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Hettler’s Theory


General Overview

• It is a model of wellness which is classified under humanistic and

existential theories which share the notion that people Have the
capacity for self awareness and choice.
• The wellness theory empowers people to take ownership of their
growth process towards self awareness, confidence, wholeness and

It assist students in building the following quotients

 Intelligent quotient
 Social quotient
 Emotional quotient
 Adversity quotient
 Money quotient
Definition of terms

• Wellness is an active process through which people become aware of, and
make choices towards a more successful existence(Hettler, 1983)

• Swarbrick and Yudof, (2017) wellness is the belief that we have meaningful
relationships and a sense of meaning and purpose.
Six dimensions of Hettler’s
wellness theory
Occupational Wellness
• It recognizes personal satisfaction and enrichment in one’s life
through work.
• One contributes his or her unique gifts, skills and talents to work
that is both meaningful and rewarding

Occupational wellness follows these tenets:

i. It is better to choose a career path which is consistent
with personal beliefs, values and interests than selecting
one that is unrewarding
ii. It is better to develop functional, transferable skills
through structured involvement opportunities than to

Physical Wellness
• It recognizes the need of regular physical activity and to learn about
diet and nutrition while discouraging the use of tobacco, drugs and
excessive alcohol consumption.
• It also in tells personal responsibility and care for minor illness and
also knowing when professional medical attention is required.
• Physical wellness follows the following principles:
i. It is better to consume foods and beverages that enhance good
health rather than those which impair it.
ii. It is better to be physically fit than to be out of shape

Social wellness
• It encourages contributing to one’s environment and community.
• Social wellness emphasizes the inter-dependence between others and
• It promotes healthier living and initiating better communication with
those around you.
• Social wellness follows the following tenets:
i. It is better to contribute to the common welfare of a community than
to think only of ourselves.
ii. It is better to live in harmony with others and our environment than
to live in conflicts with each other.
Intellectual Wellness
• This dimension recognizes one’s creative, stimulating mental
• A well person expands his or her knowledge and skills while
discovering the potential for sharing his or her gifts with others.
• Intellectual wellness follow these tenets:
i. It is better to stretch and challenge our minds with creative
endeavors than to become self satisfied and unproductive
ii. It is better to identify potential problems and choose appropriate
courses of action based on available information than to wait, worry
and contend with major concernse

Emotional Wellness
It recognizes awareness and acceptance of one’s feelings.
• It includes the degree to which one feels positive and enthusiastic
about themselves and life.
• Emotional wellness include the capacity to manage one’s feelings and
related behaviors including the realistic assessment of one’s limitation,
development of autonomy and ability to cope effectively with stress
• It follows the following principles:
i. It is better to be aware of and accept our feelings than to deny them.
ii. It is better to be optimistic in our approach to life the to be

Spiritual Wellness
• It recognizes our search for meaning and purpose in human existence.
• Spiritual wellness includes the development of a deep appreciation for
the depth and expense of life and natural forces that exist in the
universe despite how we feel at times be it sadness, happiness, doubt
Spiritual wellness follows the following principles:
i. It is better to ponder the meaning of life for
ourselves and to be tolerant of the beliefs of
others than to close our minds and become
ii. It is better to live each day in a way that is
consistent with our values and beliefs than to do
otherwise and feel untrue to ourselves.
Essence of Hettler’s Wellness Theory

• It shows:
How a person contributes to the environment and community and how to
build better living environments and social networks.
The enrichment of life through work and its interconnectedness to living
and playing .
The development of belief systems, values and creating a world view.
The benefits of regular physical activity, healthy eating habits, strength
and vitality as well as personal responsibility.
Self esteem, self control and determination as a sense of direction.
Creative and stimulating mental activities and sharing your gifts with

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