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Forced vibration of Single

degree of freedom
Siraj Kedir
 A mechanical or structural system is said to undergo forced vibration whenever external
energy is supplied to the system during vibration.

 External energy can be supplied through either an applied force or an imposed

displacement excitation.

 The applied force or displacement excitation may be harmonic, non-harmonic but periodic,
non-periodic, or random in nature.

 The response of a dynamic system to suddenly applied non-periodic excitations is called

transient response.
Harmonically Excited Vibration

 Harmonic excitations of the form

 Under a harmonic excitation, the response of the system will also be harmonic.

 If the frequency of excitation coincides with the natural frequency of the system, the
response will be very large.

 This condition, known as resonance, is to be avoided to prevent failure of the system.

 The vibration produced by an unbalanced rotating machine, the oscillations of a tall

chimney due to vortex shedding in a steady wind, and the vertical motion of an automobile
on a sinusoidal road surface are examples of harmonically excited vibration.
Undamped system

 Consider the usual spring mass damper system with applied force F(t)=F0cosωt
ω is the driving frequency
F0 is the magnitude of the applied force
We take c = 0
Free body diagram
Equation of motion
Solution of the equation of motion

 Since this equation is nonhomogeneous, its general solution x(t) is given by the sum of the
homogeneous solution, xh(t), and the particular solution, xp(t).

 The homogeneous solution, which is the solution of the homogeneous equation

 The homogeneous solution of this equation is given by

Particular solution
 Because the exciting force F(t) is harmonic, the particular solution xp(t) is also harmonic
and has the same frequency. Thus we assume a solution in the form

 Substitute into the equation of motion:


 Where denotes the deflection of the mass under a force and is sometimes
called static deflection because is a constant (static) force.

 Thus the total solution of becomes


The total solution become;

Maximum amplitude

 The maximum amplitude X in can be expressed as

 The quantity represents the ratio of the dynamic to the static amplitude of motion and
is called the magnification factor, amplification factor, or amplitude ratio.

 The variation of the amplitude ratio with the frequency ratio is plotted to analyze the
Magnification factor of an Undamped system
Case 1
 When ,the denominator is positive and the response is without change. The
harmonic response of the system is said to be in phase with the external force as
shown in Figure.
Case 2

 When the denominator is negative, and the steady-state solution can be

expressed as

 where the amplitude of motion X is redefined to be a positive quantity as

 Since and F(t) have opposite signs, the response is said to be 180° out of phase with
the external force. Further, as Thus the response of the system to a
harmonic force of very high frequency is close to zero.
Case 3

 When the amplitude X becomes infinite. This condition, for which the forcing
frequency ω is equal to the natural frequency of the system is called resonance. To find
the response for this condition, we rewrite Equation as

 Since the last term of this equation takes an indefinite form for we apply
L’Hospital’s rule to evaluate the limit of this term:

 Thus the response of the system at resonance becomes

Total response
Beating Phenomenon

 If the forcing frequency is close to, but not exactly equal to, the natural frequency of the
system, a phenomenon known as beating may occur.
 In this kind of vibration, the amplitude builds up and then diminishes in a regular pattern.
 The phenomenon of beating can be explained by considering the solution of the equation
of motion.
 If the initial conditions are taken as reduce to;

 Let the forcing frequency ω be slightly less than the natural frequency:

 where is a small positive quantity. Then and

 Multiplying of the equations gives;


 Since is small, the function varies slowly; its period, equal to

is large. Thus the equation may be seen as representing vibration with period
and of variable amplitude equal to

 The time between the points of zero amplitude or the points of maximum amplitude is
called the period of beating and is given by
Determination of Mass from Known Harmonic
 A spring-mass system, with a spring stiffness of 5,000 N/m, is subjected to a harmonic
force of magnitude 30 N and frequency 20 Hz. The mass is found to vibrate with an
amplitude of 0.2 m. Assuming that vibration starts from rest determine the
mass of the system.

