Cell Structure and Function - Science - 9th Grade by Slidesgo

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- Maira Sharma
What is Endomembrane System
- While many of the membrane bound organelles have their distinct features, function and
structure, many of these are put together as an endomembrane system because their
functions are coordinated.
- This system includes organelles such as endoplasmic reticulum, golgi complex, lysosomes
and vacuoles.
- Since the functions of the mitochondria, chloroplast and peroxisomes are not coordinated
with these organelles they are not a part of the endomembrane system.
- This is a network of tubular structure scattered in the
cytoplasm – Restricted near the nucleus
- The ER divides the intracellular space into 2
compartments, the luminal (inside the ER) and extra
luminal (cytoplasm).
- Rough endoplasmic reticulum bears ribosomes on its
surface. RER is involved in protein synthesis and
- Smooth endoplasmic reticulum does not bear
ribosomes on its surface. SER is involved in lipid
synthesis and steroidal hormones.
• Golgi apparatus was first observed by
Camillo Golgi in 1898 near nucleus. They
consist of many flat, disc-shaped sacs or
cisternae stacked parallel to each other.
• Golgi apparatus performs the function of
packaging of materials and its transportation.
A number of protein synthesized by
ribosomes are modified in cisternae of Golgi
apparatus. Golgi apparatus is the site for
synthesis of Glycoproteins and glycolipids.
- Vacuoles are membrane-bound space found in
- Lysosomes are membrane-bound vesicular cytoplasm containing water, sap and excretory
structures formed by the process of packaging product.
in the Golgi apparatus. - They are bound by single membrane. They form
- They are rich in hydrolytic enzymes- lipase, contractile vacuole and food vacuole in many
protease, carbohydrases active at acidic PH. organisms.
- These enzymes are capable of digesting - In plant cells, vacuoles can occupy up to 90% of
the volumes of the cell.
carbohydrates, proteins, lipids, and nucleic - In plants the tonoplast facilitates the transport of a
acids. number of ions and other materials against
concentration gradients into the vacuole, which is
why their concentration is significantly higher in
the vacuole than in the cytoplasm.
- In amoeba the contractile vacuole is important for
osmoregulation and excretion
- In many cells food vacuoles are formed by
engulfing food particles
- Mitochondria is double membrane-bound structure with the outer membrane
and inner membrane dividing its lumen in two compartments.
- The inner membrane forms a number of infoldings called cristae towards the
- Two membranes have their own specific enzyme.
- Mitochondria are sites for aerobic respiration.
- They produce cellular energy in form of ATP so, they are called power
house of the cells.
- The matrix of mitochondria also contain circular DNA molecules, a few RNA
molecules, ribosomes and components of protein synthesis.
- Plastids are found in plant cells and in Euglenoids.
- Chloroplast contains chlorophyll that traps solar energy for photosynthesis.
Chromoplast provides yellow, orange and red colours to different parts of
- Leucoplasts are colourless plastids that store food, amyloplasts
(carbohydrates), elaioplasts (oils) and aleuroplasts (proteins).
- Chloroplasts are double membrane structures. The space limited by inner
membrane is called stroma. Thylakoids are present in stroma as stacks like
the piles of coins called grana.
- Ribosomes are specialized cell organelles and are found in both
prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells.
- Ribosomes are found inside the cytosol of the cell. Ribosomes are
composed of two subunits – smaller and larger.
- The mRNA binds and is decoded in the smaller subunit and the
amino acids get added in the larger subunit.

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