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Educational outcomes are one of the key areas that are significantly influenced by the income of family. Children from
low-income families often start going school lately in comparison to their peers who come from more affluent families.
Also the quality of education that they get is poor in comparison to rich families because they can’t afford good quality
school due to its high tuition fee and other expenditure.

The society, education of parents, family income etc. all influence a child’s educational attainment. Poverty decreases a
child’s readiness for school through various aspects viz; health, home life, schooling and neighbourhoods. Children
from poor families often do not receive the motivation and social skills required to prepare them to go school.

Most of the poor families don’t know the importance of education and they involve their children in his routine work.
Some of them try to send their children to school but they can’t afford good quality school. They also can’t help their
children in his study because most of them are illiterate. Although, education is a right, it still remains a dream for many
of poor and disadvantaged children. Many communities and groups have been historically deprived from education.

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