Introduction to Public Health
• Core Functions & Essential Services of
Public Health
• Are crucial for safeguarding community well-
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• Functions & services collectively contribute to a
healthier & more resilient society.

Introduction to Public Health
• Core Functions & Essential Services of
Public Health
• Core functions of Public Health are.....
• Assessment: Include....
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• Understanding population health
• Identifying needs
• Assessing health status

Introduction to Public Health
• Core Functions & Essential Services of
Public Health
• Core functions of Public Health are.....
• Policy Development: Aims to impact health
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through creating & implementing...
• Policies
• Plans
• laws

Introduction to Public Health
• Core Functions & Essential Services of
Public Health
• Core functions of Public Health are.....
• Assurance: Achieved via...
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• ensuring equitable access to necessary services
• maintaining a skilled workforce
• Evaluating public health functions

Introduction to Public Health
• Core Functions & Essential Services of
Public Health
• Essential public health services seek to protect &
promote the health of all people in all
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• They promote policies & systems to enable
optimal health for all.

Introduction to Public Health
• Core Functions & Essential Services of
Public Health
• There are 10 EPHS:
• Assess & Monitor Population Health:
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Understand health status, community needs &
• Investigate, Diagnose & Address health
problems: Identify/tackle health hazards

Introduction to Public Health
• Core Functions & Essential Services of
Public Health
• There are 10 EPHS:
• Communicate effectively to inform & educate:
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Disseminate health information & promote
• Strengthen/Support/Mobilize communities &
partnerships: Seek collaboration

Introduction to Public Health
• Core Functions & Essential Services of
Public Health
• There are 10 EPHS:
• Create/Champion/Implement Policies impacting
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health: Advocate for policies that promote good
• Utilize legal & regulatory actions for Public Health:
Put measures to protect the public

Introduction to Public Health
• Core Functions & Essential Services of
Public Health
• There are 10 EPHS:
• Assure equitable access to individual services &
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care: Ensure everyone can access needed health
• Build/Support a diverse & skilled Public Health
workforce: Foster a capable team

Introduction to Public Health
• Stakeholder roles in Public Health
• Stakeholders play vital roles in the field of public
• They contribute to effective program planning,
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implementation, & evaluation.

Introduction to Public Health
• Stakeholder roles in Public Health
• Implementers: These are directly involved in
operations of public health programs
• Examples: Program Directors, Program Managers,
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field staff (like disease intervention specialists,
health educators, laboratory technicians),
Volunteers & Consultants, etc.

Introduction to Public Health
• Stakeholder roles in Public Health
• Decision Makers: Individuals in positions to make
decisions about Public Health programs.
• Examples: Health department directors, program
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managers, elected officials, etc.

Introduction to Public Health
• Stakeholder roles in Public Health
• Participants: Those being served or affected by
public health programs.
• Examples: Clients/patients, community members,
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& health service providers (ART Clinic staff).

Introduction to Public Health
• Stakeholder roles in Public Health
• Partners: Those actively supporting/investing in
programs or populations they serve.
• Examples: Funders, Academic institutions, Faith-
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based organizations, advocacy groups, Coalition
partners, etc.

Introduction to Public Health
• Stakeholder roles in Public Health
• Involving stakeholders is essential for a successful
program evaluation.
• Collaboration with stakeholders ensures that public
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health efforts are relevant, feasible, & impactful.

Introduction to Public Health
• Stakeholder roles in Public Health
• Engagement of stakeholders should be done as
• Invite stakeholders to meetings:
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• Brief stakeholders on the program
• Assess their interests/concerns & availability
• Identify roles/responsibilities
• Share communication plans

Introduction to Public Health
• Stakeholder roles in Public Health
• Engagement of stakeholders should be done as
• Involve stakeholders throughout the process
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• Involve them in planning/implementation
• Consult them on evaluation questions, methods,
findings, etc.
• Consider their views on program’s impact

Introduction to Public Health
• Determinant/Influencing Public’s Health
• These are the multi-faceted factors that
significantly influence the health outcomes of
individuals & their communities.
• These determinants of public health help to shape Click icon to add picture

the well-being of the population.

Introduction to Public Health
• Determinant/Influencing Public’s Health
• Social determinants of Health: These are non-
medical factors that impact health outcomes.
• Examples:
• Social environment (relationships, social support, Click icon to add picture

community cohesion).
• Economic stability (income, employment, poverty,
social class).