Since the amplitude of vibration is known to be 0.2 m,

m = 0.2976 kg
Damped system
Particular solution
Things to notice

 If ζ = 0, undamped equations result

 Steady state solution prevails for large t

 Often we ignore the transient term (how large is ζ, how long is t?)

 Coefficients of transient terms (constants of integration) are effected by the initial

conditions AND the forcing function
Maximum amplitude and phase
Magnitude plot
characteristics of the magnification factor (M)
Phase plot
Characteristics of the phase angle
Homogenous solution
Three possibilities
Over damped
Under damped
Total solution
Total Response of a System
Quality Factor and Bandwidth

 For small values of damping we can take

 The value of the amplitude ratio at resonance is also called Q factor or quality factor of the
system, in analogy with some electrical-engineering applications, such as the tuning circuit
of a radio, where the interest lies in an amplitude at resonance that is as large as possible.
Response of a Damped System Under the
Harmonic Motion of the Base
 Sometimes the base or support of a spring-mass-damper system undergoes harmonic
motion, as shown in Figure.

 Let y(t) denote the displacement of the base and x(t) the displacement of the mass from its
static equilibrium position at time t.

 Then the net elongation of the spring is and the relative velocity between the two
ends of the damper is
Free Body Diagram
Equation of motion
 From the free-body diagram shown in Figure, we obtain the equation of motion:

This shows that giving excitation to the base is equivalent to applying a harmonic force of
magnitude A to the mass.
Particular solution
Magnitude X/Y
Displacement Transmissibility
Noted from the figure of displacement
Phase angle
Force transmitted
Force transmitted curve
Relative motion
Relative motion curve
Vehicle Moving on a Rough Road
Response of a Damped System Under Rotating
Equation of motion & Solution
Forced Vibration with Coulomb Damping

 We can expect that if the dry-friction damping force is large, the motion of the mass will
be discontinuous.

 On the other hand, if the dry-friction force is small compared to the amplitude of the
applied force the steady-state solution is expected to be nearly harmonic.

 In this case, we can find an approximate solution for the equation by finding an equivalent
viscous-damping ratio.

 where the amplitude can be found from


 Substituting

To avoid imaginary values of X, we need to have

Phase angle

Forced Vibration with Hysteresis Damping

 From figure, the equation of motion can be derived

 The steady-state solution can be assumed as

 Substituting, we obtained


 The amplitude ratio attains its maximum value at the resonant frequency in the case of
hysteresis damping, while it occurs at a frequency below resonance in the case of viscous
Exercise 1
 Derive the equation of motion and find the steady-state solution of the system shown in
Figure, for rotational motion about the hinge O for the following data: k=5000N/m, l = 1
m, m = 10 kg, M0 = 100 N-m, w = 1000 rpm.
Exercise 2

 Consider a spring-mass-damper system with k = 4000 N/m, m = 10 kg, and c= 40 N-s/m.

Find the steady-state and total responses of the system under the harmonic force F(t) = 200
cos 10t N and the initial conditions
Exercise 3

 The base of a damped spring-mass system, with m = 25 kg and is subjected to a harmonic

excitation y(t) = Y0 coswt. The amplitude of the mass is found to be 0.05 m when the base
is excited at the natural frequency of the system with Y0 = 0.01 m. Determine the damping
constant of the system.
Exercise 4

 A fixed-fixed steel beam, of length 5 m, width 0.5 m, and thickness 0.1 m, carries an
electric motor of mass 75 kg and speed 1200 rpm, as shown in the Figure. A rotating force
of magnitude F0 = 5000 N is developed due to the unbalance in the rotor of the motor.
Find the amplitude of steady-state vibrations by disregarding the mass of the beam. What
will be the amplitude if the mass of the beam is considered?
Exercise 5

 A spring-mass system with m = 25 kg and k = 10 kN/m vibrates on a horizontal surface

with coefficient of friction mm = 0.3. Under a harmonic force of frequency 8 Hz, the
steady state vibration of the mass is found to be 0.2 m. Determine the equivalent viscous-
damping constant of the system.

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