Introduction to Public Health
• Determinant/Influencing Public’s Health
• Social determinants of Health: These are non-
medical factors that impact health outcomes.
• Examples:
• Education (Literacy, access to quality education, & Click icon to add picture

lifelong learning).
• Neighbourhood/Built Environment (housing
conditions, safety, green spaces, t/port).

Introduction to Public Health
• Determinant/Influencing Public’s Health
• Social determinants of Health: These are non-
medical factors that impact health outcomes.
• Examples:
• Healthcare access & quality (availability, Click icon to add picture

affordability & utilization of health services)

• Social & community context (social norms,
discrimination, & civic participation)

Introduction to Public Health
• Determinant/Influencing Public’s Health
• Determinants beyond Social Determinants of
• Biological factors (Genetics, age, sex, & biological
processes). Click icon to add picture

• Psychological factors (Mental Health, coping

mechanism & stress).

Introduction to Public Health
• Determinant/Influencing Public’s Health
• Determinants beyond Social Determinants of
• Behavioural Factors (Lifestyle choices like diet,
exercise, substance abuse). Click icon to add picture

• Environmental Factors (Air quality, Water supply,

pollution, & climate).
• Economic Factors: job prospects, income
distribution/economic policies

Introduction to Public Health
• Determinant/Influencing Public’s Health
• Determinants beyond Social Determinants of
• Cultural Factors (cultural practices, beliefs, &
traditions). Click icon to add picture

• Political Factors (Polices, governance, & political

• Geographic Factors (Location, residency
(rural/urban), accessibility to resources)

Introduction to Public Health

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Introduction to Public Health
• Determinant/Influencing Public’s Health
• Interventions are key in influencing public health
• The Health Impact Pyramid is a conceptual
framework that depicts potential impact of different Click icon to add picture

types of public health interventions.

• It shows a hierarchy of interventions based on their
reach, effectiveness, outcomes.

Introduction to Public Health
• Determinant/Influencing Public’s Health
• At the base of the pyramid are interventions with
the greatest potential impact on health.
• They reach entire populations & require less
individual effort. Click icon to add picture

• They focus on addressing the SDoH

• Moving up, the pyramid show interventions
requiring more individual effort

Introduction to Public Health
• Determinant/Influencing Public’s Health
• The Health Impact Pyramid has the following
• Socioeconomic determinants: refers to non-
medical factors related to individuals’ social & Click icon to add picture

economic circumstances.
• Examples: Income & employment; education, food
security, housing, access to t/port, social support
network, etc.

Introduction to Public Health
• Determinant/Influencing Public’s Health
• The Health Impact Pyramid has the following
• Preventive Medicine: Its goal is to prevent onset
of diseases & injuries; & targets risk factors & Click icon to add picture

promotes healthy behaviours.

• Examples: Immunizations; Screening tests;
Healthy lifestyle promotion; Chronic disease
management; FPRH

Introduction to Public Health
• Determinant/Influencing Public’s Health
• The Health Impact Pyramid has the following
• Medical care: These require direct clinical contact
& focus on treating existing health conditions. Click icon to add picture

• Examples: Primary care visits; Specialist

Consultations; Medication Management; Hospital

Introduction to Public Health
• Determinant/Influencing Public’s Health
• The Health Impact Pyramid has the following
• Counselling & Education: Focus on knowledge,
skills & behaviour change. Click icon to add picture

• Health Literacy improves understanding of health

information & empowers individuals to make
informed decisions.

Introduction to Public Health
• Determinant/Influencing Public’s Health
• The Health Impact Pyramid has the following
• Counselling & Education: Focus on knowledge,
skills & behaviour change. Click icon to add picture

• Behavioural Change (adherence to treatment, safer

sex practices).
• Preventive measures (educate people on risk factors
& preventive strategies)

Introduction to Public Health
• Determinant/Influencing Public’s Health
• The Health Impact Pyramid has the following
• Counselling & Education: Focus on knowledge,
skills & behaviour change. Click icon to add picture

• Examples: Health education programs (workshops,

classes, campaigns/outreach on nutrition, exercise,
sexual health, etc.)
• Patient counselling/Sch. Health Prog, etc.

Introduction to Public Health
• Determinant/Influencing Public’s Health

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Introduction to Public Health
• Determinant/Influencing Public’s Health

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Introduction to Public Health
• A Public Health Approach
• Consists of 4-stages:
• (1) Surveillance:
• Involves...
• identifying health issues Click icon to add picture
• What is the problem?
• Understanding their scope
• Tracking trends

Introduction to Public Health
• A Public Health Approach
• Consists of 4-stages:
• (2) Risk & Protective Factor Identification:
• Risk Factor is a condition, behaviour, or
characteristic that increases the odds of
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developing a particular health problem or disease.
• Risk factors play a crucial in shaping health
outcomes at both individual & population levels.

Introduction to Public Health
• A Public Health Approach
• Consists of 4-stages:
• (2) Risk & Protective Factor Identification:
• Risk Factors at individual level include...
• Family history (genetic predisposition to certain Click icon to add picture
• Exposure to environmental hazards (pollutants,
toxins, radiation)
• Age/Sex (Health risks vary by age & sex)
• Behaviours (Smoking, lack of exercise)
• Existing health condition

Introduction to Public Health
• A Public Health Approach
• Consists of 4-stages:
• (2) Risk & Protective Factor Identification:
• Identifying Risk Factors is critical.....
• Identify & quantify them via statistical analyses
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• Helps in coming up with appropriate interventions
• Interventions can target specific risk factors to prevent
or mitigate health problems

Introduction to Public Health
• A Public Health Approach
• Consists of 4-stages:
• (2) Risk & Protective Factor Identification:
• Protective Factors act as buffers against risk
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• They are characteristics/conditions that reduce the
odds of negative outcomes.
• Protective factors @ individual level:
• Social Support: Strong connection with family,
friends & community

Introduction to Public Health
• A Public Health Approach
• Consists of 4-stages:
• (2) Risk & Protective Factor Identification:
• Protective factors @ individual level:
• Positive coping skills: Effective ways to manage Click icon to add picture
stress & adversity
• Self-esteem & Self-Efficacy: Believing in one’s
abilities & worth.
• Emotional regulation: Ability to manage
emotions constructively

Introduction to Public Health
• A Public Health Approach
• Consists of 4-stages:
• (2) Risk & Protective Factor Identification:
• Protective factors @ Environmental level:
• Stable family environment (supportive families)
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• Access to education (Quality education enhances
overall well-being)
• Safe Neighbourhoods (Reduce exposure to violence &
• Community resources (Availability of healthcare,
recreational facilities, & social services)

Introduction to Public Health
• A Public Health Approach
• Consists of 4-stages:
• (2) Risk & Protective Factor Identification:
• Protective factors @ Environmental level:
• Examples of Protective factors:
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• A child growing up in a nurturing family environment
with positive role models
• Access to mental health services for individuals
facing emotional challenges
• Community programs that promote healthy
behaviours & prevent substance abuse

Introduction to Public Health
• A Public Health Approach
• Consists of 4-stages:
• (3) Intervention Evaluation:
• Involves developing & testing prevention
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• Here, factors that contribute to, or mitigate health
problems are recognised.
• The question here is on ‘what works?’

Introduction to Public Health
• A Public Health Approach
• Consists of 4-stages:
• (3) Implementation:
• Assurance of widespread adoption of appropriate
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• Effective strategies must reach the population
• The question here is ‘How to do it?’
• Therefore, this stage denotes a response to the

Introduction to Public Health
• A Public Health Approach
• Case Scenario:
• Cholera was rampant during early 1800s in
London, causing tens of thousands of deaths. Click icon to add picture
• Cholera was commonly thought to be caused
by bad air from rotting organic matter.

Introduction to Public Health
• A Public Health Approach
• Case Scenario:
• John Snow, considered the father of modern
epidemiology, traced the source of Cholera Click icon to add picture


Introduction to Public Health

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Introduction to Public Health

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Introduction to Public Health

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Introduction to Public Health

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Introduction to Public Health

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Introduction to Public Health

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Introduction to Public Health

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• Public Health is the Science & Art of
preventing disease, prolonging life, &
promoting health.
• Public Health professionals work at
community & population levels to improve
overall well-being.
• Key components include understanding
core functions, addressing determinants of
health, & implementing essential services.

Thank you
Kalonga Mwiinga (Ph. D)

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